The Gruesome Truth About Gibbeting: Explored

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Gibbeting was a particularly gruesome form of punishment that aimed to serve as a deterrent to others. The bodies of the executed were often left hanging in the gibbet for weeks or months as a warning to the public.

Over time, the use of gibbets declined, and they were eventually replaced by more humane methods of execution. Today, gibbets are primarily used as historical landmarks or tourist attractions, reminding us of a dark chapter in our history.

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00:00 - Intro
00:48 - A Brief History of the Gibbet
07:25 - The Murderous Deeds of Broomham and Newman
09:17 - Gibbets Across the Globe
11:50 - Ghost Stories
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Always trust the testimony of someone nicknamed "Mad Thomas"


This video was so professionally done it could be on tv. I truly appreciate it. Thank you very much. Very informative.


Man, you click on one torture video and the algorithm just goes nuts with these things.


Such a pleasure to watch a professionally done You Tube video that isn't click bait. I really appreciated the fact that I didn't have to wait through 3 or 4 commercials on the opening. Thank you, sincerely.


i know this'll probably never be seen but this channel is genuinely a comfort for me.. i love learning about history and this guy genuinely feels like an old teacher i had and was close with so its just a very comforting channel for me :) good video, good work, please never stop producing content


I'm British and wasn't aware of the many definitions/meanings/ways of `gibbeting`😕. The vast number of places called Gibbet Hill there are in England is now truly alarming!😧


Captain Kidd was gibbeted too, that's him at 5.42... He was neither a very malignant nor successful pirate. Above all he had bad luck, he was a Royal Navy Officer and never intended to be a pirate in first place; his story is worth reading.


As gruesome as the gibbeting was, even more unsettling to me is the fact that people flocked to see the sight.


"The things we did before YouTube". ~ Scathingly funny!

I haven't looked up how long you've been doing these, I only just found you just a few days ago. After the first two I subscribed. You're the only channel of this type of reporting that I trust to be completely honest reporting to best of what must be comprehensive research on your part. Your story telling is marvelous. I only had one history teacher that would have rivaled you in his research of American History. Mr. Macilwayne. He made history come alive. He didn't regurgitate facts except at test time, at which he would give us on the projector all the facts we were by Board of Education required to know. We would go home and memorize and then reguritate on the test paper next day. I was the history itself that he taught us though class discussions were he would answer our questions about WHY certain events had occured. He would tell us about the personal back histories of historical figures, etc. Nothing was taboo in our discussions. It was like a private history club of 14 and 15 year olds.


You're right on point with your joke about YT. The amount of animal abuse, fake rescue or presenting kids in wrong moments is also cruel... Great video, you are a really gifted storyteller 😊


There’s an old tale describing the adventures of some Christian seafarers whose ship was wrecked on a remote and unknown island, and who set out to explore it in some trepidation thinking it may be inhabited by hostile savages or worse still, cannibals. The first thing they set eyes on as they moved inland was the rotting corpse of a man hanging in a gibbet. Nothing could have given them greater relief or comfort, for it proved that Christians had been there before.


What always fascinates me about these things is how they relate to other things that happened the same time. Symphonies were written for orchestras when people were burned on the stake for being witches. And railroads could pass by a gibbeted body. It's just mind-blowing to consider.


I was playing Dragon Age: Inquisition recently and had the option of sentencing a prisoner to gibbet. I chose to do it because I didn't know what it meant and thought it was a funny word. I was very confused when most people disapproved of my decision.


You are my favorite history channel. I so appreciate the work, honesty, and attention to accurate detail. You talk about awful things, yes, but you don't make it a joke or a circus. We so need to learn from history. We need to stop repeating the same monstrous acts in the name of public safety. You are a treasure. Thank you.🧐


You know, I'd heard the word gibbet, but never really knew what it meant. How gruesome. Thanks for teaching me something new today!


I knew about gibbits, from a pirate book that spoke about Captain Kidd and how his corpse was hung for all civilization to see after he was hanged by the noose for being a pirate, and saw it again in the 2nd Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Just goes to show that humanity doesn't need any imagination for gruesome ends - we provide too much ourselves! Thank you for this educational video. History may be gruesome, cruel and disturbing, but we as a people NEED to learn History so we dare not repeat it!


Great vid, but I’m surprised there was not more talk of the psychological torture of being gibbeted alive. Exposed to the elements, uncomfortable and unable to sleep, one slowly thirsted and starved to death in public view, knowing one’s body would remain and decompose where it is.


I have only watched this one video, but that was one of the best videos I’ve watched on Youtube. So professional and you are a great story teller. I was hooked instantly, as I love history.


I went to a torture museum in Spain once and it was said that the convicted were put in these cages alive until they died! But the very worst execution was where a person if convicted of perversion was hung upside down with legs spread apart while he was sawn from the groin cowards with a tree saw like implement, it said that being that they were upside down the brain would keep on functioning until the sawing was as far down as the chest bone until they died from the shock or had passed out…..Truly horrific!


The quality of this video is just incredible. Everything being so detailed and the host's voice are just perfection. I am already ready to binge a whole lot of these videos.
