10 Healthy Pregnancy TIPS | Self-Care, Digestion, & Nutrition Habits

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Today I'm sharing 10 tips for a healthy pregnancy and daily habits that I've been practicing throughout my pregnancy to help me feel my best. I chat about nutrition, self-care, supporting digestion, sleep, mental health, pelvic floor and more!





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Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and does not substitute or replace medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own. This description contains affiliate links, which means that if purchases are made when clicked, I’ll receive a small commission. Thank you!

Meghan Livingstone, CNP
Certified Holistic Nutritionist

#healthyhabits #pregnancy
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i’m due in a week. i’ve had a very uneventful pregnancy so far and since i just turned 37 i was concerned with potential risks. you covered a lot of important issues and while i never had any of the typical symptoms i want to say that pregnancy can just be very painful and uncomfortable (in my case everything from ribs all the way down to hips aches) one recommendation i have for everybody is: work out every day. walk a lot too, but make sure you work out as much as you can, because it will help with your pain management and other potential complications. the worst thing you can do is to lay down and be inactive all day, it will just make you even more achey. i know it’s hard, especially as your due date is approaching, but take it from me - once you’re done with your daily session, your body will thank you. and if you’re planning to get get pregnant, try getting in shape before that. i’ve seen so many women struggle with pain, health problems, excessive weight gain, being unable to move, etc...unless it’s for medical reason related to pregnancy complication, do yourself a favor and keep active no matter how hard it feels. and it’s probably going to start feeling hard at some point. also, hip pain is fairly common in pregnancy - chiropractor helped a lot in my case as well.


My son is 6 months. I found pregnancy made me sleep like a rock, I am lucky! I had a pregnancy pillow and used it once and hated it. I found staying active right until the end of pregnancy really helps with recovery.


Hot tea with pieces of fresh ginger in it has been my savior!


Love this! I'm currently 24 weeks pregnant and have definitely had ups and downs. Some things I try to do regularly is drink lots of water, get some exercise or stretching, and focus on just being gentle with myself. With all of the focus on my body, it is hard not to compare or be self conscious so I try to focus on how grateful I am to be able to carry this little one. 💖💖


I’m in my first trimester now and this was incredibly helpful!


I’m 23 weeks pregnant and so far exercise has been making me feel really great. Lots of stretching and drinking a lot of water. I also feel best when I have a salad each day and fruit for snacks.


Thanks so much Meghan,

it is so refreshing to hear from someone who not only knows what she is talking about but instead of telling us what to do, shares what has worked for her.

I am delighted to find this video and will be passing on the link to my young friend who could really do with this kind of peer support.

Bless you Meghan,

with all good wishes for you and your baby,

warmest regards,

Karen in Cambridge


31 weeks here! Yoga and swimming have been amazing for my hips. It's so nice seeing your pregnancy experience blossom too!


What habits have helped you feel your best during pregnancy? ❤


I have constant sciatic hip and tailbone pain in my second pregnancy. So I totally get how you feel! I saw a pelvic floor therapist after my first pregnancy and keep thinking to myself that I need to go now while I'm still at the tail end of my second trimester so I can make sure I'm ready for labor. Thanks for the reminder for that! Also, thank you for being so upfront with people about the normalcies of how pregnancy changes our bodies and how important it is to be gentle with ourselves. My first pregnancy I didn't get any stretch marks till about 3 weeks before I was due and this time I've had stretch marks starting in new areas since probably about 12 or 14 weeks. After having one child already it's honestly the last thing on my mind and I think more women need to understand their beauty and their strength because of their pregnancies and because of creating their children. I'm sure that some people take some time to adjust to the changes and that's 100% okay but I'm thankful for your positive interjection to those topics because it's so needed in our society


Avocado toast with an egg has been a huge craving of mine this pregnancy!


Thank you for sharing this informative video. I decided to watch this because I was interested in becoming a certified health coach for women during their pregnancies. I was informed that there aren't too many opportunities out there for certified health coaches in this particular area, but this video have increased my interest again to specialize in working with women during their pregnancies and the year after. I mainly put it on hold because I was told it is hard to find employment in the field if you're not already working in an environment that provide services to them


This is a very informative post, and I think it will be very useful for others who are interested in this topic


Awesome video, thanks! I think it’s very important to raise awareness about pregnancy and all related subjects. We are trying our best here to help others, too. ❤❤


Wow getting so close! Not sure if you remember me when you announced your pregnancy I said we were started to TTC and we are unfortunately still trying! Which definitely came as a surprise to us as we had 2 babies without much trying! But that’s okay! 😊 so happy for you and can’t wait to see (if you’d decide to share anyway) little tiny girl!💖


I love how gentle you are talking. The whole video is very calm and i really needed this calm push to help find a good pregnancy routine to keep myself and the baby healthy and happy❤


This is very helpful! Thank you so much for sharing!


Great video Meghan. I'm way past child bearing days but you have some helpful tips for those that are.❤


Love your videos! What do you recommend nutrition wise for someone pregnant who has gallbladder stones and had gallbladder issues last pregnancy? Any foods to eat more of or stay away from?


Thank you. Just found out my wife’s pregnant with our first child…
