The 70+ BEST Jobs for Autistic People

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📖 *Books I'd Recommend about Autism 📖 :

Unmasked by Ellie Middleton

Different not Less by Chloe Hayden (read if you want to cry):

*These are affiliate links. The channel will receive a small commission if you buy anything on Amazon after clicking through these links. There's no extra cost to you!

DISCLAIMER: I am a second-year psychology student and a late-diagnosed #actuallyautistic individual. I am not a qualified healthcare professional.
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I hope this video was at least a little bit helpful!

Thank you so much for being here! Feeling super stressed out about moving at the moment, but very glad I have this channel to focus on 💛

P.S. if you want to apply for my video editing position, the link is in the description! 🐌


I didn't *hear* a bunch of scary statistics about autism and employment. I became one.


I’m a successful forensic scientist. You usually get left alone at a crime scene to do things however you think best. 10/10 would recommend.


6:04 GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) jobs FTW. Academic Librarian here.


After 47 years of being alive. This year I finally have a job with benefits as a stage manager for a symphony and a production manager for a music festival


Im autistic and i own a small plant nursery. I regularly have people comment about my cheerful infodumping about the specific plants they are buying, and them seeing that as incredible customer service :)


The best job I ever had as a neurodivergent person was being a certificate producer at the University of Toronto. I loved it because it was structured, quiet, I had my own office, and all I had to do was print, pack, and mail out certificates. There were even days when I didn't have anything to print, so I could just hang out in my office to read, write, or doodle in my sketchbook. Plus, the people were so kind!

Alas, it was a contract position, so it could only last for so long. I miss that job.


The problem for me is not the jobs themselves, but the job searching process. It feels like I am expected to lie, to play a weird social game that goes against all my instincts and values. People will see my qualifications and be happy with them, but then hear my voice and decide I'm not enthusiastic enough to hire. I'll be instantly rejected for jobs I fit perfectly except for having 3x more experience than they're asking for. The whole system is so incredibly hostile to me, as an autistic person, I feel like I'm almost forced to go self employed, but I don't think I have good odds of making a living that way.


I ALWAYS wanted to work in a factory on an assembly line! I love REPETITIVE ACTIVITIES! Laminating, alphabetizing, categorizing, sorting. It’s one thing I think my autism makes me great at 😊


As an autistic with a job, the job i currently work at is high physical demand i cannot keep forever, its becoming impossible to do the job.
Im a commercial janitor, so high work outs for 5 dollars more than minimum wage. It doesn't help that i have asthma and pots, so i faint on the job. 😅
But i finally got disability and im currently a part timer, so i fill the job for anyone that got sick or ingered which happens alot. 😅😅😅


IT infrastructure and network engineering. Highly recommend, especially if you can get on the projects side or night shift with a NOC/SOC. 👍


The problem that I face is that the interview process includes nonsense questions:

"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"
"I don't even know where I'll be in 15 minutes. There's a Burger King down the street and I could go for a burger, but there's also a pizza place... ooh maybe I want Chinese?"


"What's your greatest strength"


"What's your greatest weakness"
"Answering stupid questions during interviews"


There are plenty of jobs that a portion of autistic people can do well or even thrive at. The problem is the modern interview is basically a can you act neurotypical for 30-60 minutes test often with very little relation to any of the actual duties of the job


After you mentioned technical writing, I went down a rabbit hole and I've found my dream job - thank
I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to do any job, after researching many different careers and not finding anything suitable. But now I have this - I can do non-fiction, explanatory writing (my special interest) about science (my other special interest). ❤
We just gotta make it there now...😂


Just to respond to your line in the stay-at-home parent section of "have people really been doing this since the beginning of time?" No! They haven't! Our modern conception of nuclear families where the mom and dad do everything without any support is SUPER NEW, historically speaking. If you go back more than a couple hundred years, the norm was for extended families and neighbours to all join together to help raise children. (Which is where the saying "it takes a village to raise a child" comes from.) You'd often be living either with or very close to aunts, grandparents, cousins, etc., all of whom would help raise children together. No wonder modern parents are so exhausted! This was never supposed to be the job for just one or two people!


There's a company in my city that specifically hires autistic people for work that tends to align with autistic strengths.


I used to want to be a mortician due to my lack of squeamishness, but now want to work in some sort of field regarding archaeology from the classical period of Greece. Ancient Greece is my special interest I'm one of those people who writes essays for fun. Maybe one day I'll write a book on it. Who knows.


Transcription is a nice solitary, easy one for autistic, introvert, people who don't really like teamwork etc. Can be done at home or in an office, flexible hours, pay isn't bad either


Just not Amazon for warehouses. Worst three years of my life. Had such severe burnout that six years later I'm only just now working full time again after switching between part time work, gig work, and unemployment during that timeframe. Not a fun time 😢


Autistic ex teacher here. I taught mainstream secondary for 5 years and then I was an autism specialist teacher for 2 years. Sadly I could not recommend it as a career to my autistic peers. Whilst I did love it in many ways and I was good at it, the hours are far too long and the pressure is far too much. It can break down the most resilient person and as an autistic person you will just find yourself living in a cycle of burnout and recovery until your physical and mental health is completely damaged and depleted. 💔
