Understanding Cardiovascular Disease: Visual Explanation for Students

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We cover cardiovascular disease in this episode. As part of that we talk about atherosclerosis, risk factors, end results of cardiovascular disease such as angina, strokes and myocardial infarction, primary prevention, secondary prevention and statins. It is explained with the help of images and animations.

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DISCLAIMER: This video is for education and entertainment only, and is not medical advice. This video should NOT be used for medical advice or to guide clinical practice. The Zero to Finals content should not be used in any way to guide medical decision making. Zero to Finals takes no responsibility for any actions taken or not taken based on the information provided. Local and national guidelines and senior clinicians are there to help you make decisions, not YouTube videos. If you need medical advice or information, seek it from an appropriately trained and licenced doctor or healthcare provider that can address your individual needs. Zero to Finals cannot guarantee the accuracy of information in this video. Please highlight any errors you notice in the comments below - thank you.
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Thank you - This was well produced and at 62 years old am checking that my body is in reasonable shape for the next 30 or so years!!! The details are REALLY well presented - explaining things in a snappy steady pace


The Video was very informative. Most cardiovascular diseases are chronic conditions that expand or persist over a long time frame.


Thank you for a very clear explanation of Cardiovascular disease.


this is amazing. this video is only 8 minutes long and I feel prepared for my test LOL


Mention of cause? And nutritional changes in diet for prevention?


Zero to final, Wow! As senior clinician i have been really encouraged by your lectures.
I feel know i have to contirbute my fair share to the world of Medical Science. Thus, I have uploaded my first PPT based video.


This was the best Heart Disease video that I have watched on You Tube.


I understood this presentation thoroughly, because I am living the dream of the secondary prevention measures.


my GP, recommended I have a CTCA, based on my age (59), long Hx of well controlled HT and Shane Warne's tragic cardiac event. I'm relatively fit & active with no symptoms at all. Lucky I have moderate coronary artery disease with calcium score of 194. Carita & Lipitor for test was unremarkable. I dodged a bullet. My GP is brilliant.


Thank you for the concise and the clear explanation


08:06 Benefits outweighs the risks.

Well, stastistically yes. But not on an individual level. And as a doctor you are always treating individuals. Very important to remember!


I have a habit of eating unhealthy foods and my blood pressure is high. Could that be why?


this channel makes my studies waay way more fun


Saying that statins are well tollerated and have only these three (rare - sic!) side-effects in face of clinical trials is abuse of the sound mind. The more important two other side-effects are: significant increase in overall mortality rate, including higher rate of deaths due to cancer and pulmonary inflammation, and significant increase of morbidity of Alzheimer Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment. As for toleration. Even in clinical trials about 30% of patients in intervention group is removed from the statin study due to unacceptable for patient side-effects.


The Presentation was good, yet the details are IMPORTANT, particularly for scenarios of patients that has MULTIPLE DX, Cardiovascular disease should be treated by expertise, as to CARDIOLOGIST and BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA-PULMONOLOGIST, since the ailments are multiple DX. ELECTRONIC and Partner Industries-Tiers 1 and 2, Levels 1 and 2 Employers and Employees Realization of statistics regarding Multiple DX, DX as well as RX to be administered for each case/DX. Respectively:SME-Manage Manager(s). ****IMPORTANT****


Cholesterol is in your entire circulatory system. Why is there clogging of the ARTERIES close to the heart and not in the veins or capillaries in your nose, ear or knee?
This is because the pumping of the heart can cause hairline cracks. Blood pressure is highest in this area. These hairline cracks are repaired by a sticky substance LP(a), to prevent from getting worse.

Why don't animals have cardiovascular disease?
Almost all animals produce large amounts of vitamin C in their liver.
On average 35 mg/kg body weight. So we have to take at least about 3000 mg of vitamin C ourselves because humans cannot make vitamin C. You get strong collagen tissue, strong connective tissue, strong arteries. Hairline cracks no longer form and arterial plaque is removed and burned in the liver.

Repair with cholesterol is therefore a consequence of a deficiency of vitamin C.
So do not take statins, but vitamin C in a high dose: at least 3 grams, better: 6 to 10 grams
Source: Cardiovascular disease and vitamin C (Dr. Rath Foundation)


He said poor sleep and I’m out. Going to sleep now.


Thank you, zero to finals! I am so grateful for these videos.


I disagree with your non modifiable factor because epigenetics have changed conventional way of thinking that because someone had cancer in there family that everyone else will have it in the future which is not the case. It is a condition that can be changed.


It's difficult to see from the first five minutes of the video why statins would help. Statins are taken to reduce blood cholesterol but the video doesn't even mention cholesterol as a cause of CVD. What's the mechanism?
