What Happens During A Heart Attack? - What is Coronary Heart Disease?

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What is Coronary Heart Disease? Coronary heart disease or CHD refers to a narrowing of the coronary arteries, the blood vessels that supply oxygen and blood to the heart.

It is also known as coronary artery disease and it is the leading cause of death worldwide. It is a major cause of illness and death. Coronary heart disease normally happens when fatty deposits called cholesterol accumulates on the artery walls, creating plaques. The arteries narrow, reducing blood flow to the heart.

Sometimes, a clot can obstruct the flow of blood to the heart muscle. CHD commonly causes angina pectoris (chest pain), shortness of breath, myocardial infarction, or heart attack. A heart attack is the sudden slowing or stopping of contractions of the heart muscles. This could be due to malfunction of the cardiac muscles. Part of the heart muscle dies due to lack of oxygen. Heart attacks can also lead to death.

CHD can also be caused by hypertension, coronary thrombosis, arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis. Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure, it is when our blood pressure, the force of blood flowing through your blood vessels, is consistently too high. Coronary thrombosis is forming of blood clot or thrombus in the artery. It is most likely to occur in narrow arteries. Arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis is the narrowing and hardening of arteries.

This happens due to cholesterol deposition on them. Most of the blocks in the artery are caused by a combination of atheroma and thrombus. When this bloackage occurs it is called coronary occlusion.

Causes of Coronary Heart Disease

CHD can be caused due to unhealthy lifestyle habits and even genetics. Certain mutations in the genes are linked to this disease. A study published in PLOS in 2017, even linked CHD to food preparation on high heat. Unhealthy diet rich in cholesterol and saturated fats, leads to high blood cholesterol level.

Smoking increases heart rate and blood pressure, this causes blood to clot more easily. Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke replaces some of the oxygen in our blood. This increases our blood pressure and heart rate by forcing our heart to work harder to supply enough oxygen.

Women who smoke and take birth control pills are at greater risk of having a heart attack or stroke than are those who do not smoke or take birth control pills, because both can increase the risk of blood clots. Tobacco has toxins, which reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. Stress releases adrenaline, which increases heart rate and blood pressure.


A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help protect your heart. Aim to eat beans, low-fat or fat-free dairy products, lean meats, and fish as part of a healthy diet. Avoid too much salt and sugars in your diet. Limiting certain fats you eat also is important. Exercise regularly and maintain weight. Stop or do not start smoking. Avoid all forms of tobacco use, as all are equally harmful. Reduce stress in your life.

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00:00 What is coronary heart disease (CHD)?
00:22 Related diseases and symptoms
01:35 Causes of CHD
02:44 Prevention
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I am a physician. This is misleading. It is not a high cholesterol diet that causes the accumulation of cholesterol leading to the plaque. It is the damage to the artery walls caused by the sugar in the blood that damages the artery wall leading to inflammation. The cholesterol then accumulates as it repairs the damage the sugar caused. So blaming the cholesterol is like blaming the fire truck for the house fire. There are two types of plaque: hard and soft. A hard plaque is an accumulation of fat that has calcified. It is likely old, slowly developed, and not actively inflamed. This usually does not cause symptoms until the artery narrows enough for the person to develop symptoms of decreased blood flow with activity. This appears to be the minority of the heart attack cases and will typically be found ahead of time with stress tests and CT scans (ie .Coronary Calcium Score). A soft plaque is not calcified, usually represents active inflammation, and if it ruptures, leads to clotting that closes off the artery. This is responsible for about 75% of heart attacks. These people often pass their stress tests and routine CT scans, then go out and run a marathon with their clean bill of health and get a heart attack. It can be detected with a specialized CT scan called a CT coronary angiogram.
So now one must use common sense vs nonsensical medical dogma. If the cause of the cholesterol buildup is inflammation caused by sugar, NOT some random accumulation of cholesterol caused by diet, how should one combat against coronary artery disease? If cholesterol is required to repair arterial wall damage caused by sugar what will happen if you don't have enough cholesterol in your diet? This is why there are MULTIPLE studies that show that people over the age of 60 with high LDL live longer than those with low LDL. The benefit is not just for the heart as LDL is needed for your immune system and combats Alzheimer's. There are several types of LDL and it is the Small Dense LDL which is associated with damaging arterial walls. You can decrease your Small Dense LDL volume with A HIGH FAT LOW CARB DIET and with saturated fats, and you will increase your Small Dense LDL with a LOW FAT DIET. The medical science has demonstrated this for over 10 years so it is frustrating to see that recent articles and videos, like the one above, are still giving people bad advice. Even more irritating, in the same articles that prove that high fat, low carb diets are beneficial and high carb diets are not, will then go on and promote some poorly designed study touting a high fruit and vegetable diet! It is no wonder why the average person is so confused!


My dad walked in the ambulance 29/11/2022 because of bad breathing and just passed away on way to hospital, they couldn't get him back! They said he had this


Thank you so much brother, for Ur explanation, I lov the way u present everything 👍


Thank you for this video friend!!!! exactly the knowledge I needed.
People might disagree and that's OK!! DONT just yay and amen to everything, medicine especially if you get told by 1 Dr!!! EDUCATE YOURSELF. KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON IN YOUR BODY. PAIN MANAGEMENT PLEASE MAKE SURE, MAKE 10 DOUBLE SURE WHAT THEY GIVE YOU BEFORE HAND... GREAT VIDEO LIKE THIS IS A MUST!!!!


Thank u so much sir, for this type of video
Easily understandable


The animation!!!
This video is so underrated


Make sure to keep on moving with be the best ❤


Please can you upload your new video on muscular system


Dietary cholestol was proven to NOT be realted to blood serum cholesterol many years ago. So in that regard go nuts....


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what is the app used to make this cartoon?? I hope that you will reply soon


This disease can be fatal if not treated well. Every ailment depends on the lifestyle of a person and everyone should follow a healthy lifestyle along with correct medication . You can prefer planet Ayurveda's for treatment in natural ways and manufacturing products with no side effects. You can order diabetes and thinner you pack from online store too.


No! 🖐🏽 to cholesterol ! And saturated fats !


Find away to reduce stress in ur life! Easier said than done buddy!!!


Time. To. Eat. French Fries. And. Chips.
Im. So. Done. With. Life. At. 28.
See you all on the other


Stay away from Margarine and don't smoke, period. Marijuana smoke is just as bad as tobacco smoke.


enjoy life we all die one day death is awaiting us all my friends


I have ischemic heart disease at the age of 25. 😞


And know a about heart attack today


Soubhan'Allah, is vaping more dangerous than smoking? İ dont think so, but the nicotine contained in vaping juice's also up the blood pressure, barak Allah'ou fik, love you for Allah
