Labrador Retriever Puppy Training Guide - First Week Puppy Training❤️

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In this video, we'll give you a Labrador Retriever puppy training guide that you can use for your first day home as well as for the first week home with your Labrador Retriever puppy. We have been seeing so many people here on the channel talking about preparing for their new puppy to come home, and in this video, you will see a few of the exercises you can do as soon as your puppy arrives in your home. These foundational training exercises will be important for teaching your Lab puppy "how to learn", as well as to begin building some value for YOU! These first steps in your Labrador Retriever training will set your puppy up to learn things faster, as well as teaching your puppy that there is lots of value in putting some effort in when it comes to working with you!

We Now Have A Puppy Essentials Training Program Online!

Chapters In This Video
00:00 Start
0:29 Loading The Yes
2:01 Response To Name
3:25 Taking Food Gently
4:46 Snuggle Time
4:56 Toy Training
6:54 BONUS
7:40 Toy Training Part 2
8:18 Restrained Recall
9:08 Taking The Collar
10:57 Intro To Crate

We Also Have A Podcast!

Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken
#puppytraining #labradorretriever
Рекомендации по теме

I said yes so much to my puppy now he sits every time i say yes


Im getting a chocolate lab in 6 weeks, and I'm watching everything I need to know in my spare time. IM SO


Does anybody watch these types of vids even tho they don't have a puppy and probably isn't getting one for at least a few years
Just me?? 🙃


I have a 4 month old Black Lab. He is such a good boy! Doesn't bark, pretty calm, and is so loving. Husband and I are always with him. Puppy has a good life.


Best lab puppy training video that I've come across. It's detailed, well-paced with sufficient repetitions. And most importantly it depicts the miss and slips which happen in real life while training the pup. Not like some other videos where the dog responds right from first time through the last without erring. I especially loved the trainer...she has a very personal connect with the puppy and that's clearly visible in her voice modulation and snuggle ❤


Just adopted a labrador puppy. He is 3 months old and I named him Oliver, he is absolutely adorable but only after 5 days I feel so overwhelmed and suffering from an extreme case of puppy blues. I get very anxious when I am trying to relax at home but he does nothing but chew on anything and everything be it pillows, the carpet, the floorboards, power wires for computers/TV that I've tried to hide away from him. I am eagerly attempting to train him but man is it a lot of work and coming home after a long day of work I often feel as though I am failing him as an owner and not properly rewarding him and teaching him. When he constantly bites my toes, ankles, hands, etc I try and hold him close and not be rough with him but sometimes I get frustrated when it doesn't seem to have an effect. I walk him about 6 times a day and try to wear him out but when I am home it is non stop and all I want is time for myself. I understand that it is my decision to adopt and completely put my life upside down and I must live by it. I have no intention of returning him, I wouldn't have it in me even if I wanted to, and I do love him. Going from having absolute freedom to feeling like I have none at all has been such a drastic change in my life that it feels overbearing, in fact I actually randomly started crying on the couch when thinking about it. I've told family and friends that the only time I get peace of mind is when I'm at work and away from him. But even after saying all of this he is asleep laying on the couch nestled up next to me and I am greatly comforted by his love towards me. I am all that he has in the world right now, and I feel so terrible when I think that I just need to get away for a few hours or a day when he spends his day looking forward to when I finally step through that door.

I wrote this in a time of extreme anxiety over being a brand new puppy owner to vent my own personal feelings about my situation and somewhat as a warning to people looking to become first time puppy owners who may not be entirely prepared for it. Even if you think you are, prepare more. I just know when he matures and calms down just a tiny bit that I will be so happy and grateful that I stuck through it and have a companion who loves me unconditionally and is always happy to see me. That thought alone warms my heart immensely and brings me great joy even if I want to tear my hair out currently lol. I will do my best to give him the best life I can and I hope that all of my venting shows how much I truly care about him. Be responsible everyone and give your pups an extra kiss on the head.


I’m reading the comments and I’m so happy I’m not the only one struggling with their lab. I’m motivated once again to get to work thank you all!


Getting a golden retriever puppy in 3 weeks and can’t wait to start puppy essentials with you guys! ❤️


I have EXACTLY a Labrador Retriever, and I'm watching this because she bites and often misbehaves. She's here for around 4 weeks now, and the only thing I've taught her is to climb up and down the staircase, and to sit. (I've noticed she only sits down when i have food around, but there are times when she does sit even without food! I love her hehe) Now I'm teaching her how to stay put. (it's working a little)

Now, I've watched this video while eating, and after i was done, i grabbed treats and did the third trick! First, she starts biting, but i pull away immediately. The third and many other turns, she started licking or sniffing only. Thank you! It's working. I played with her after, and now she's exhausted. I will try the other tricks soon~ Thank you!


I’m getting a black lab in less then 2 weeks!!!! Can’t wait to train him which all the tips and ideas 💡 you gave me .👍👌🏻😁


I just got a lab puppy last Monday so its been a week today 🤣 wish I found this a week ago lol but he’s actually doing really good. Natural heel, settled in his crate after 2 nights, already knows treat lures, sit, down, focus, spin, and learning on leave it. Been using your potty training techniques to better improve my teaching skills to help him catch on and its going well!


I am getting a puppy in 1 week …. I have been asking my parents for a puppy from 1 year and finally they said yes… and that day is my best and happy day !! I cried of happiness….. soo just a week to my Labrador to come to me …. I am super excited


You're so cute and I love the way you interacting with the puppy... It's really so polite n relaxing 🥰


This puppy is a little angel. I am dying of too much cuteness. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I don't have a dog, but watching this video is so satisfying


I cannot express how graceful I am to your super informative video! I'm expecting my black lab puppy in 4 weeks from now and this is vital! Thank you, you guys are amazing!


Our trainer taught us a game to teach our new English lab puppy her name where we would throw the treat and say her name but we would only throw the treat again if she looked at us when we said her name, and then it just goes back n forth pretty fast….it’s a little confusing but she learned her name that way within 10 mins 😅


Love her teaching style and mannerisms!!!


That is one cute puppy! 😍 My yellow lab is 17 weeks old now and your Puppy Essential training program has been a huge help! 😄


You're such a lovely lady and soo good with puppies! thank you for all the very useful advices!
