Genesis 6 Sons of God: Jude & 2 Peter Explained

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FACT!! Jude and 2 Peter do not support the false teaching that angels are the sons of God in Genesis 6. See The Biblical Proof. Let Scripture Explain Scripture!!

This video will take a close examination of Jude 1:5-8 and also 2 Peter 2:4 along with Old Testament passages to prove that many have twisted the text of these passages to support the false belief that angels are the sons of God in Genesis 6.

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If the sons of God are singing during the creation of earth as written in Job, how can they be humans if the earth is not even created yet?


Refuteit, "You can fix stupid, only God can." I am so happy you have made these videos.


Amen! Great video! Mark 12:25
“For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.”


This is the absolute BEST explanation I have ever heard on 2 Peter and Jude 6! Thank you!


As soon as you said Lucifer I knew that you were going to explain the Bible with a heavy coating of Babylon. That being said, you are exactly right, in saying that Jude and 2 Peter are not speaking of Genesis 6.


38 Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.
Luke 3:38 KJV


ya u are right brother, the sons of God in genesis 6 are men NOT angels.


How can we explain that in Jude when says that "like these" is in masculine gender in Greek but Sodome is neutral and Gomorrah is in feminine. Angels are in masculine in Greek. So the term "like these" only have to refers back to the angels...How you see this??


Question, I noticed that Rev. 12 was referenced as a rebellion, and then implied that this rebellion I happened before the Fall. But the clear context of that scene is John describing The dragon trying to kill the Messiah, which happens 4000 years after Adam. How do you reconcile that? Curious.


Great video. When I first came to Christ so many Christians tried to push Enoch on me but I knew in the spirit it was not from God. I’m just not very good at explaining things. I will definitely be sharing and subscribing.
God bless you and yes indeed maranatha 🙏


If Giants came from humans how come there are no more Giants now a days because it seems like from Ezekiel 32:27 its hinting about Giants since they were seen as Warriors according to Genesis 6:4, So there used to be a time when Giants roamed the earth so what i find hard to point out is why Giants stopped existing if they were born out of the sons of God and Daughters of men.


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

So..obviously the verse above is telling you about the unseen realm that manifests in the physical. All the above is referring to Satan and his hierarchy of spirits.

Just so its undebatable :
"Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve."

So 'entered into' is the same as 'went into' in any rendering of meanings.

"And there was yet a battle in Gath, where there was a man of great stature, who had on every hand six fingers and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant."
2 Samuel21:20

So..Goliath is also known as "Goliath of Gath". Regardless of how anyone can try to debate it...this is not any ' natural deformity' scripture is taking about.
Some like to imagine..but you dont just get a 'race' from a few deformities.

The mighty men of old, were all you hear about...worldwide.
You can research any culture. Not everyone was a "giant" but God makes specific mention of things for specific reasons. A common thread though, is how many were "giants".

One can debate all day whether they were 3m high..5m high..What's important is the weaponry has been found and no single man can wield these..Whether 8 or 10 ft who some today might call 'giants'. These would still be tiny comparatively.

These are the parts in scripture atheists like to pick on. Oh..its an evil God! He said to kill everyone,   men..women. .children. .animals. .Burn everything!  God was wiping them out for a reason.

So, coming back to Genesis I say :

"There were giants on the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men who were of old, men of renown."

Giants ..the same were the products of genetic incursion into the women.
I dont read "in unto the daughters of men" as "Angels had physical sex with women" simply because they cannot transform to actual procreative beings..But they can appear undetectably "human".

From then, to now..everything is about genetic manipulation. I shall say their ovarian tampering resulted in the genetic disaster.."Giants". Scripture is clear " Whatever has happened, will happen again".

Everything in scripture is about the two seeds, sheep & goats, wheat & tares.
" And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed"

The "seed of satan" isn't 'sperm cells'.
Its his ongoing efforts to 'mimic' the creation by genetic  tampering . Today you see bio and nanotechnology kick into higher gear. "Neural Link" attempts to plug into your psyche. What you're really becoming is a "habitation for spirits".
"Aliens" are just spirits,   conning fools..but their powers are high, with full control over the elements.

"I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes."

So..Jesus used the scripture to silence the Sanhedrin.
Would you say "Im a god" even in jest..if Christian? (I' ll be surprised if you say yes 😊 )
God is referring to these beings.
All through scripture you'll notice God speaking on multiple levels between earth and heavenly.

Even the demons know exactly what you know about their end.

" What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us BEFORE the time? ... "What do you want with us, Son of God?" they shouted."
..thats demons ..they already knew about the Lake of Fire and they do have a definite idea about their time span. It may not be fully apparent to them but you can be sure the know about it.
They got a shock to see Jesus at that juncture in 'time'. As minions of satan, they really had ZERO problem acknowledging "Son of God".
Its only Lucifer that was like "IF you are the Son of God...."
He knew SQUAT about God's plan..thats why he killed Jesus.

Nobody knew. Those at the time of Jesus knew nothing. .except that the Messiah would come.

But..God's plan is still rolling out.
Its summarized in this :
Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn."

The genetic incursion is shown here:
“The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.".

Thats regarding satan. Genetically tampering with creation. They're continuing today..repeating pre-flood earth "tampering". It all culminates with satan sitting in the "temple of God" ( ie in human fleshly form ) as the "man of sin". Those talking physical third temple rebuilding etc..All garbage. These are all deceptions of satan for illiterates including daft Christians. a nutshell,   all the above is the duality of the "wheat and tares" running through  the entirety of the teataments.
Its taking place on multiple while we all know Satan loses...He actually thinks he can win.

God has given him the ultimate "long rope" to hang himself. He's already told you : ' satan is the god of this age'.
Its allowed by God in this strange seeming battle. So..everything until the Second Coming of Jesus is "this age".
Its all satan's 'time'.

I know some like to say "What God can allow this..with people as the pawns in some sick game!"
These are all the wicked and scripturally illiterate. God never does anything purposelessly. You're here now. You don't know exactly when..but you do know Jesus IS coming again.

Btw, you will see nobody mention what I said about 'the sons of God' (angels) doing "genetic tampering" in that "went into the daughters of men". For all its " angels procreated with women/had physical procreative sex ".

If you consider what I said about 'Satan went into/entered Judas" you might catch what Im meaning. Its the exact same language that shows you "manipulation of his faculties" in his case.

With the "alien abduction" thing its similar. People are "inhabited" and their psyches are pierced, but they also display physical traumas. What do all the women say? "They were taking my ovaries" and similar recounts.

Everything you see in the world is encompassed in :
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."


The reason angels were not supposed to reproduce is explained in 1 Enoch and repeated nearly word by Jesus as he recall these SCRIPTURES (Matthew 22:29-30). Angels are innately immortal beings while humans are mortal. This is the clear and simple reason. That has nothing to do with ability or a lack of body parts.

1 Enoch 15:5-7
5. Therefore have I given [mortal men] wives also that they might impregnate them, and beget children by them, that thus nothing might be wanting to them on earth. 6. But [Angels] were ⌈formerly⌉ spiritual, living the ETERNAL LIFE, and IMMORTAL for all generations of the world. 7. And therefore I have not appointed wives for you; for as for the spiritual ones of the heaven, in heaven is their dwelling.


Fallen are not called sons of God. Even satan was a son of God before he became Satan but after sinning he is nolonger a son of God


Kevin Rider - Refuteit, also consider that God would have had to create angels to be able to have intercourse with mankind to be able to produce offspring with them and then make it unlawful for them to do so - this indicates to me there is another understanding to these verses.

The first representative of man, Adam, was created directly by God and could so man could rightly be referred to as 'sons of God' as God created directly and come only from Him. In contrast God used man that was already created and his stem cells from the re-growing rib to make the first representative woman.

I believe it's reasonable to say the 'sons of God' may be referencing to 'all men descended from the man created by God, hence 'sons of God', and 'daughters of men' referring to 'women descended from the one woman - 'created from the man' in the beginning, hence 'daughters of men'. (I Cor 11:7 Man created first 'is the image and glory of God' and woman taken from man 'is the glory of man'). As men and women began to multiply on the earth - man's self-centeredness is reflected in what should have been the closest, purest, most intimate relationship we should have on this earth - the union between God - man - his wife. Marriage instead had become an unholy debased thing in this fallen world, where man was more about himself and 'whoever' he was attracted to for his pleasures - despite how they lived or whether they acknowledged God, were already married, age, etc.

Therefore, out of these unions would come descendants from 'the sons of God' coming into 'the daughters of man' that would share the same self-centered mindset (a picture of mankind's corruption before the flood) having left God's influence out. Then goes on to give an account of how even heroes, warriors, mighty men, leaders, the Nephilim who were among these that represent the achievements of humanity, 'mighty men of renown' - idolized in their power and accomplishing great worldly things, were themselves so greatly debased that they ('before and after the flood' these 'mighty men of renown' vs 4) were not able to save mankind from their own corruption, or the fate that would have to overtake them all. But later in the Bible we read of a promised 'Savior' that would - Jesus.

(The Nephilim may have been 'giants' compared to the average man, but maintained these genetic traits from the perfect creation that gave them the advantage through these periods of time.)

(The effects on mankind due to the flood would be shorter life spans. Man would now be able to better reflect on the brevity of life sooner as old age approaches before entering eternity. Also would shorten mankind's sinful influence and control on future generations thereby slowing the spread of corruption. The same reason God divided men into language groups at the Tower of Babel.)

Jude 1:6 speaks of the imprisonment of some of the angels being used as an example to the others to cause them to submit to God's authority and only able to do what He allows. "And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority but left their proper dwelling, He has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness 'until the judgment of the great day'...serve as an example..." There proper dwelling could reasonably be in their own dimension on this earth - only being allowed into ours if they are called upon, and given permission to as we see happens through occult practices. The only way to enforce beings with free will to obey God's laws would be to have a punishment that would instill fear into them, as man's laws do to maintain order. Angels that had initially disobeyed God's laws would have been used as an example. (In the same way Sodom and Gomorrah 'served as an example' of God's righteous judgement on the unrighteous to the people groups around them that knew of their depravity. It doesn't have to be in reference to sexual sin of angels - only that they were used as an example.) Reminds me when the demons begged Jesus that He would not command them to depart into the abyss, but begged Him to let them enter the herd of swine.

The viewpoint that the purpose of the flood was to wipe out the offspring of angels pro-creating with mankind - seems to be a demonically led distraction to take man's mind away from the fact that the end result of 'man's sinful nature' brings a judgement from God. I've heard so many, when it comes to this topic, 'only mention' the reason for the world-wide flood was to destroy the offspring of fallen angels, it thereby diffuses the reality of future judgement on 'man's sin nature'. Unless someone turns to God for salvation from 'his sinful nature' through Jesus, the Bible tells us he cannot be saved. People want to think of mankind as being essentially good and gravitate to this idea because of it's fantastical storyline and is a way for many Christians Youtubers to get connected with a lot of viewers because of the subject's popularity, although might do, not considering these things. Not only does it turn one's mind from God's past judgments due to man needing to be aware of his sinful nature and a future judgement against it, but peaks the interest away from reading and searching out God's Word, and causes man to chase an interconnecting hamster wheel of myths. I don't believe the book of Enoch we have today is the one that is spoken of in the Bible, but may be a channeled distraction from the truth the Bible reveals for some of these reasons. - 2 Timothy 4:3-4 "For the time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and 'will turn away from listening to the truth and turn aside to myths.' May we not allow ourselves to get distracted in promoting extra-biblical sources that supposedly expound on the Bible - a lot of people have been drawn into false religions in this way thinking - in that they needed more than what was revealed to us in His 'confirmed' Word the Bible.


The big red flag for me when I firstheard of all this "nephilim nonsense", was the fact that people were inadvertently giving the ability to supernaturally create life unto the creature. God is the only one who can create life outside of our known mechanisms (i.e egg and sperm). God created Adam and Eve outside of our known mechanisms. And Jesus was given a human body supernaturally (because He is God and can do those things). Creation is an attribute that only God possesses. Claiming the angles can supernaturally create their own offspring with humans is illogical and even blasphemous.


Sons of God are clearly Angelic wherever the OT mentions them. However, in the NT John 1:12 indicates that human believers in Jesus are given the right to be called children (or sons) of God. Psalm 82 explains the effect the disobedient sons of God (angelic children of the Most High) have on humanity.


What about Job 1:6 ( now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.)


Good Video, A lot of Pastors try to mislead people


Can you address son's of God in Job that came with lucifer? Also explain where in the Bible is the fall of the angels happynd. You need to understand the original script language. Also when does the old testimony call son's of God anything but angels.
