Punpun is not sad...

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Witness the titular Punpun - who is depicted as a tiny, caricatured bird in an otherwise normal human setting - as he copes with his dysfunctional family and friends, his love interest, his oncoming adolescence and his hyperactive mind.

My Novel I'm Writing:
"How I Slayed A Dragon"

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

#manga #punpun #review #slimeinspace
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I've been trying to improve my editing skill, so let me know what you guys think! Also, if you have any advice, please let me know, I can seriously use some.


God was a picture of the author's friend


About the end, I think it really showed how, no matter how much you have been through, other people are not going to know about it, from the friend's perspective, punpun lived a fairly average life, with some friends on his side, going on about his day, until he saw punpun crying when waving goodbye.
I personally really liked the last chapter, especially because I grew up in a society where people have so little emotional connections with each other, people don't know and don't care about each other's experience, and it's not the type of "oh those people exist in every society" type of thing, it's the culture, and reading the last chapter just reminded of all the hundreds of thousands of non-interactions I have had in my life, and the fact that I always thought my own story was important and I wanted to share it with everyone else, but I never realized there are countless other people out there whose stories I have never heard of, or could ever imagine.

Also, about the part where people just talk shit about punpun, when I read it I didn't feel mad about them judging punpun while not knowing his life, because I've only been on punpun's side, it's like hearing people say those things about me, and I don't even know if they are true, they very well could be, and I have been trying to figure it out for years, trying to fix my own problems, but I just don't know, I don't know which criticisms are accurate and which ones are just "you don't know about the situation so don't talk like you know everything."
