Candace Owens BECOMES CATHOLIC...People are MAD?

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In this video, we'll discuss Candace Owens becoming Catholic and the mixed reactions it has sparked. Find out why some people are rejoicing and some are HEATED in this controversial topic!

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The catholic faith is extremely beautiful… it’s just misunderstood by those who don’t understand it or those who choose not to understand it.


Religion does not save you, is your relationship with Christ that does!


Former protestant, current catholic. People fear what they don't know.


To say that the Mass and the Catholic Church are not biblical is to say that you don’t know the Catholic Church. “There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be.” - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen


6:08 as a Catholic theologian, I can honestly say that most of you don’t (including Tatum) don’t understand or know the true tenets of the Catholic faith. It always makes me sad that people make decisions about the Catholic faith without knowing the facts.


Please interview a Catholic Theologian so you can get a true understanding of what we Catholics believe. I think you’d be very surprised.


Catholic here, we call Protestants “our brothers and sisters in Christ” and it is not in our customs to try to convert our Protestant brothers and sisters but it break my heart the amount of hate we get from Protestants. There is a whole level of ignorance when it comes to why we do what we do. The baptisms, rosary, saints, even the pope. It is ALL founded in a deep relationship with Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church is the one that is allowed to mocked the most by our culture and it just affirms my belief. Satan will always attack what is good and true. Love your show Brandon, just wish you would’ve given us more thoughts on Candace and not list all of your “grievances” with the Catholic Church. Grievances that could be explored and smashed if you have a good conversation with a Catholic. Hubby and I love listening to you and I look forward to more insightful content. God bless!


Amen. I’m so happy for her!! I’m also an ex Evangelical pastor myself who is now Catholic.. honestly thousands of us have been coming home over the last several years as we find out the truth of church history. I’ve come across literally hundreds of ex pastors who are now happily Catholic. Also it’s not just Catholics that believe those things but Eastern Orthodox too who are also receiving huge influx of ex Protestants and ex pastors who are now orthodox!

Protestants love to attack Catholics (and I was one of the most anti catholic Protestants there was). But once you learn that all these so called “religious” traditions IS and WAS ALWAYS part of everything the early church did, preached, and practiced and believed, then people wake up and leave Protestantism and come home. Simple. 🤷🏼 But also not to mention it’s all mostly LIES (smoke and mirrors) from the evil one to keep people away from the truth. 99% of what they accuse us of, ISNT EVEN TRUE! 😂😂

It should make one think and wonder … that if a specific church that is so hated, lied upon, and attacked so much .. man then maybe…just maybe, possibly it could be the one true church… 🤔

I’ve never seen a church, so picked on, persecuted, lied about, and attacked like the Catholic Church. If people only knew that everything they think that we believe or practice is a lie… they would be running to this church!!
It’s so amazing to me how much they attack and lie about Catholics! Absolutely insane.


Dear Officer Tatum.
I am a cradle Catholic.

People are ALWAYS mad when someone becomes a Catholic.

The Church is filled with sinners and looks like a bad party from the outside.
But it contains the fullness of truth.
That is what attracts people.
It’s like a big, beautiful family with defects in the people within it but the whole is beautiful.

Outsiders are antagonistic / jealous/ wary/ frightened and all kinds of other stuff.

It baffles me.

As for the evangelical Christians- they think Catholics are evil.
What kind of nonsense is that?
Their denominations are young and are offshoots of the Catholic Church.
They have some truth but not its fullness.

Let’s work together rather than with division.


Officer Tatum, I respect you and I appreciate you being honest and open about your opinion. As someone who used to be Protestant and became Catholic I would say the things you described that Catholics believe are not accurately stated. I encourage you to talk with a knowledgeable catholic who is able to effectively describe to you the things we believe and why we believe them. I too thought the same things you are telling now, but I learned those things from other Protestants and not Catholics. And I would say there a lot of lies that are spread about Catholics. I don’t think on purpose, but just a little ignorance of not researching. And I did the same thing so no judgement here


I'm a Catholic convert. As far as the saints, read the apostles creed, it says "COMMUNION of the saints". We ask the saints to intercede (pray) for us. I love Jesus, he's my savior!


I have found Catholic mass to be so calming and peaceful. I actually look forward to going on Sundays. I grew up going to a pentecostal church and tried attending some Christian rock and roll types of churches as an adult and I just didn’t find the peace I was looking for.


I think a lot of people don't understand Catholicism.

The pope is not called by God. The cardinals get together and choose a pope.

All churches have a person who is in charge. Just because they don't call
That person the pope, doesn't mean there isn't a hierarchy. Also, for the record, the pope is the bishop of Rome.

Where did the Bible come from? Catholic councils. Martin Luther took a few books out of the Bible because he didn't like what they said. If you read a Bible that contains the books Martin Luther took out, you'll
find things that the Protestants now say aren't in the Bible.

Catholics have the Eucharist. We eat Jesus'' flesh- just like He Instructed in the Bible- every Mass, we adore Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration, and Catholics that truly know their faith, have a strong relationship with Jesus.


Officer Tatum, the Hail Mary is straight from the Bible. When the angel Gabriel was sent to Mary by the Father, he greeted her, “Hail, full of grace; the Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28). When Mary visited Elizabeth, Elizabeth exclaimed, “Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb” (Luke 1:41-42).


Grew up in a Catholic school and church. Turned my back for years. Feeling the draw back to the church lately.


As a life long Catholic, I welcome her!!!


My husband is Catholic and I was raised Baptist. We go to a Catholic Church every Sunday but we both have a relationship with God. I had so many questions about being a Catholic and I was wrong about a lot. I’m sure many others are wrong like I was!


This is the reason why the Bible said, do not be unequally yakked .


Here is the thing. If you are reading the Bible, you can see many of things that the Catholic Church practices come from the Bible. For example, part of the Hail Mary prayer comes from Luke 1:42. The ashes on the heads shows up in several Old Testament stories when people put ashes on their heads as a sign of penance. Priests forgiving sins comes from John 20:23. The one thing that is not in the bible is the belief in Sola Scriptura and the bible did not even exist until late 300 AD when it was put together by the Catholic Church. If Christianity is based on Sola Scriptura, how did the early church survive until the late 300s?


As an Eastern Catholic rite born and raised, I'm very happy she finally found her religious roots!
Catholicism may seem curropt/strict and too religious, that's because the devil aims and punctures the one true target that's standing in his way!
God bless Candace and her family!
