Teen known as 'God’s influencer' set to become Catholic Church’s first millennial saint

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CNN's Christopher Lamb looks at why Carlo Acutis, a gamer and computer programmer who died from leukemia in 2006 at age 15, is being considered for canonization. #CNN #News
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Greetings. Theological librarian here. This clip oversimplifies how things went. The process of canonization in the Catholic Church means a judicial-grade inquiry in whether the candidate to official sainthood lived the virtues of Faith, Hope, Charity, Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance in the heroic degree. That's established via interviews with witnesses and examination of the candidate's writings/recordings (if any). If that works well (no testimonies proving the candidate was a rascal, no theological mistakes in his words), it is sought whether there are miracles attributable to the candidate's intercession. The preferred ones are healings, which must be of diagnosed serious/deadly conditions, and must be complete, instantaneous, lasting, and not due to medical treatment. That part must be confirmed by a medical committee, in which non-Catholic or non-believer physicians are welcomed. After that, and if all the theological requirements are fulfilled, the candidate is declared as 'Blessed, ' and some veneration is authorized. For the candidate to be declared as a 'Saint, ' whose veneration is more extensive, the process is doubled and deepened, including another miracle that must fulfill the aforementioned conditions. Important note: it is only God the one who makes miracles; the candidate/saint it is understood as an intercessor only. You pray to God, asking for a miracle, for the merits of such and such saintly person. The miracle happening is the proof that the person is in Heaven with God. Anybody who led a decent life could have gone to Heaven and be saved, a saint, but when someone is canonized, there is a certainty.
Of course, nobody is asking you all to believe in things like Heaven or Saints, but I hope you realize that Catholics take this things seriously. That's why canonizations take years, decades, centuries even. All of that just to recognize that someone lived as a true Christian, which is what all Christians are supposed to do. ✌


Sad that when people die they become famous or spread all over the news but when they are alive they are no one to the world.


Didn’t these people get surgery & help through treatment & hospital before they got better….that might have had a little something to do with their recovery….praying is like talking to yourself out loud, nothing magical comes from it…..being good is one thing being “magical” is another normally found in fictional stories…. My brain hurts now 🤯


"Millennial Saint' sounds like a good name for a heavy metal band


Not religious, but bless him, and his family.


Carlo Acutis was a very nice, good kid. The Lord seems to have a special place in His Heart for kids and people with childlike faith. Young Carlo was "God's influencer." So happy for Carlo.


Sainthood in Roman Catholic theology is the recognition of an individual's exceptional holiness and virtue, formalized through a process called canonization. This process begins with a local diocesan investigation and progresses through several stages: being declared a "Servant of God, " "Venerable, " and "Blessed" after the verification of a miracle. Finally, a second verified miracle leads to the individual's canonization as a saint. Miracles, often involving inexplicable healings, are crucial in this process, serving as divine confirmation of the candidate's sanctity. Saints are important in Catholicism as exemplars of faith, models of Christian living, and powerful intercessors before God. The veneration of saints reflects the Church's belief in the communion of saints, highlighting the spiritual solidarity among the faithful on earth, the souls in purgatory, and the saints in heaven.


God bless Carlo. He’s a wonderful example for young people and very inspiring. May he rest in peace.


It’s great to have good people overall.


Geez so much hate. He's a religious dude that people liked and that did great things for people. A rarity in today's world where we only do things if we can get something back from someone we're helping. I know it's hard to believe, but there are people other than you and some are religious. Stop being so highly judgemental. As much as you complain about religious people shoving religion down your throat, allow people to live. Judge them on their personality, character, and good deeds. If they reach an acceptable level based on your morals because of or without religion, so be it. Assholes come in all shapes and sizes. Be happy this man is apparently not one of them. In other words: RELAX!


... and I'm officially done with the Catholic Church.


I thought sainthood was reserved for folk who actually performed miracles. Influencing kids ain’t a miracle.


Reality.. the mighty dragon's image is weakening ... but it remains powerful and wealthy... dangerous 💡


Bahahaha!!!! This is ridiculous. Guess they need to try to get new people in their cult.


No matter what, it is sweet. And if having saints helps people believe in something so strong, can’t be a bad thing. It’s not our business. I rejoice in that happiness


Well.. by the looks of the comments, they have chosen to believe in the lie (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)
Therefore, God is sending them a deceiving power so that they may believe the lie,
that all who have not believed the truth but have approved wrongdoing may be condemned.


At that age i already knew religion is a farce . Im the saint of common sense .


😂😂😂😂 one of the great scams in human history 👏


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is to funny omg 😂😂😂😂


As a former Catholic, I’m still a little surprised that they still believe in afterlife miracles. Seems like it should be an honorary title for good things you did during your life without the supernatural silliness. Come on… “proof of miracles”… they are being very loose with the term “proof”
