What do Visa Officers see & think about as you approach the window? Ex-Visa Officer explains!

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Ever wonder what the Visa officer is looking at as you approach the window? What might they be thinking? Former Visa Officer and U.S. Immigration Attorney Travis Feuerbacher explains how a typical day as a Visa Officer begins, what officers see as applicants approach the window, and what they might think about as they initiate each visa interview.

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As always, the key is to just BE HONEST at your interview. Visa officers have access to a surprising amount of information, so it’s better to just be yourself.


its so weird that immigrating to the us illegally is easier than migrating legally


You decide not only on the future of applicants, but also on the future of your country


Have a good day sir! I'm a businessman. I want to apply a tourist visa because I want to travel the beautiful places in America. Give me some tips to the interview


Wonderful information indeed, thanks!


Thanks for your video, otherwise I have a question I've applied for an associate degree for 3 years in my major in Biotechnology and in my ds-160 I also said my duration in the US is 3 years if I say to the officer that I have intensions to transfer for The University for 4 years again can bring my denial visa ??


I’m a American citizen. My 6yrs old daughter was diagnosed in the Philippine of Stage4 cancer. I was able to bring my daughter in California for better treatment. She is getting treatment at children hospital in Orange County. Me and her mother is not married and stayed behind in the Philippine. How can I bring the mother here in California to help me care for our daughter. Will she qualify for advanced probation visa. Need help to apply. Please reply


what if my visa category was different in past, how can I overcome this.

My previous refusal was of work visa from Italy, now I want to apply for study visa in different country.


Hello sir,
Good day!
I have scheduled my US C1d counselling on 22nd of march 2024.
Actually i have renewed my passport 3 years ago, and i missed the old passport.
Will old passport is mandate requirement in us c1d visa interview.
Please suggest me.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks in advance.


It’s all about HONESTY, I have a pending petition but granted a multiple 10 year entry last 2014 and renewed it just this Feb 2024 via the interview waiver and was issued another 10 year multiple entry. Just be honest, travel to the US at least 5 times in 10 years, don’t engage in any work related activities and you’re good to go


Why is the consultation fee too expensive 😭😢 $499 . Omg this is too much .How much is the visa itself think about and reduce it a little. Please


Appreciate the way you clearly spoke and tried to make listeners understand 👍


It really boils down to who makes the interview. When I went to the interview there was this official that was denying visas to EVERYONE. At the waiting room we were all nervous because everyone was praying this guy wouldn't be assigned to any of us. When it was my turn, it was such a relief it was with another official. The interview was pleasant, and I got granted the visa, but when I left and said goodbye to a friend I made in the waiting area, he said the guy was still denying visas left and right. I wished him good luck.


Thanks zf visa i used to watch your videos and my visa is approved ✅


This channel is a blessing. The way both ex officers deliver the content is uniquely engaging. I bet people coming for visa tips end up wanting to work for the Foreign Service at the end of the day. )


I witnessed something at the us embassy that truly broke my heart when I went to apply for an us visa. I was right behind an elderly couple in the queue and I could hear every answer they provided. They wanted to visit their daughter who lived in the us. They told the interviewer how long they intended to stay for, how much money they had, where they would stay, documents proving the daughter was there legally, and several other questions to only hear in the end their visa had been declined as the interviewer was not convinced they would return home. I was a bit frightened when it was my turn but eventually I was granted the visa. It turns out my 10 year visa expired without me never visiting the us as I decided to visit some other places instead. If given the chance I would have gladly swapped places with that old couple.


Great videos!!!! Very clear voice, informative, professionalism!!!!


Thankfully, as a Canadian, I will never have to go through a US visa interview. We can enter the US visa-free for up to180 days (many Canadian retirees do this and spend the winter months in Arizona, Texas or Florida). When we line up at the airport, we can line up with the Americans (that.line usually moves much faster) because we don't have to get our irises or fingerprints scanned, like all other foreigners do (though they do have full access to Cdn databases for crimes, health, etc so they know if you have committed a crime and can deny entry to you based on this). And yes, we can even study visa-free in the USA (however we do still need to register under the I-20 Student Registration program). When I got my pilot's license in the USA, no student visa was required. And the best part of getting the pilots lic in the USA is every single license, rating and endorsement is completely transferable to Canada, unlike EU, UK, Australia or any other country that has their own licensing requirements. (Only the PPL is transferable in most countries but not instrument rating, multi-engine, floatplane, etc.)


I gave my study visa interview to Poland. I think I made some dumb mistakes like when she asked, "how did you pay your fees?" I told he through "(bank name) remittance." After the interview, I realized she meant where did I get my funds for fees.

Literally ruined my own life with my mouth. I have no plans to migrate anywhere but what I want to study is not taught in my country. 😭


Unfortunately the person interviewed me was so serious, no smile whatsoever, didn't ask many questions or talk so much, even didn't ask for so many documents I had with me, in few minutes he just decided to hold my visa on administrative process :-( So sad because me and my husband are getting older every year and already it is 4 years we are living seperated after 3 years being together in another country. They took away the chance of even thinking to have a kid, or for me it is getting harder and harder to get an education inside of the US, if it ever happens anyway. It's just not fair or human. What I could possibly have done as an artist, that prevents them to just issue a visa for me to live with my husband.
