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INSTAGRAM - / @chrisbeereal


Other Gear
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Thank you sir. Just went outside and drew back as you suggested. Two shots and no left shoulder discomfort and I'm in my anchor a lot faster. Thanks brother I appreciate the refresh. I've just got to engrave that process into my mind when drawing


Got into archery a year ago watch your videos and shoot my bow as much as I can and hoping it pays off this deer season here in ny. My first year bow hunting . Keep up the good videos man.


Okay, now I watched. I agree 1000% on those three things. Yes I want to up grade stuff all the time, but that is because I'm a tinkerer. I just like to mess with stuff to make it the best it can be. Now that said, I can take most any bow out of the box do a proper tune on it so that the arrow is flying straight put a basic ready to hunt package on it and shoot golfball sized groups at 50 yards simply because I practice. I have practiced for 30 years every single day for hours (like 4-6 hours). Like no matter how tired I am, or sick, or hungry, or etc; I practice 4-6 hours. Archery is my passion. I tried to quit one time. I lasted about 4 weeks and I was so depressed I wanted to die. Like I was telling people I wanted to die, that I hoped a truck would run me over while getting my mail, and much worse stuff. No I'm not like that anymore because I have accepted who I am. I'm a hunter, a fisherman, and especially an archer. Yes I like guns, and they bring me great joy, but nothing like a bow. I can spend all day shooting the crapiest bow on the planet not hitting anything tinkering and trying to make it shoot right, yeah I'm complaining the whole time but that is just how I am, yet I am having a blast. I will sleep like a baby cause I had a great time messing with a bow. I'm a bladesmith, bowyer, and a classically trained gunsmith. I can give up bladesmithing, and guns, but I can never give up making and shooting bows. I'm 46 years old and have been making and shooting bows since I was 4. It is who I am, and it will never change. People be true to yourself and who you are and you will be happy. Now after all this waste of time, yeah I like the bells and whistles like name brand stuff. However I know cheap well made quality stuff can do the job just as well. Yeah I want a fast Eddie xl single pin (and will get one eventually), but an Apex covert single pin works just fine for now. Yeah I want a hamskee limb driven fall away, but a trophy ridge works for now. Yes I know those others are actually just me buying a name, but that name comes with warranty and quality. They have that name because of the quality, not just because the famous people use them. The famous people use them because of the quality. Yeah I just dropped 90 bucks on a stabilizer because it is a Chris Bee product, and I'm glad I did. Yes I could have got basically the same thing that was a trophy ridge and it would have been good enough and around 75 bucks, but it would not have been the same performance. See Chris has been doing this a long time and knows what is needed. It is higher quality product that does a much better job of doing it's job. I know I can do the job the same without it, but why not make it easier on myself if I can. Please do not misunderstand what I am saying, I'm not saying you have to have the name brand stuff. I absolutely am not saying that. I'm saying get what you can, practice till you can't lift your arm, then practice some more till your fingers bleed, then yep you guessed it do some more. That is how you get good at it. Gear is no substitute. In fact I would wholly say get a crapy Amazon bare bow and learn to do it without anything on the bow till you can put every shot in a baseball sized group. Then go get a good bow like a diamond (any diamond even a prism) with decent gear that comes on the ready to hunt setups. Practice till you bleed. When you can put them all in a baseball sized group now you get name brand stuff like a flagship bowtech, hoyt, elite, or mathews with flagship gear and practice till you bleed so you can hit golfballs at 100 yards. Now yes I stand by that advice, but I know that isn't who everyone is. What my point is to be dedicated. Don't be waxed about it. Be focused and make yourself happy.


Thank you for teaching us that don’t have the time to hire a in person coach. Been binging your videos and soaking up everything. Thanks again!!


Your stabilizer explanation is better than 95% of the pros. Most pros say that you need to let the shot tell you how much you need. I want mine to sit in my hand and not move! That will tighten the groups!


Love hiw you explain the reason behind stabilizers and needed a little bit of bias! Never thought about it that way and makes a lot of sense


Thank you for telling me about the back bar. I did not know that. I have always been trying to balance it. As you showed in the video, now I'm going to change it to see if it's better with more weight on the left. It may be the only time in my life. I'm willing to go to the left.


I believe this is the best video I've come across for proper draw form and especially the detailed explanation of bias and why we should not be using stabilizers to create ideal balance so much as to find the bias that helps us be the most accurate. 5 stars if I had the option.❤


Great video Chris keep this stuff coming! Need a video on how to actually fire the shot how to pull into the back wall how much to push the bow with your lead hand what does a proper follow through look like / just a break down of accurate shooting!


The stabilizer bias is like driving down a straight road with a vehicle that tracks perfectly straight but has a little slop in the steering. You are constantly making small left and right corrections. Now have a vehicle that slightly tracks to the right. You just maintain slight variable left pressure to maintain a straight path.


Love your videos ! I would love if you made a video on best camera setups for lowlight, like budget camcorders vs pro camcorders vs full frame Sony cameras or APS-C cameras there’s not a lot of videos comparing different options and price points for hunting,


Chris, keep up all the good teaching videos. I went from just picking up archery a few months ago to hitting solid at 30 and improving every day


Drawing properly is something I’ve really been working on since I met you at tac and watched you shoot


I always rewatch fundamental videos to remind myself how important they are. This is the perfect explanation of stabilization.


Thanks Chris for the advice! I’ve taught myself to do a lot of different things over the years and unfortunately at times the wrong ways. You just helped me tweak my draw to be more comfortable!


Thanks for all the input over the years and being open minded


Love the vids I'm learning a lot keep up the good work.


#4 Buying a 70+ pound bow when you are only going to shoot paper targets. When I started in the early 1980's, most people had target bows around 40-45#.


Thank you for this! I've just been getting back in to archery and these tips have helped me so much! Keep up the amazing work.


What you said about the back bar creating bias clicked with me and i think i might need one.. my evo is beautifully balanced with a quiver, but I'm constantly fighting to keep the bubble level and the pins still on target. Great points in the video! Thanks!
