How to Fast for Ramadan

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Fasting from sunrise to sunset every day is a crucial part of Ramadan, the annual, month-long Muslim celebration that marks Allah's revelation of the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad. These tips will help you stay strong throughout.

Step 1: Start on time
Ramadan's start date differs from year to year, so consult your local mosque or a reputable web site to find out what day and at what time it begins in your area.

Those exempt from fasting include children under age 12; menstruating, pregnant, and breastfeeding women; the frail and elderly; those who are not capable of understanding why they're fasting; and people whose health would be compromised by fasting, like diabetics.

Step 2: Stay hydrated
Starting the night before the first fast day, and every night thereafter during the month-long holiday, drink plenty of liquids. Food and beverages are prohibited from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan; this will help you stay hydrated.

Step 3: Eat a good breakfast
Eat a balanced pre-sunrise meal, often known as suhoor or sehri, to prepare your body for a day of fasting. Include whole grains, like whole wheat bread or oatmeal; a protein, like eggs or yogurt; a healthy fat, such as nuts or an avocado; and some fresh fruit.

Step 4: Begin the fast
Say the appropriate prayers and begin fasting when the sky first starts to lighten on the horizon. Smoking, using perfume, and having sexual relations are also forbidden from sunup to sundown.

Avoid strenuous exercise while fasting so you don't become dehydrated. If you have a regular fitness routine, cut down on the intensity and duration.

Step 5: Do good deeds
Use your extra free time for charitable acts, reading the Koran, and performing daily prayers.

Step 6: Break your fast
Break your fast at sunset with the meal known as iftar. Say the appropriate prayers; then start out slowly, with a sip of water or milk, and a date or other fruit. Eat a variety of healthy foods to ensure that you’re getting enough nutrients.

Don't stuff yourself at sunset. Eating a few mini-meals throughout the evening is better for your digestive system.

Step 7: Repeat
Repeat for the remainder of Ramadan, which lasts 29 or 30 days. End with the three-day celebration known as Eid-al-Fitr, during which fasting is forbidden and the wearing of new clothes is encouraged.

Did You Know?
Because the Muslim calendar follows the cycles of the moon, years are only 354 days long, and the months pass through all the seasons every 32½ years.
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It's ramadan today, 1st day may God bless u all ameen


My name is Ramadan and I'm turning 12 this Ramadan and was born in Ramadan !


1st Day of Ramadan today in 2021, Ramadan Mubarak. Allah answer all your prayers Ameen.


Tommrow is Ramadan, lol I will look back at this comment at the end of rammadan in shaa Allah


Thanks alot for the
It is always nice to know about other
Happy Ramadan :)


My first time doing ramadam as I turned 13 almost last year and I am exvited


1-fasting helps us to remember the poor people and feel their hunger.
2-fasting help cure many diseases that's why people stop eating when they are ill.
3-fasting make the body get rid of its toxins that are collected during the year.
4-fasting teach you to be patient.
5-fasting rest your digestive system.

and many more if you look it up.fasting doesn't kill you, 8 year old children and 80 year people do it and they are just fine.many animals fast too during the year.its Okay to fast.


Thank God I am a Muslim.
Ramadan Mubarak.


cause during period time we need to be drinking a lot of water to in order to restore blood loss ..
not to forget that they have to fast the days they missed in Ramadan :)

& the cloths represent peoples joy in the holiday
it's considered allah's reward for us for fasting

thanks for your interest & have a good day


i have alot of friends who are fasting right now for ramadan, it takes alot out on them

they are happy doing it though, so its nothing to feels sympathy over cause they enjoy everything they do


My 8 year old daughter is learning how to fast today is her 1st day ☺️


thank you finally someone that understands


I wonder what Muslims in places like Northern Alaska and Scandinavia do....the sun never really sets in the summer....


I’m converting to Islam ☪️ a month before Ramadan so ima need prayer


Thanks! I am trying to revert to Islam and this helped also I'm excited for Ramadan!!!


Ramadan is tomorrow I can't wait to look back at this comment after the month is over on Eid day


correction : using perfumes is allowed :) .. but alsow bleeding profusely and throwing out and drip feeding are gonna break the fasting .. liked the video and proud to watch something like this from Howcast


Its my time next year…. Thanks for this video!


i couldn't fast during Ramadan because of school so I'm doing it this summer thanks


Anyway, 0:27 i believe this helpful video explained most of what the non-Muslim believer need to know about fasting for Ramadhan. Peace to u!
