Why Light Tanks Became Irrelevant & How We Can SAVE Them | World of Tanks

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Here, I answer why light tanks have become increasingly more obsolete in World of Tanks current Meta. And why they have largely lost their Identity. Then I propose 7 different ideas to help save light tanks, and fix these larger issues. — And Unfortunately these issues will be even more apparent in Update 1.26 once we get the new VZ. 71 Czech Light Tank line as well.

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Special thanks to my friend @chiplits for Editing tips and to @Petty360 for letting me use his T41E1 footage! Check him out! He’s a great WoT Console Content Creator

Other Content Creators I Suggest visiting for light tank guides, gameplay and, advice: @WoTWhirls @darkninja___ & @LemmingRush_

Tanks in replay: HWK 30 tier 8 Premium German Light Tank, Senlac Tier 8 Premium British Light Tank

Hi I'm Sir Gabriel! On my channel I try to post a variety of World of Tanks topics including: improved mechanics / Balance ideas, wot update news, nerf ideas to broken tanks (Lefh) etc, and general world of tanks guides & gameplay. I really enjoy sharing ideas that get the community thinking, so stick around if you want to see more!

#worldoftanks #lighttank #wot

5 Great Mods to Use:

Map Guides:

0:00 Setting the Stage
0:36 The ELC Even 90 Problem
2:57 The MAP Design Problem
5:43 Map Solution 1
6:27 Map Solution 2
7:27 Map Solution 3
8:16 Medium tank Problem
8:56 CVS Issue 1 + Solution 1
10:06 CVS Issue 2
10:59 What Do you Think? Feedback?
11:19 Fixing Light Tank Match Making
13:38 Light Tank "Stuffing Problem"
14:18 Unique Idea for Subclasses
15:21 Wheelies & NO Assistance?
16:04 Reversing 9.18 changes
17:04 Recap + Questions for YOU
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As a light tank enjoyer i would argue that there are more people playing lights now than ever before.
Cvs should only be possible to buy on lights.
The biggest issue as a light is that there are so many meds with great camo and view range combine, the class identity have been lost as view range/camo isn't their specialty anymore.
An example:
K-91 can get 43% camo on the move and 51.70 stationary with 525m view range while using cvs. It still has 3.4k dpm base with good pen and armor, a top speed at 55 with 19.60 power to weight.
Rheinmetall Panzerwagen can get 46.29% moving and stationary with 526m view range. It has less dpm, hp, armor and pen. A top speed of 75 with 43.65 power to weight.
The advantage of the rhm is top speed and power to weight, such is the case for a fair amount of meds.
2 lights max is a necessity, when more than 2 is in a game it becomes a fight vs your own lights.
I honestly think view range and camo needs to be looked at for all classes to give lights their identity back.


just remove CVS from mediums altogether


I think CVS should become a Base stat of every light tank starting from t7, like t7 only a little and t 10 what we have now. Its hard playing a t6 or t7 light against a t8 light with CVS.


I stopped playing WOT. When my LTTB was spotted by a medium tank, when I couldn’t spot him. The medium was on the move. My LTTB was in a bush, with a crew trained in camo, with a camo net, and camo paint.


8. Since 9.18, some lights feel like light meds. A bit like Cromwell. A lot of things play pretty much the same as a maneuverable medium. Lights like the WZ-132-1/A just seem like bad meds.


I use CVS in my light tanks, unless on a city map, or when there are 3 or more in a game. If too many lights are in a game, I concentrate on dmg.


The LT daily mission "Spot 3" is very toxic with multi LT teams. Forces you to play against your own team, and paired with a quicker LT, many times forces you to do suicide runs into enemy lines.


I think it would be awesome if CVS were limited to light tanks only


1. I think CVS should just be flat out removed from the game entirely, adding another mandatory piece of equipment to the game just ruins player choice and reduces versatile builds. There's already 2 pieces that are essentially mandatory (optics and exhaust) but even those can be somewhat replaced depending on the the players play styles. CVS on the other hand, cannot be replaced due to it's mechanics.

2. Almost all the lights need to be rebalanced with the ELC in mind. The ELC is an absolute menace to society purely because of its tiny size, giving it the ability hide in the dumbest spots. This is already "sort of" done because the ELC has poor view range compared to other lights.

3. I completely agree that we need more maps, WG needs to revive old maps. And whatever happened to those recon maps?? Some of them were incredibly fun, but WG never implemented them.


Yes, bring back the old maps! I miss them.


I was a huge LT fan until the arty nerf as far forward spotting was near impossible and I just felt like a bait tank with the supporting tanks spotting for them selves. After that I moved to fast mediums, same spotting capacity, more firepower. Only LT I play is AMX 15 57 as i do not need to lose a slot to CVS and can focus on damage more.


I even need to put optics, cvs and exhaust on my lights to be competitive. I came back to the game and was shocked how often i got spotted by still playing like years ago in lights. Totally different these days.
But so far and i never thought of - making the CVS an light exclusive is an excellent idea. But my biggest problem with lights nowadays is the MM - i usually get 2-3 lights on top in my team. So you dont even compete against the enemy light, but also against 3 others in your own team.


As a LT main, I agree, there's really no reason to play any of the LT lines when my Borr has everything an LT does, plus great burst damage.

The map this is huge, there are so many that I miss.


One of my worst "fears" is when I play tier 7 light (CVS is not an option) and come up against Bourrasque which might have CVS and at the same time often better camo (ca 52% stationary and ca 43% moving) and view range (494m). It sure makes the game interesting (read terrifying) and not at all boring, but fair...maybe not...making my t7 LT obsolete is absolutely the right word in this context.


14:20 These unique ideas sections are very good suggestions, specially -1s spotting time for versatile and +1 for wheelies


I agree with your suggestions for light tanks, especially mirror matching (which should be standard for all tanks; i mean 279e vs 50b (e.g.)). However, there are many ways to improve the current game and most are known by WG but they simply don't care or are to inapt. The community called for older maps for years to no avail. Since the HD update it's just a shell of a game (coupled with some very questionable premiums- / other "improvements"). Unfortunately, it looks like we will only be able to confirm the death of this game now (considering all the "efforts" - or lack thereof - they put in in the last few years). It's sad...


The thing is WG doesn’t care about balance, just money and keeping player in his game


I never thought about removing CVS from medium tanks, that's a fantastic point. I heard someone point out the fact that improved hardening increases the track health. I think this piece of equipment shouldn't do that as it makes it incredibly difficult for low alpha damage tanks like light tanks to be able to take the tracks off heavy tanks even with multiple shots. Maybe WG should remove that feature as it might make tracking and circling more of an opportunity again for light tanks to be able to outplay the classes. I'd even say that turbo and improved hardening are mandatory on most heavies and I reckon without them, we'd have longer battles because people would take longer to get into positions. I miss maps like swamp and the old erlenberg as I feel like all classes had a fair chance on those maps. I also miss the climbing aspect of WoT which made the game more interesting and unpredictable.


CVS, Optics, Vents on all my light tanks in spotting config...
what i do not like the most, is simply the maps... no places for spotting on 2/3 of the current map pool


removing CVS for mediums is something that needs to happen
