Tory voter moved to tears admitting Boris Johnson has 'really hurt' him | LBC

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James O'Brien was moved by this tearful Tory voter who 'crossed the ultimate line' to admit Boris Johnson has 'really, really hurt' him.

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Poor guy thinking that only the tories are capable of being honest. He has been well and truly groomed


"I was willing to turn a blind eye, as long as the job is done...." - THIS IS WHY WE'RE IN THIS POSITION AS A COUNTRY! The bar is set disgustingly low among certain voters


"Turning a blind eye to get the job done", yes, that about sums up the Conservative voter.


My sister left an abusive relationship with nothing. She has no wardrobe and keeps her clothes folded in bags for life on her bedroom floor because she can't afford storage. She only has a fridge because it was provided by the agency that supported her when she left. She has to eat all her meals at our terminally ill mother's house because she can't afford food. None of us can afford to support her any more than we already do. This man is one of the people who was happy to vote against the interest of the poorest and most vulnerable. I've got no sympathy that he's crying because bojo upset him, and not for the cruel policies the tories are responsible for. These people are part of the problem.


There's our problem right there, people like him at the age of 59 voting Tory all his life. Cry your eyes out.


"I turned my eye from a lot".That " lot" was the suffering of your fellow citizens.


The cognitive dissonance. “It takes morals and values to be pm”……”I’m willing to overlook some things to get the job done”. Literally contradicts himself. A lifelong conservative.


Wasn't too bothered listening about all the people he'd hurt before Johnson got to him though was he?


"Never trusted Labour" in managing the economy is voting by slogan. Labour has consistently borrowed less and paid back more than the Tories. Ask yourself a simple question: Have you been better off under Labour? For the many, the answer is a resounding Yes. Yet the Tories have consistently increased the national debt while habitually resorting to austerity.


This guy is deluded. He really showed who he was when he said that his concern with brexit was that it would damage the conservatives if it wasn't followed through


2 years later I have zero energy to waste on feeling sorry for the people who wanted these nationalist politicians in power because they thought consequences were something that happened to other people, but by the same token I have almost as little energy to waste on schadenfreude. They got what they deserve, and now they're living miserable, fearful lives thinking they live in an orwellian police state because they're being expected to follow basic safety measures during a pandemic. No told-you-so's are going to make me less exhausted by the continual displays of peurile, banal selfishness and delighted, fly-wing-pulling cruelty, followed by blubbering self-pity as their chickens come home to roost.


Wonder if he shedded tears for the people who were murdered by the state when they launched a programme of austerity? Wasn't an issue when the Tories chose the economy over lives during the pandemic. Tory voters have their own messed up version of morality.


"We always have been decent", as an Irish man and as someone who has a passing knowledge of British/Irish history I can say that Britain has not always been decent.


" wanted to get brexit done" fell for a slogan and voted for a clown, I cannot be sympathetic.


Look, I feel sorry for the guy because he's clearly upset, but I'm still utterly baffled. He describes attributes for leadership that the Conservatives have never had. The qualities he values are simply not compatible with the Conservative Party (morals, integrity etc). I do think he's brave for confronting his mistake, but I worry about the fact he still can't bring himself to break with loyalty to the Tory Party at the end. Here we have a man with a total misunderstanding of what the Tory Party is, and subservience to them which even his obvious upset cannot fully break. And the thing is, there are millions like him. That is scary. I do hope that he, and they, manage to break free of their subservience to the Conservatives. But my hopes aren't that high.


Sorry but if you voted for Boris and Thatcher don't ring up and try to claim you believe in decency.


I bet he was one of the 'patriotic' gammons that kept mouthing off about "Anyone but Corbyn". Zero sympathy from me, he's only sorry now its affecting him!


I don’t understand how people in their 50/60’s say they don’t trust labour with the economy…. Labour were in power for a significant period of time in which this cohort enjoyed continued economic growth and inflation in asset prices etc


So contrite, but just wants a different tory to vote for.
So, only Boris is the problem?

Compassion for the conned?
What about the wilfully ignorant?


After all this he still places the blame at the feet of Johnson and will just vote tory next time. He hasn't learned a thing.
