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I want to be right with Elohim. I want a better relationship with Him, so why can’t I stop sinning? That is a question that many people today struggle with? What can’t they stop sinning? If you struggle with this question you are not alone This video will answer the question and give you some advice on how to fix the problem.


Please give me time to respond.

Thank you greatly for watching and all of your support! May Elohim Bless You!
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I have this same testimony
1. Drop bad music
2. Drop bad friends and family
3. Drop bad language
4. Drop bad movies
5. Drop sinful holidays
6. Drop masterbation
7. Drop drinking and smoking


I can relate to you. I smoked marijuana for half my life. 17 years all day every day. Along with lust, pornography, and masturbation. I used to use women for sex. I found God a couple years ago because some woman took me to church. Little by little my heart changed. One day I had a breakthrough and was filled with the Holy Spirit. I was convicted to change my ways. From one day to the next I was able to die of my old self. I am now married to that woman that led me to the Lord and have a daughter on the way. I haven’t smoked marijuana and have no desire to. The same day I quit marijuana I quit pornography and masturbation. Stopped listening to Hip Hop music. Haven’t looked back since. I’m moving forward focusing on Christ. Amen! God is good. I enjoy your online ministry. I will definitely be supporting you brother. May God continue blessing you.




I struggle with anger, pornography, cussing, lust, and laziness the most as a 21 year old male. I need some prayers. I don’t want God to reject me.


This one touched my heart bro. I’ve been struggle with sexual immorality for a LOONGG time. I remember it as clear as day when I was first introduced to it at the age of 6 (surprisingly a month or so after I was baptized) and it has stuck around it my life since about the age of 10 or so. Considering that I’m 19 it’s been pretty much all of my life that I’ve struggled with it. It truly is a wicked spirit BUT I believe that it’s also the bondage of sin.

Most things that you mentioned in your video I have done. For example, trying to stop on my own accord but failing miserably. You truly need to place it in the hands of the Father and let Him bring you through. You CANNOT fight the devil and his angels on your own. They are extremely clever. But you can do all things through Christ.

I truly wish that more women could understand how pornography has taken over the lives of some men and how the devil targets men’s flesh in that way. Fleeing from sexual immorality (speaking for men) is a lot harder than you think. But it’s definitely not impossible!

Men if you struggle with this YOU CAN overcome it BUT you have to place in it the father’s hands FULLY and trust in Him. Have a desire the fully follow His word and it will set you free. But it does come through much prayer.

I’m happy to say I’m about a month clean and I don’t intend on going back. I just don’t have the desire for it like I once did. Only by the grace of God. Praise God. Thanks for this video.


I've had been struggling with pornography and masturbating. I stopped those but still struggling with dirty thoughts, curse and a feeling of masturbating. Pls, brother and his subscribers, pray for me.😣😥


Sin is holding me back. I'm need help. I always struggle. I need God!!!


The holy spirit is truly within you brother. Every time I wonder did truthunedited make another video, there it is. May Yahweh bless you for your hardwork.


Whatever u feed is what will grow! Feed the flesh it will control u, feed ur spirit it will guide you!


Thanks YAHSHUA for using your servant to encourage us to have self control something we all needs to do. I know we was conceive in sin but doesn't mean we have to live in stay prayed up bros and sis we more than conquerors shalom...


I believe this end time Generation wants to change, live for Jesus Christ but has been told "The LIE", that it is hopeless or useless to even try. Keep doing what you are doing, Brother! God's plan and end time purpose shall be revealed. John 4:23--24


Praise Yahuah! He has done with for me and He is bringing me through. I’ve been so thankful for this ministry and for my little church at my Aunts house we try to get together every sabbath. If we can’t be together we will use FaceTime or one of those tools. Yah is so good. I literally like just down a hill from them. Yah has blessed us in so many ways! I’m seeing Him remove so many things from my life and I’m BEYOND grateful and see how much they were keeping me from His fullness! HalleluYah! Thank you Yahshua Ha’Mashiach!!! Bless you Ron and your family! I love you all! Blessings to all my brothers and sisters in Yahshua! I pray that the Ruah HaQodesh guides us ALL into love, wisdom, understanding, and discernment!


God bless you bro. You are about our Fathers business!!! I will share this video with the


Yah has been working in my life even when I was not aware of it. The same thing that happened to you with the marijuana brother Ron, happened to me with cigarettes more than 25 years ago. I wanted to quit smoking cigarettes real bad and I was not really a true follower of Yahushua at the time however, I always did believe in Yah, my entire life. I briefly prayed and smoked my last cigarette. While I was smoking that last cigarette, looking in the mirror, I felt a feeling come over me and I said, "I will never smoke again." At that moment, I knew my battle with cigarettes was over, I KNEW I would never smoke again and I have never had the desire to smoke from that instant, even when I was around other people that smoke. Praise YAH, he was looking over me even when I was not aware of it. Only Yah can do this, only Yah can take away the bad desires of the flesh instantly. Praise be to Yah, almighty. Halleluiah.


I'm struggling with pornography n masturbation please pray for me beem times i thought it was behind me n i do it again.


I literally felt that way about marijuana too, almost 10 years I smoked, from the time that I got up to when I went to bed and sometimes if I got up in the middle of the night just because it was there, the ceremony of it, I was also this way with tobacco, alcohol, pornography, bodybuilding (the vanity of it), cussing, the wrong music, so on and so on, when I replaced the Father in all this, that chains of bondage to these things were truly broken, while everyone tells me that my constant staying in the word and prayer is unhealthy, those who tell me this are still a slave to their fears of detaching from the chains that Satan is using to keep them from FULLY being obedient to the Father, and still suffer from major addiction and depression issues along with other fears, thankyou brother, I love the Father's word being spoke through you


Very good message I’m struggling with the weed so bad. God bless you! He answered my prayers through this message


Thank you so much brother! I was feeling discouraged today and I started watching this video again and then in the midst of you speaking I realized that our heavenly father has taking some sins away from me. I immediately started crying and get on my hands and knees and thanked him for it thank you for helping me realize that he is working in my life I hadn't noticed until I started watching your videos thank you for being an inspiration in a guide I really appreciate you
Praise Ya
Juan G


Please do a video on fasting. I'm trying to fast everyday for the Lord and I'm slowly adding an hour to the fast. I want to know if I'm doing it right. Great video!


Truth cuts, as it should. Thank you brother. This video nailed exactly where I am, and that's pretty close to being alone. I desire more of Him, I desire to purge what's unclean. I've been alone too long but trust His will.
