The Dirty Truth about Combustion Engine Vehicles | An 'Open Source' Animation

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Robert was delighted to be asked to do the voiceover for this incredible animation by Mark Linthicum looking at the truth behind which pollutes more - combustion engine vehicles or electric vehicles? Spoiler alert: It's not EVs!

We are delighted to share this with you as it is another tool to expose the truth behind vehicle pollution, as well as asking what we can all do to help combat this.

Let's get this shared far and wide!

#CleanEnergy #ElectricVehicles #ElectricCars #pollution #cleanair #emissions #zeroemissions #stopburningstuff #greenenergy #renewableenergy
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Robert was delighted to be asked to do the voiceover for this incredible animation by Mark Linthicum looking at the truth behind which pollutes more - combustion engine vehicles or electric vehicles? Spoiler alert: It's not EVs!

We are delighted to share this with you as it is another tool to expose the truth behind vehicle pollution, as well as asking what we can all do to help combat this.


Funny, I used to be a fuel tanker driver. Now I am a cook and drive an EV, have electrified everything including my lawn mower and snow blower. And tell everybody how great that is.


As I work in the renewables industry, I see first hand what the effect of renewable technologies do to the market, grid and consumers - for the better. That is why I bought an EV 3 years ago (and I'll never go back to a IC). And I just pulled the trigger on a solar/battery array for my home that will charge my car(s). Creating a "nano"-grid for your home is surprisingly affordable now.

And Robert is 100% spot on - it starts with you. Work LOCAL. Change LOCAL and then once all of the local places implement their improvements it will spread.

Great job, Robert!


My first ev arrives today, Hyundai Kona. Don't think I will ever own an ice car again, and this show has a lot to do with my conversion


Love this video, I have independently looked at the peer reviewed research on these subjects myself and agree with the points made but there really should be a document attached to this vid with the citations for the papers and statistics mentioned. Would make it much more convincing for people already on the fence.

Again, loved the video and love the channel, keep up the excellent programming.


One way to get a EV charging option installed is to reserve a spot in a new development. It's much easier to convince a developer to include a charging option in the planning phase than after the fact. This is how I got 50% of parking in our condo with 16Amp 230V charging capability.


This is a brilliant video. Some of the animation is just hilarious. Thanks Robert for voicing over this piece.


even when you know all of this, this is just so eye opening to summarize it such a visual way.


♥ Love this. But sadly it only mentions that a ICE engine efficiency losses 70% energy but then never mentions its only 15% for an electric car. This needs to be hyped more. Ultimately this is what saves lots of energy, less pollution and money in the end. And this is why EVs will succeed.


I took out the data for this film, it would be a good idea to have this in table form.
Oil is found 1900 meters
One jack pump takes 9.96 MWh per month
An EV can drive 34, 860 miles, enough for 3 years
435, 000 jack pumps in US uses 4, 300 GWh per month
4, 300 GWh can power over 15 million EVs each month
Deep sea pump uses diesel generator 20 to 30 tons of diesel per day
electrical eq is 300 MWh per day
1, 470 offshore rigs uses 1.3 TWh per month
this would power 19.5 million EVs per month
337, 000 miles of pipeline in world for transport 542, 914 km for 199 million bbl per day we consume
Pump stations use energy
Ships contribute 1 billion tons of CO2 per year, oil shipping is 10%
Refinery heats oil to 427°C / 800°F for 100 million bbl per day
Refinery is largest pollution source where they are
After refining, it’s transported and an ICEV is 30% efficient at best.
US power sources 47% clean / 53% dirty Europe 56% /44% dirty
Australia produces 50% of lithium
OZ has 1% of oil use in world, refine only 1/4 of their oil, and it’s worst pollution source in OZ


Very nice. EYE opener for me. EV is the future..


I like it but it starts off with lots of figures but doesn't tell us a total of the whole process. It's half way there, maybe needs a part 2.


Great video highlighting the supply chain of petrol/diesel, however I feel some of the figures quoted are a little meaningless without context.

Its all well and good to say driving an oil pump consumes 1MWh a month - which could power a tesla for 35k miles, but how many petrol/diesel miles does that 1MWh pump deliver in an average car? (not forgetting the energy use throughout the remainder of the supply chain). If that pump delivers sufficient petrol to drive 100k miles for 1 MWh, then it’s a bit of a pointless statistic to be highlighting.

I feel the video could really benefit from summarising the total electricity consumption for petrol/diesel to drive 1 mile in an average car, which would give a much simpler figure to compare and contrast against the average EV consumption for 1 mile.

Not trying to detract from the message of the video, just feel it would benefit from some further clarity.

Keep up the good work!


Well done on this breakdown! I would appreciate a series of animated videos explaining all the subtopics this explanation summarizes.


Just one slight note. Everyone think nowadays, the ice engines has 30% avg efficiency, but this is actually the maximum, the average is around 12 percent%, so 88% of the petrol and diesel being burned for nothing.


The father and son Youtubers from Now You Know posted this on their channel. It's brilliant.


Thank you for revealing the "big picture" - it's quite an eye - opener!


Not having to import oil from a Country like Saudi Arabia is a good enough reason for me to make my next vehicle purchase an EV


If only this were bunkum, sadly it couldn't be more factual. Why is it that, as humans, it's even a debate?!!? Who actually wants to breath and use dirty fuels?!? We'd have to be insane!!! Funnily enough, we've got lithium places next to our refineries, the smell from our refinery can be intense, but the same can't be said for the lithium! Such a brilliant visual illustration!!! Very well done!! Nice to see you getting blunt Robert!!!


I think I am going to do a polish voice over for all the coal and oil loving poles
