Where Marian Doctrine is Found in Scripture

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"And a great portent [great sign] appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars;

she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery.

... she brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne."

(Revelation 12:1-2, 5 — RSV)

This Short was taken from the full video below:


One of the biggest stumbling blocks our Protestant brothers have with the Catholic Church relate to her teachings on Mary. The arguments made against Catholic Marian doctrine is that it is not found in the Bible.

However, when taking a closer look, we look to see that is not the case. An example of this is found in Revelation 12 regarding Mary as the Queen of Heaven.

Dr. Bergsma points out that the Scriptures clearly point to Mary as the woman in Revelation 12, who gives birth to the male child (Jesus), which alludes to Psalm 2:9.

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"And a great portent [great sign] appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars;

she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery.

... she brought forth a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne."

(Revelation 12:1-2, 5 — RSV)


As the moon reflects the light of the sun, Mary reflects the Light of Christ!


From henceforth ALL generations shall call me blessed Luke 1:48


And the first half of the Hail Mary is taken from the gospels - “blessed art thou among women” “blessed is the fruit of your womb”


WHAT!!! The women represents Israel. Not mary


Psalm 45
The Virgin to the right side of the King in heaven.
Noble men ask her favor.
The King exalts her for all generations!!!


How do you know though that Rev 12 is talking about Mary? You don’t you’re assuming.


Any Person who is Catholic, or even Christian, And Thinks a Divine being can be Born from an ordinary Woman: thinks an apple tree grows Grapefruits. She is So amazing, Don't miss out on her Love!!!


That verse doesn't explicitly say its Mary though and there are things about that show it isnt her. 1. She does not have "other" children according to the CC, so how is the dragon going off to fight with her "other children"? 2. When was Mary taken into the wilderness the be hidden from the presence of the dragon? 3. The garland of 12 stars strongly suggests the woman is symbolic for Israel and also it never calls this woman the queen of heaven.

There are absolutely 0 clear straightforward verses that call Mary a queen of anything. If it were such an important doctrine youd think Christ or the Apostles would have had a clear teaching about it, but they say nothing about her, this is all just a reach.


The verses in Revelation 12 about a woman who eventually gives birth to the Christ represents Israel 🇮🇱 not Mary. It is highly symbolic and must be read and interpreted carefully.This is the fulfillment of Joseph's vision in genesis 37:9. No where in the 4 Gospels do we see any reference from Jesus or his followers that Mary should be venerated or treated any differently than one other of Christ's followers. Not even in the writings of the apostles. Only Jesus is our high priest. I am grateful for the role that Mary played in Jesus life as I am in John the Baptist's life kind David, and even Moses. But scripture interprets scripture, not a church doctrine. Mary was a woman used by God as was Elizabeth. But she is no greater. And to elevate her as a person to pray to is dangerous and blasphemous. I respect my genuine brothers and sisters in the catholic faith. But I ask you to seek the Holy Spirit's guidance (not some other catholic saints) in finding the truth in this very important matter. Christ alone is our high priest ❤.


It is absolutely consistent with proper handling of scripture to have an emblem mean more than one thing. It's great to hear that this Rev. passage means both Mary and is an icon of the people of God.


Hilarious - that's exactly how not to exegete the Bible. No, you can't say she is in heaven because the passage is clear that "she" isn't. Context!!!!


Luke 1:43: And who am I[a] that the mother of my Lord should come and visit me?


Glad he was humble to accept the truth! the Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ who is God and she's also our mother, queen of heaven and the best intercessor. She protects us and hears our prayers.🙏🏼😊💕


The interpretation I knew is that the woman with twelve stars in her crown represents Israel and the twelve stars in her crown are the twelve tribes of Israel.


The woman is the nation of Israel, and her crown with 12 stars represents the 12 tribes of Israel. In the old Testament Israel is often personified as God's bride (He has been her husband to her Isaiah 54:5-7) even though she (Israel) has been an unfaithful wife (Ezekiel 16, Jeremiah 2:31-3:5, the whole book of Hosea). Israel is the 'woman who gives birth' to the Messiah.


Woman is the Nation Israel, 12 Stars 12 tribes of Israel


You guys never use 1 Kings 2:13-26. Then you need to run it alongside The Wedding at Cana. Which I’ve started calling Mary at the Wedding. Mary is the New Bathsheba. The Gebirah. The Great Lady. The Mother of the King. And therefore: The Queen.

I’m staying Protestant. But “Mariolatry” is *not* one of the reasons why.


Jesus through Mary.... without Mary there NO JESUS


Sorry but no cigar THE woman is national Israel. The 12 stars are the 12 tribes of istael..The male child is jesus christ that's true but you are leaving out most of the chapter . Plus god isn't sharing his glory with anyone
