What Happens When We Die? Is There Life After Death? - The Truth About Death

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Many wonder what happens when we die and ask like Job, "man dieth, and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he?" (Job 14:10) Jeff Reich of Laymen Ministries shows how the Bible answers this question clearly and conclusively "that we sorrow not, even as others which have no hope." (1 Th 4:13)
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Such beautiful message... I love the delivery. Thank you!


Fear death?
You shouldn't, why?
Because you are only *SURVIVING, Not LIVING*
Fear life?
It the same thing as fearing death....
So don't only live to survive GOD gave us freedom
Use that freedom to achieve your *GOALS*..
Example you're thinking to go to a place but you fear to do it because you are scared for some reason ...
Then the time will come you will regret that you didn't achieve it because you taugh that there is enough TIME.... But is there really is,
You should do it before it's too late....
So you the one who are are reading this ACHIEVE your dream Before it's too

Don'r be Scared GOD is always with you :) ❤❤


When we die, all biological functions cease and our consciousness fades away. As we decompose, the bacteria in our intestines gradually break us down into simpler matter. Basically imagine what life was like before you were born. Now imagine returning to that infinite stage of unawareness. That’s basically death summed up.


Maybe when we die we wake up maybe lifes a dream .. to me there's life after deaf ...


I wish we make a machine that creates anything out of nothing so that we can create a space ship if we ever need to leave the earth and to the be also a immortality machine that is free and that we will live on the human race forever and for the universe will never end


You have these verses interpreted wrong.
You have taken an erroneous literal interpretation from a book that is middle eastern mythology.
The reference to sleep is not about death. You’re regurgitating wrong information
One who is asleep is one who has not yet become awake or/ enlightened to their true nature that they are already a divine being/ God
But if your translation makes you feel better then okay


SORRY but you are wrong. when we die our soul still lives in another form of life and becomes a SPIRIT, an till the end of time. JESUS Said what is from flesh is flesh and what is from spirit is spirit. so we still live in a sleeping way like in a Dream. then at the end of times we will all wake up to be judged and the good will live for ever AND have the same body like Jesus when he went to heaven, no more pain, no more crying, no more sadness.


- after the soul leaves the physical envelope (the substantial etheric body), the unsubstantial etheric soul will continue to live in the spirit world, the soul will be attracted to either angels or demons, the soul will seek the company from which it is attracted .

- yes, there is life after the soul leaves the physical envelope of the substantial etheric body, so says the Lord God Jesus Christ Father Holy Eternal Creator Divine Supreme Universal.
Nobody is condemned to go there to Hell. Each soul seeks the society it likes, the companionship it likes, after the inclination that has dominated its life on Earth, either Heaven or Hell. Man has the free will to choose between Heaven or Hell.

God Father Jesus Christ does not condemn anyone to Hell. God Father Jesus Christ wants all people to be saved. But at the same time God Father Holy Eternal Creator Divine Supremr Universal Lord Jesus Christ gave man free will, the terrible privilege of condemning himself to Hell or of deserving Heaven. In other words, Swedenborg scribe of Lord Jesus Christ holds for the other world the doctrine of free will which the Orthodox doctrine suppresses after death. There is an intermediate region, which is that of the spirits. In this region are the people, the spirits of the dead and conversing with angels and demons. Then comes that moment, which may take a week, or long years, I don't know how many years, the moment comes when man decides to either be a demon or to reach an angelic state. In the first case he deserves Hell. This intermediate region is made of valleys and then of holes. The holes can be opened at a lower level, communicating with the inferiors ( Hell, demons), or at the higher level, where they communicate with the Heaven's. The man goes forward, talks and seeks the companionship of those he likes. If he has a demonic temperament, he prefers the companionship of demons.
If he has an angelic temperament, he prefera the companionship of the angels.

Man, therefore, is conversing with angels and demons. According to his own temperament, he is attracted to either one or the other. Those who condemn to Hell - God Father Holy Jesus Christ Creator Almighty condemns no one to Hell - they are attracted to demons, to Hell .

an angel would feel tormented in Hell, and a demon would feel tormented in the Kingdom of Almighty God the Supreme Universal Primordial Creator Lord Jesus Christ Jehovah the Eternal Divine Father.
Heaven and Hell scribe of Lord Jesus Christ Emanuel Swedenborg.
Lord Jesus Christ say :

This explains why the physical body must die in order to dissolve. It must be worm-like, until its complete dissolution, thus dying a second time, after which it will become the food of the infusers. They then penetrate into the bodies of plants, which decompose after death into several stages: partly in the ground, partly in fire, partly in the stomachs of animals. The process continues until the last atom is also dissolved and released. In the case of certain human beings, it lasts for several centuries, and in the case of the most proud of them - those who love themselves above all body - it may take several thousand years until the final dissolution of the body left behind. The most satanic part or part of the body will not rot, remaining intact forever, as the indestructible body of Satan himself.
