Все публикации

The Art of Water-walking. The Good News Is Better Than You Think Part 23 (David Clayton)

The SDA Catholic Trinity - Prove All Things 🖐️ Nader Mansour

What did the SDA Pioneers say about the Trinity doctrine? (Short version)

What does it truly mean, as the Bible states, that Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of God?

John 1:17 - Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ. (Another great sermon by David Clayton)

John 14:9 - If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father! (Divinity of Christ, by David Clayton)

These Last Days (by Nader Mansour from Revelation1412org)

What Must I do to be Saved? - (by Imad Awde from Revelation1412org)

Climate Change leads to Sunday Law! The Mark of the Beast is soon to come!

A Better Covenant - Why and How we should live under the New Covenant. (by David Clayton)

Who or What is the Holy Spirit? - (by Nader Mansour from Revelation1412org)


The Three Angels Message of Revelation 14 - Fear God and worship Him (The Only True God)!

Scientific Evidence for God's Existence (atheists should watch this) - Evolution debunked

What Happens When We Die? Is There Life After Death? - The Truth About Death

The New Testament / Covenant - The Life of Jesus Christ in believers! (by David Clayton)

What is the Gospel? - great presentation by David Clayton from Restoration Ministry

What does it mean 'we are NOT under the Law?' - The Gospel of Righteousness by Faith in Jesus Christ

WHO DO YOU WORSHIP? Great presentation by Nader Mansour from Revelation1412org

Who is The Comforter - The Holy Spirit - The Spirit of Truth? (Short version)

Christian Song 'The Prayer' by Group BESY Choir Female Voice

Hallelujah ft Vision Children's Choir Filmed at Sunrise! - Best Christian hymn song kids are singing

True Love and Peace in Jesus Christ - Peaceful Song - My Peace (Calm Christian song)

The Final Protest Intro - The Final Messages of Mercy before the Second Coming of Christ!