Avoid this drawing mistake beginners make #art #drawing #arttutorial

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All good advice, however, I'll continue to be a cozy little couch goblin finding new and creative ways in which to contort. Thanks.


Nope, do whatever is most comfortable for YOU to put YOURSELF on a page! 😁 This is a fantastic tip for someone that wants to loosen up their drawing style, but it's not a hard & fast rule, and isn't for everyone! Sometimes we need to stand up straight at an easel & flow, sometimes we need to hunch over a sketch book or tablet to live inside those tiny details! 💕 I personally can't stand to draw in this manner - I don't do well with loose, flowy, airy movements. My shoulders ache, I am atrociously near-sighted, and I can't straighten my back for long periods of time due to back injuries. My style is much more of the hunched-over approach, I like being in very close to my work, details are my comfort zone, and- while I do have to take lots of stretching breaks- it's still an over-all more comfortable & enjoyable experience to me personally. Giving tips like this is super helpful to explain your process & what works for you, but you shouldn't tell any artist that their work won't look as good if they don't do it your way 😉 Some people are experimenting with art for the first time, seeing something like this that says "You're doing it wrong, do it like *this* instead" & when they try it & don't like it or it doesn't feel right or natural for them they may become discouraged or stop all together. 😭


To clarify, the drawing method being recommended is great for MAPPING out a painting. Standing with the ability to frequently step back and then come back in arm’s length helps to ensure proper scaling and proportions. This is something one should be doing with the *entire process* of a painting.

If, however, you’re creating a smaller realistic piece that you’re not planning on turning into a painting, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with sitting down and getting intimate with your drawing. Helps keep your weighted graphite and/or colored pencils from rolling all over the place. 😉


Thank you! All of your tips, classes and podcasts have been incredibly helpful to me! I’ve been drawing and painting for years and never knew so many things!


What do you suggest fir wheelchair users like me?? My biggest pieces are poster sized.


I like my heavy lines, and I can't see for shit, so I will continue drawing 5 inches from my face thank you very much.


I think you're so cool man. Love watching


Your CONFIDENCE is indeed your greatest tool in the box


I like to sit and draw. But i do like this advice for people who want to loosen up everything.


You’re very generous to share these tips. God bless you! Oops, He already has! ❤️❤️


Personally I hate drawing the way you said and its really not my style nor does it suit me or the way I have bold heavy lines in my art. So I really dont agree with this, do whatever you want art has no rules! Sure you can try different techniques just this is not a RIGHT way to make art nothing is, do whatever you feel comfortable doing


Writing a letter to Santa 🙌🏼 I LOVE IT! Don’t do that😎


Thank you. Great advice. I'm tired of my hand cramping.


Thank you for the great tip I draw better big and standing up yes ❤❤❤
