Why Doesn't My Cat Meow?

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In this video, I'm talking about the reasons why some cats meow a lot while others hardly ever meow at all.

I'm Tom Kirby, UW-AAB, LSHC-S and I'm a certified animal behavior consultant who specializes in cats. At Kitty Help Desk, I offer affordable, science-based, judgement-free, feline behavior consults.

DISCLAIMER: This video is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for a one-on-one consultation with an animal behavior consultant or a veterinarian.

All products shown or mentioned in this video were purchased at retail. I prefer not to do paid reviews or product placements. My opinions are my own.

Video content by Tom Kirby, UW-AAB, LSHC-S
Original music by Tom Kirby
Modeling by Miss Lucy and Miss Mina

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My tabby cat doesn't meow at all. She lets out these cute pidgeon type sounds when she vocalizes with me. She's been with me from since when she was a kitten, and is almost 3yo now and I haven't heard her meow once.


I have 2 rescue cats - one I found stuck in a bush at about7 weeks old who is very vocal and tells me everything he wants and even asks me to follow him to open a door or cupboard. The other I got from a shelter and I never have heard him make a sound apart from one or two small tiny chirps in the 6 years he has lived with us. However, he loves tummy rubs (can't get enough) and brushing and sleeps with me every night. I just hope he is happy in his new home.


Thank your explaining why my cat doesn't meow. Her vet told me that maybe she have a problem with her vocal but I wanted a second opinion.


I have feral kitten that doesn't meow, since he's been in my home he's meowed a total of 5 times, he's a orange tabby. Even when he wants food, he will just sit by his bowl and not say a WORD. at first I thought he was deaf but I've since DEBUNKED that theory 😅 he can hear VERY well but he doesn't meow he purrs when I pet and hold him, he's very playful and he does this little quirky thing where when he plays he sticks the tip of his tongue out. Lol


My Mainecoon always chirups at me and I chirups back. A sort wat’s up how’s it going between us I suppose :). His purr on the other hand is so quiet and breathy I barely hear it 😂


My cat doesn’t meow she just lets out little squeaks sometimes 🤣 I do like it way more than a cat that meows all the time


Out of the blue my 7 year old Tabby stopped eating and drinking. Took him to the vet on Thursday blood work was normal and x-rays showed no blockage. It's Saturday and still no progress. Vet gave me ointment to stimulate appetite but it's not working.


My second cat since she was a kitten doesn't meow very often apart from when she is getting food or when shes calling me, apart from that she is a mute, there seems to be not a lot of videos regarding this intriguing subject 🤔 my first cat however is complete extrovert opposite 😂😂


I feed black cat that doesn't meow and whenever she wants food she knocks the door like a human. I got scared the first time it happened. 😂😂😅


I have a Norwegian Forest cat. She never meows like a regular cat. She does make a very quiet sound and this not too often. Is this odd?


My cats are twin brothers and 10 years old, they meow at each other and at me all the time.


Is it normal for my cat to meow at my brother but not at me(she only pur at me)? She exclusively meows to my brother, who never fed her and rarely petted her. My sister-in-law believes that this is because she is a she and prefers human male, but is that true?😢


Kudos to all the feline lovers put there..., ...
