6 Signs Your Cat ACTUALLY Likes Living With You

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➡ Chip The Manx on Social Media:


I feel so much better knowing my cat loves me


Fun fact: cats don't always purr when happy; they also purr when in stress and use purring as a coping mechanism. So if your cat is purring an awful lot without a cause; don't be immediately alarmed, but make sure they're drinking enough water and pay attention to any other behaviors they may show 💛


Jazzy purred every time I walked in the room. I miss her. She died last July. I loved that kitty.


How about exposing the belly? IMHO this is the greatest sign of a cat's confidence and happiness.


Their tail wagging can also symbolize that they don’t feel safe, and are anxious, so don’t just automatically assume


Tail wagging is a warning from cats. If the tail is straight up, they're enjoying the pets


mine is a frequently grumpy old boy, but he actively seeks me out to cuddle and nap and thats all i need <3


When your cat looks you in the eye and blinks, it tells you that it loves you. And if a cat, for example, fell down somewhere unhappily and pretends everything is fine but then purrs, that means that it has hurt itself and is just pretending like nothing happened


I think my cat loves me a bit too much, he doesn't just meow at me, he SCREAMS and will not stop until he gets attention


Actually, most of the times when cats wave their tails (like full waves; their entire tail is waving) is because they are stressed or overstimulated, so you should watch out for that
Remember: cats are not dogs


Maybe it's just me but they will make it quite clear to you if they don't feel comfortable. Or on the flip side they make it quite clear when they're happy.


Important things to note about cat vocalizations:

The single most important thing is that every cat is unique in how they vocalize. There are some general tendencies, but it's important to pay attention to the sounds they make so you can understand their specific sound repertoire.

Most cats purr when they're content, but it can also be used during times of stress. The frequency of the purr causes different physiological changes in their body. A recent study showed that certain frequencies of purrs can even help stimulate the healing process after injuries.

Meowing to other cats is usually only present in the first few weeks after birth. From that point on it is almost exclusively used to talk to humans. Not all cats meow though. My cat had been disowned by his mama shortly after birth and never really adopted any types of meow besides the occasional quiet one after a chirrup.

Some cats, like mine, communicate with others through a sound called chirrups (also called chirping or trilling). It sounds like a rolling higher pitched call. It's usually used when they want you to follow them as it's the call parent cats make to get their babies to follow them. If a cat wants you to follow them and gives you a chirrup, that's a good sign.


Error: when cats swing their tail from side to side quite fast means they're getting super angry with you and ready to attack you..


All my cats, even our oldest, act like little kittens because of how safe and free they feel in our home. Bless this wonderful universe for creating so many peaceful worlds


Only need one sign...

It doesn't attack your ass everytime it sees you!


I love it when u r relaxing and like put ur hand out and the kitty came to use ur arm as a pillow. It’s so cute 😭
I kinda get a dead arm now and then but it’s worth it


My cat doesn’t meow. Like at all. He just makes little meeps


My cat definitely loved living with me, one of his favorite hobbies was to lay by my shoulder and purr into my ear while I was laying in bed with my laptop on my lap, and he’d give head bonks a lot as well, giving me a wet little nose all over my face. He loved being on me or next to me, and sometimes he’d be a cat hat on the pillow as we were going to sleep at night and I’d hold one of his paws in my hand as if holding hands and we’d sometimes actually fall asleep like that. On March 2nd it will be 3 years since he went over the rainbow bridge after about a week of poor health (he suddenly started having seizures) and he let me know when it was time and showed before then that he just wanted to stay home with me for a little while longer. He was a couple of months shy of turning 16 years old and he was with me since he was a kitten. First time I saw him and his siblings, they had just opened their eyes


my cat always is moving his tail around, it’s super cute ☺️
