Paul Harvey Wisdom - 'You Will Never Be an Actress; You'll Always Just be the Girl in the Back'.

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An American Icon was told by her drama school director that she'd never be an actress, she had no talent, and her tuition was a waste of money and to go back home.

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Paul Harvey was an American radio broadcaster for ABC News Radio. He broadcast News and Comment on mornings and mid-days on weekdays and at noon on Saturdays and also his famous The Rest of the Story segments. From 1951 to 2008, his programs reached as many as 24 million people per week. Paul Harvey News was carried on 1,200 radio stations, on 400 American Forces Network stations, and in 300 newspapers.

A big Thank You shout out to Paul Harvey Archives;
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That voice. I remember as a kid I couldn’t wait for Paul Harvey The Rest of The Story to come on the radio.


When I told one of my high school teachers I was going to Flight School to become a pilot he told me I'd never make it. I thought that was an odd comment but have never forgotten it. I believe it was intended to be literal that I would never make it. I'm thankful for that comment as it provided much fuel of inspiration for me. I did become a Marine Corps pilot and flew in many countries.


How I miss Paul Harvey. A gentleman whom I looked forward to listening to on the radio every day during lunch. His wisdom, and delivery is timeless.


No one could tell a story like Paul Harvey. When he spoke his voice had a class all by himself and the more you listened to his story the more interesting interesting it got. As a kid couldn't help but hanging on to every word he said to find out who he was talking about and to hear the Rest Of Story. Thank you Paul Harvey for having a lasting impact on my life an so many others too. May your word never be forgotten.


Some country station should start playing these everyday at noon like it used to be. Almost need these played in school the way things are going.


The absolute greatest story teller I've ever heard!!


Amazing story .... THESE are the stories that need to be taught to young children ...


As I think back to the 1970s I knew at noon there would be the Paul Harvey radio program, that was the most popular thing on radio.
Everyone tuned into it that I knew, all my friends parents listened to him and so did I. I think back to the 1970s when I grew up and it was a lot different than today ( I'm sure we all know how different it was ) . I was around 14 years old in 1978 when I first payed attention to Paul and have been a fan ever since. I'm now 60 years old and can't understand how fast time has passed by but I still listen to Paul the same way I did when I was 14 .


This is Mind Boggling. One would have never thought this of Lucy.


I left a comment on another video comparing Paul Harvey to Mike Rowe. Listening to either is comforting no matter the subject matter being discussed.


Love and miss this. Please keep them coming. Thanks.


Back in the day I think he came on the radio 3 times a day. 10:00AM and around 1:00 and 3:00PM. The shop basically shut down at those times to listen and if the air compressor was running it was temporarily shut down. Even the customers hovered around the little table top radio we had on a shelf above the work benches.


As a lover of science fiction I consider her one greatest contribution to be to give Gene Roddenberry a chance to show sci-fi as it appeared in novels instead of as in the horror movies and kid shows.


That was good. I like the surprise of the visual image, as much as hearing who it is


Ya gotta love Paul Harvey ...and Lucy! Because that "girl in the back" went on to influence not just Hollywood but the entire world when she decided to produce a little known outer-space western show called _Star Trek._ And if you don't think Star Trek didn't influence a few people then you don't know the rest of _any_ story.


When I was 18, I was hitchhiking out to WY - (1975) A van workman's picked me up in SD - he had an apprentice with him. I snoozed and woke up when they were excitedly trying to find something on the radio. Paul Harvey - listened to him ever since.


Great Example of not “placing you pearls before swine!” Lucy was a comic genius! R.I.P. 😇


He like my Father.. I love my father, I love listening to Paul Harvey..


Hello. My name is Claude Thud. I'm the dork who told Lucille Ball she would never make it in show biz. I'm a daggone expert. (P.S. an EXPERT? An "ex" is a has-been, and a "spurt" is a drip under pressure.


God bless her, without her, we would never have had Star Trek. 🖖
