Can China still become the world’s largest economy? | Business Beyond

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China managed the fastest sustained growth of any major economy ever recorded - catapulting it to second place behind the United States.
But today, its GDP growth is at near-historic lows. For the first time in two decades, its output fell behind that of the rest of Asia. Analysts believe that even the end of Zero Covid won’t signal the revival of Chinese economic growth as we know it.
In this video, we look at the economic headwinds the country is facing - and what they mean for Beijing’s race to becoming the world’s biggest economy.

00:00 Introduction
02:00 Economy today & Zero Covid
03:31 History of economic rise
05:50 Mountain of Debt
11:15 Lack of Consumption
14:14 Demographic Change
17:55 International threats
21:42 Conclusion

#china #economy #boom

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As a foreigner who lived through the entire duration of zero covid for the past 3 years in China, this is by far the most objective commentary I’ve seen on YouTube to date. Economists and business leaders are voicing concerns at the start of 2023 that the year could be a difficult one. JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Jamie Dimon said Tuesday that the Federal Reserve may need to raise interest rates to 6% to fight inflation, higher than the peak level between 5% and 5.5% in 2023 that most Fed officials penciled in after their December meeting. Although I read an article of people that grossed profits up to $500k during this crash, what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist


My growth of 401k is 2.74% in the past year. In this environment does investing under a brokerage with a custodian outperform a 401k? should I seek a pro to grow my funds on brokerage acct or still hold? I have 5 years to retirement. Happy to discuss.


Some economists have projected that both the U.S. and parts of Europe could slip into a recession for a portion of 2023. A global recession, defined as a contraction in annual global per capita income, is more rare because China and emerging markets often grow faster than more developed economies. Essentially the world economy is considered to be in recession if economic growth falls behind population growth.


Protecting your capital is much more important than making money. Basically because if you lose your capital, making money is much harder. ''Missing the train'' vs. ''losing your money''. There are a lot of trains, but if your money is gone, it's over.


We can't really tell what will follow until after the inflation result comes in this February. Meanwhile, historical data have proven time and time again that stocks will always outperform bonds in the long run, so I'm sticking out my guns and I'm remaining in the market. I just need to pick out quality stocks, and I'm good to go. The problem is how to find them.


Most successful people always seek the ideas and experience of financial professionals that help tackle issues on wealth management and growth but claim to attain their success alone. To attain financial growth, you need a high degree of knowledge and experience from a professional to make your goals a reality. Mrs Keleen Marion saw me through my success


Thanks mate for all the fantastic reporting and interviews what an education I am getting) never to old to learn even at 63 years!:)


I don't understand almost every single economy is "slowing down" why do they expect China to be different?


As far as I can remember, the western media has been saying "China's economy is going to be destroyed" for at least two decades, but China has gradually changed from one of the poorest countries in the world to the world's largest economy. Success is same with failure. It's not happened suddenly, I believe that as long as people's belief and pursuit of success remain unchanged, things will develop in a good place, it doesn't matter which country you are from.
So I believe that China will continue to grow, people should appreciate and seek good opportunities in it, it will be good for the whole world.


It’s like watching a Peter Zeihan presentation about a year too late 😂


The current issue facing the United States is that they have lost their industrial foundation and just have guns and overprinted money to trade. I'm happy that before I deemed them bad investments, I sold off the majority of my important assets on the financial market at a premium price. The American economy is currently struggling as a result of their poor assessment of China.


As a Chinese, I rember our country has callapsed for 5 times at least in western media, we will continue to collapse until we buy this kind of media.


Bitcoin has been falling for a while now and it might keep falling or decide to rise again. The truth is no one knows, I believe it’s the right time to make purchase and also get the assistance of a professional


i know you guys want china to fall. but china kept investing mult billions of $ into infra and R &D and there is still the world's largest population of middle class which is growing faster than any other countries. so unfortunately, China will let the haters down again. sorry ^_^


Well I live in a China and China has proven many countries wrong over and over again. So I wouldn’t be fast to declare they won’t 😅. I’ll check this comment after a couple of years after and let’s see then. And to be honest maybe it’s time for another country to rise ?


These economic "experts" featured are a funny bunch
1) debt in China is in RMB, ie their own currency
2) The question of China surpassing the US is a structural question, NOT one about growth rates, China can have 10% growth rate overnight, if it loosen the properties sector
So it's not about growth rate, it's about getting rid of low end manufacturing, raising wages in the services sector, because in services sector, wages are determined by the wealth of customer, not worker efficiency.
3) China will also need to internationalize the RMB more, so that China's debt can become the world's debt, just like what the EU and the US does

With all 3 steps, and a steady population of more than EU+US+Japan+Australia, China can and will surpass the US in economic size.


To be honest, there is not that large inventive to pursue a high growth rate for China now, especially due to the de-coupling and cold war with US. They don't need that much trade surplus (USD) from US as United States tries to completely cut the technology connection with China. To have a more independent and sustainable economic model, China does need to slow down the nominal growth rate and rebalance their internal resource. I don't think China really cares about being "the largest economy" at all.


作为一个中国人 我很惊讶你们可以看得这么准确而透彻

地方债 房地产企业债 高房价 高育儿成本 高养老风险
养老金制度脆弱且不公平(农村老人只有100元人名币的退休金 公务员平均是他们的八十倍以上) 等等问题 共同造就了严峻的人口问题

对于已经在执行的延迟退休我们只能接受 没有任何方法反对

当然 但相比中国 美国目前的情况更糟糕也更迫在眉睫
并且我也认同中国GDP如果像超过美国 现在只能靠美国经济崩溃了 主动超过基本不可能



5% growth for a huge economy is still very impressive, considering the US is only growing 1-2%. I have been hearing how China will clash for the last 20 years. Why not interview a different prospective? All are anti China rhetoric😂


They were on track, but then there was Xi Jin Ping to stagnate the growth.
