How Do You Use Baking Soda To Kill Bed Bugs FAST !

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Keeping your home bug-free is near-impossible, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try your hardest to make it possible. Discovering an infestation of bugs is pretty disturbing, and one of the worst creatures of all is the notorious bed bug.
Bed bugs live in your home and have an annoying talent of being able to sense body heat emitting from humans and animals, and even the carbon dioxide you exhale. This means they’ll be able to detect you in a room, usually when you’re asleep, and take enjoyment from biting your skin all over.
Bed bugs survive by feasting on human blood, which is as disgusting as it is frustrating. Who gave them permission to take your blood and leave itchy bumps all over your skin? You certainly didn’t – so you’ll need to show them who’s boss and get rid of them as quickly as you can.
Luckily, you don’t have to resort to using toxic chemicals that could be harmful to your home and family to get rid of bed bugs. There are plenty of natural methods that prove just as effective, with one of the more popular of these methods using baking soda.
So What is Baking Soda?
Baking soda is an ingredient that must of us have in our cupboards fort those frequent cake baking emergencies. It’s known as sodium bicarbonate in full, and, as its name suggests, consists of sodium and bicarbonate ions.
Being completely natural, baking soda is one of the safest cleaning formulas you can use in your home. It’s safe to eat, for a start, and it also won’t irritate your skin when it comes into contact with it. Generally, baking soda is a better alternative to getting rid of bed bugs than most commercial products, which often contain chemical pesticides that are toxic to humans as well as pests.
So How Does Baking Soda Work
When you’re trying to control a pest, in this case, bed bugs, baking soda works in a number of different ways:
1. Digestion
First, while baking soda is perfectly safe for consumption by humans, it’s a different story for insects. When baking soda warms up, as it does when it is being digested, it changes composition and its chemical bonds break down. This causes it to release carbon dioxide in gas form, which will burst the lining of a bed bug’s intestines, killing them.
2. Exoskeleton damage
We might not notice it ourselves, but the tiny grains of baking soda are actually pretty sharp. In many cases, these can be sharp enough to cut into the underside of a bed bug’s exoskeleton, which can cause enough damage to eventually kill the insect.
3. Dehydration
One of baking soda’s most useful properties is its ability to absorb odours and moisture. When you sprinkle baking soda over a bed bug area, it will suck the water out of any insects it comes into contact with, dehydrating the bed bugs to the point of death. Bed bugs don’t need to ingest the baking soda for this to happen; simply contact with the powder will be enough.
So How do you Use Baking Soda on Bed Bugs
There are three favourable ways of doing so:
1. Baking soda paste
To make a paste out of baking soda, mix the ingredient with water in a bowl until you achieve the consistency of honey. Then use a brush and paint the paste wherever bed bugs might hide, such as on mattresses, springs, couches, and armchairs. Make sure to get inside holes, crevices and cracks. Every few days, vacuum up the dried paste and start again until your infestation is gone.
2. Baking soda sprinkle
Simply take a handful of baking soda as it is and sprinkle a layer around all furniture and inside cracks and small spaces. Vacuum up and repeat every three days. Remember that a vacuum is important for removing bed bugs from your home instantly. By using it daily, you’ll catch the bugs that come out of hiding,
3. Baking soda piles
Bed bugs are incredibly sneaky – they can hide in places other than your bed and then crawl up the legs of your bed frame to get to you. You can prevent this issue by making piles of baking soda all around your bed’s legs, which the bugs would have to crawl through to reach you. Do the same thing with the couch, piling baking soda around its base.

Remember, Baking soda is one of the safest and most natural ways of removing bed bugs from your home – and this simple ingredient is proof that there’s no reason to resort to harmful chemicals to kill the insects.
Keep in mind that bed bug infestations are one of the hardest to fully eliminate. If you use it correctly and frequently, baking soda can kill bed bugs, although it won’t instantly. You’ll need to stay on top of the application, but on the plus side, there won’t be any kind of dangerous chemicals sitting around your home.
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Guys this works. I don't know where in the heck mine came from, but I sprinkled A LOT of baking soda all over my mattress and carpets. Took my sheets, blankets and pillows to the laundromat and dried them on high heat for half hour. Heat kills them. Now for home in addition to the baking soda I got clove oil and orange oil. Clove oil draws them out, they don't like the strong smell. Ididn't mind the smell. So get two spray bottles from the dollar store, fill one halfway or a quarter of the way with cove oil and the other with orange oil. Add water to both and shake before each use to mix the oil and water so it's easier to spray and lasts longer. Now clove oil spray the corners of your room, around...not in electrical sockets, corners of your mattress where they love to hide, on the legs/ feet of your bed and baseboards. The orange oil n water mixture is to kill them almost instantly, if your infestation is that bad after spraying the clove oil you will see them. I got those damn bugs at the very beginning when I first got bit so there couldn't have been many at all so I never saw them, but the bites hurt and lasted a while as I am allergic. I got bit twice before I realized it was them. Didn't have any further bites after that first use of baking soda, cove oil n orange oil. I sprayed orange oil on my comforter even tho I didn't see any plus it smells nice, but it made me feel better lol. Now if your infestation is bad which it seems like it from the posts I am reading, you will need to take your pillows, blankets and sheets you sleep on and go to the laundromat ASAP. I suggest doing this first thing in the morning so you have the rest of the day to treat your home. PUT THEM IN TRASH BAGS TIED TIGHT, NO HOLES! You don't want them loose in your vehicle. Use as many plastic bags as you need just make sure you throw the plastic bags out after you get to the laundromat. Straight into the washer then dryer and use NEW plastic bags to put them in after they are dry and leave them in your car. DO NOT bring them back in just yet. Pillows can just go straight into the dryer for 30 minutes on high heat. Any decorative pillows that cannot withstand high heat need to go in the dumpster outside not inside your house. You can always buy more. Then go home that morning, get the clove oil mixture together and start spraying away, then get the baking soda and start sprinkling over that bare mattress and those carpets and leave it there just like the video says for 3 days, then vacuum and reapply. I sprayed the clove oil everyday for a week, the orange oil just a few times, but like I said I want infested, I got the few in the first couple of days. Also after sprinkling your mattress with the clove oil and baking soda you may want to invest in a plastic mattress cover especially if your infestation is bad. Don't forget to flip the mattress to get both sides. Then just zip that sucker up and let the baking soda do its job. Hope this helps!


Back in the day, my mom and then use to say good night, don't let the bed bugs bite. I never heard of bed bugs growing up. I didn't think, there was a such thing, of bed bugs...well, there sure is a such thing, of bed ..I've had em one time ( one time is enough) Thank God, i caught them, in time, before they got, to cried...I was so mad... Thank God, my son, helped me, to get rid of them...all the bedding and ect, right in the washer...baking soda, all over on the couch, floor and bed. I washed, curtains and all. I even put, tape on the legs of my bed..I got rid of em, Thank God!!!


What I do is I get a bucket I feel it up halfways with baking soda and the other half with flea powder Safer’s Bed Bug and Flea Killer I mix it up then I sprinkle it all over the house then I use a broom i sweep side-to-side creating dust and make sure you move everything away from the walls so you can get into crevices of all the corners and billboards I recommended covering everything now you don't want to be covered with dust and wear a mask so you don't inhale the dust too much go outside for about 10 to 15 minutes until the dust settles leave the stuff all over the ground for 12 hours to dry up these little bloodsuckers and then vacuum for me it took five treatments to get rid of them


I sprayed my sofa and mattress with an insecticide that claimed to be non-toxic... Big mistake. Not only did it give me respiratory problems, it caused the bed bugs to scatter to other parts of my home. (I've caught quite a few of them walking along the floorboards in various rooms.) I'm going to give this baking soda trick a try. I just want my sleep and peace of mind back.


Also, add lavender oil in bath & body as well just a little bit they won't come near you.


Two methods have worked for us in our rentals. Housekeep your space very well by decluttering, vacuuming very well, and washing all clothing, bed sheets, comforters etc and drying, then sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth around the perimeter of the rooms. If this works, you're done. If not, call an exterminator who applies Aprehend and have them to their thing. This works 100%.


Solution: just live inside a box of baking soda.


I've been fighting these damn bugs for two yrs. I've tried EVERYTHING you've all mentioned. I thought I won the war! For six months I was bed bug free.. I bought New beds and couch and OMG.. They r back!!!! They will live in the baseboards or any boxes you may have in a basement. I'm actually waiting for an exterminator to come thru next week. I've wasted time and money thinking I could do it myself.. And I'm a clean freak.. It doesn't matter who you r.. If they moved in, you will end up having to call the big guys... These bugs r EVIL!!!!


We don't know if we have bed bugs but some one who came to visit us said that they got Bed bugs from our camper. The camper has been empty since last September and has had no heat or people since then. It got down to zero and a little below this winter. We haven't found a dead or alive one in the camper and wonder haw hard they are to see.? Thanks for the Baking soda help.


I also used hot boiling water to wash the floors, I sprayed an insecticide called Hawx and I used a regular iron to vapor iron my clothes. Also diatomeas earth I bought un Amazon works you just spread it in the rooms and beds.


I remember watching this video a few months ago I had bed bugs
I will tell you how I got rid of them this is a lot of steps I took all my clothes put them on the back porch I threw my couch away too many cracks and crevices I went to Walmart got a bed cover that sealed in the mattress completely I went to Lowe's bought 10 cans of bed bug spray bought two cans of bombs for every room bought a Swiffer jet bought a Swiffer jet jug dumped out the stuff in the Swiffer jet got to put it in Bowling hot water to get the lid off filled my Swiffer jail with bed bugs liquid mop the whole house with it sprayed all the baseboards with the sprays sprayed both beds lock soak them bombed each room with with two bed bug bombs came back to the house 2 hours later sprayed everything I could again with a mask on then stayed out of the house for like a whole day went back in the house and washed every item of clothing I had on the porch and every time I brought something in I sprayed the floor down again just because I walk something in and may have had a bed bug on it I know it's a lot of work but I got rid of them


diatomaceous earth is not too expensive and does the trick also. These things are hard to get rid of for sure, but it can be done. But you have to stay on top of it. Sometimes, you think you have them defeated, then you see another. Don't panic.. just keep vigilante. Keep up the maintence against them. It takes a combo of things. Everyone has different methods, so try a few and just keep it up. Eventually they will be gone.


Works somewhat, definitely not fast and surely does not kill them, especially not the eggs hidden in tight places. I tried the RAID bed bug killer which made our bed box stink and still had bugs next night. Btw; Best way to catch em if you see one is with a small piece of scotch tape, Bed bugs are flat, like paper and will stick on glued surfaces, even the real small ones will stick on it and sure die. For the ones you don't see, the only thing works is heat! Bed heaters are very expensive to rent however, Heat guns are too hot and will melt synthetic fabrics, so find a real strong Hair dryer, like at least 1500-Watt and set it to the highest setting and heat up you box-spring slowly work around the edges on both sides, and the edges of your mattress. The hot air will penetrate the holes you don't see and where bugs and their eggs are located. Bed bugs cannot tolerate high heat, so anything over 50 Celsius or hotter will kill them. Steamers also work. If you still see bugs, repeat the process in a few days. If you have kids, put their sheets and pyjama in a bag and freeze it for a few hours, That will kill the real tiny bugs you don't see. Just my two cents


Off to buy 20 kg of baking soda
And I have a cake to make 👍👍


I put baking soda in a container two weeks ago along with 6 bed bugs. They are still just as alive today as the day I put the two together. So don’t believe this advice.


I put cups next to my bed frames and it somehow works. The bed bugs are trap in it thinking they're climbing up the frame. Just additional traps to increase their extinct rate


Im homeless at the moment staying with a friend with A BAD INFESTATION...I haven't slept it 3 days before that I got 6hrs sleep in 3 days....I really wish this worked or works I have no idea all I know...IS RATHER SLEEP IN THE SEWERS!!!!DOES THIS REALLY WORK AND ANY OTHER HELPFUL TIPS IM GOING INSANE FROM LACK OF SLEEP...I'm also super scared of all bugs so this is pure hell


How many of you saw this video and start scratching yourself thinking of bugs in you


be carefully with lending fans out.
I let my neighbor borrow my fan and than I noticed black crap a heroine sticky crap coming out the fan.
So I think the bugs got in the fan.
I moved to another place and 10-15 all at once.
I had 2-3 at my apartment.


thank you so much I'm actually suffering from bed bugs and thank you for the information I am doing it right now I found the video today I searched for it because I need it it's happening in my house and my body is all been eaten I appreciate thank you
