Calvin's God is CRUEL!

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The atonement is limited? No. There is a limited response to atonement. (Romans 1:16)
God dooms people to Hell? No. Unbelievers go to Hell. (2 Peter 3:9)
We are punished in Hell for our sins? No. We are punished for our unbelief. (John 3:18)
Calvin's version of God is loving? No. The God of the Bible is loving. (Romans 8:39)
Jesus only died for the elect? No. Jesus' sacrifice is only efficacious for those who believe. (1 Timothy 4:10)
We must confess our sins daily? No, not for salvation. ALL of our sins are immediately forgiven the moment we are saved. (Colossians 2:13)
We must work to prove salvation? No. We work to show thankfulness for our salvation. (Romans 12:1)

Please note: A full discussion of the scope of the atonement is not found in Calvin’s writings. However, we can deduce from his writings that he believed in a "definite atonement" a.k.a. limited atonement. For instance the following quote from Calvin points to this: “I should like to know how the wicked can eat the flesh of Christ which was not crucified for them, and how they can drink the blood which was not shed to expiate their sins.” Also many of his followers, most notably Beza did deal explicitly with limited atonement, a matter to which Calvin never disagreed.

Check this sermon out. Please!!!
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Let me put it this way: Calvinism is not saying God sends people to hell in a cruel fashion, let me explain. Picture this, every single human on planet earth is running as hard and fast as they can away from God and towards hell. We are sinful fallen creatures, doomed to hell because the holy righteous God cannot stajd to have sin unpunished. He is perfect and just for this. Sin cannot go unpunished. God, in his great love with which he loved us, while we were yet sinners, enemies of God running away, he plucked some of them out of their paths and said "you here, you there, and you over there. Im saving you." He plucked us up from our run towards eternal death.

Just my thoughts, please be charitable and remember that both Armenianism and Calvinism are orthodox so we should make sure to be united over divisive!


If God were as Calvinists say, He would be as bad as Allah or one of the many pagan gods.


If you make a claim, you have to provide evidence. And you have not done that here. Saying Calvin’s God is cruel without providing a shred of textual support is not a sound point.

It’s what we like to call an emotional argument. It’s saying :“I don’t like the God of the Bible because, I don’t think he is fair”


Glad to see more youtubers popping up that rebuke calvinism. Calvinists were smart and got on the internet and have been tricking people for a while now.


Everybody going to hell hates God. God is not subject to a perverted human sense of morality. God reveals himself in the Bible. The Bible clearly states that there are no righteous men apart from the grace of God. If there is nobody righteous, how can someone choose to follow God (Be righteous) without God intervening and changing them from within. The reason we are Christian is because God has killed the old self and created new desires in our souls. A dog doesn’t know his vomit is repulsive but a dog that’s been changed into a man finds the vomit repulsive. God changes us, we cannot change ourselves.


Total depravity doesn't even work with the Cain and Able story or the Prodigal Son.

Cain had a chance to rule over the sin that was crouching at his door but he let it in. If he did what was right his sacrifices would also be accepted.

The prodigal son came to his senses and went back home. His father said he was dead but now is alive. How can a totally depraived dead person come to their senses choose God? Or would Calvin suggest that God made him sin very intensely as part of the regeneration process?


this is what happen`s when you ADD, or take away from GOD~S word !!


According to Calvin's Institutes, some are doomed from the Womb.


True, Seems Calvinism doctrine defined another Gospel, different from we learned from Bible.😔

The introduced God characters are different from we learned from Bible.😔


Pretty simple. If God has already decided who is going to heaven and the rest are going to hell, then out of necessary implication we must conclude that no amount of Christian activity (preaching, teaching, praying, missionary activity, etc.) has any bearing on the eternal outcome of any human. Thus, ALL Christian activity is meaningless and valueless (if Calvinism is true).


Limited Atonement is proof of arrogance and pride. Only the Calvinist is worthy of salvation.


Tell me you don’t understand the doctrines of grace with out telling me. Brother you just mis represented Calvinism the entire video. Us Calvinist believer anyone and everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. If you had any understanding of Calvinism at all you would know this.


Thanks for not using anything pesky like scripture, or even direct quotes. Disingenuous and uneducated video


Any God who would create Hell is cruel. It doesn't matter what that God says if it's threatening you with endless agony it doesn't love you.
