John Calvin Perverted Grace (False Prophet Exposed)

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#johncalvin #reformed #grace
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The main culprit in the TULIP calvin teaching isnt that you have no free will, though that is a false thing to say. The main problem is the L in the tulip, meaning "LIMITED" atonement....basically meaning that they will say to you that Christ did not die for the sins of the world but that he only died for the elect. The bible clearly teaches that this is fact i would be terrifies preaching anything like that...i dont know how a calvinist can preach limited atonement and not be convicted by the Spirit of God...its such a wrong teaching and it is intended to strike at the heart of the gospel...


When persecution comes. Denominations won’t matter. Division and separation will all die. I’m referring to every Christian evangelical denomination. It’s so arrogant for all pastors of all denominations as they stand on a pulpit and claim “ I got it right, only our denomination goes by the Word of God “.


Now the only, and real problem I have, after only using my KJV Bible, no longer Calvinism based, Scofield-Dispensationalism based, Pre-Tribulation based, Pro Zionism based, I no longer have a church to attend 😳😥...I finally feel like I’ve been awaken out of a coma...unfortunately, there are literally zero churches around here that preach the truth like the new IFB. But praise be to God, Truth is finally being preached and we have YouTube to experience it. 👍


The Church are the people who answered God's call.


You must have faith that works by love. Faith without works is dead.


Christian Faith: Imitate Apostle Paul as just he imitates Christ. It is written 1 Corinthians 11. Do not follow false apostle John Calvin.


Before Jesus drew His last breath He said ‘It is finished’ All done and complete. Salvation is an unmerited gift to every one who receives and endures. How can a Calvinist know they are guaranteed a place in eternity with God just because of where they are now and their life journey isn’t over yet when the truth is we work out our salvation in fear and trembling. Peter says we are barely saved.Jesus went to the cross to deal with sin and the devil (and it’s fully dealt with) not for particular individuals .


What I see is that people throw around "Believe The Gospel" like a basketball. Which Gospel, as there are many in the Bible?
The Gospel for us today is: 1st Corinthians 15: 1-4 (KJV ONLY) and verse three refers to the Shed BLOOD of Jesus.
Go read church websites and see how long it takes you to find anything on how to get your soul sealed to GOD forever. Most, and I mean most, churches are just dog and pony shows for the sheep and leave them hanging in the air when it comes to showing them how to get saved correctly for this time under GOD's Grace and Mercy.
To get saved on the spot, one just turns to GOD and admits they are a sinner, now place all their Faith from all their Heart IN the death, shed BLOOD, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ of Nazareth to be washed of all past, present and future sins. Once GOD hears and see you are ALL IN on the Finished Work on The Cross by Jesus (GOD in the Flesh, ) then GOD immediately Holy Baptizes you on the spot and gives you Eternal Life.
So simply is Salvation once you see it, hear it, understand it and BELIEVE IT (It being 1st Corinthians 15: 1-4!)
Love, Shed BLOOD of Jesus Christ


God says “They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind…”

The Calvinist responds, “You’re a liar, God. Not only did it come to your mind when you ordained it before the foundations of the earth, but you most certainly commanded it since mankind can do nothing outside of your ordinations.”

God responds: “…I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind…”

The Calvinist responds: “Uh, I guess that’s just the mysteries of God!”

God responds: “I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind.”

“LET GOD BE TRUE AND EVERY MAN A LIAR.” And let God be true and every Calvinist a liar.


Dead men don't make choices. If we believe that we are all dead in our sin (and we are), how can a dead man choose life? He cannot.


the new IFB churches are the only churches I know of that preach the whole truth all other churches preach either pre-trib. or works salvation and Zionism.



To say God makes people carry out evil is calling God There's no way around that!!


Calvinism is from the pit of hell!! REPENT WHILE YOU CAN!!


He says that both of them come from The Roman Pagan Catholic Church to try and slander The Catholic Church. What he maybe doesn't know is that John Calvin and Martin Luther broke off from and denounced the Catholic Church going on to establish their own faiths. Look where that led them together with millions of souls. We do belong to christ but Christ himself left a structured authority for his Church through the apostles. He specifically told Peter(The 1st Pope) that it is on him( Peter) that Jesus will build his Church upon Him. He tells Peter that the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. Now look and see brethren, Jesus' words prevail to date through the Catholic Church. Unlike the protestant movement which split up into thousands right after breaking off from the Catholic Church. No unity whatsoever.


God will never override our free will. The Lord wants people who love him, not robots.


This is probably the worst representation of Arminianism and Calvinism I’ve ever heard 😂. Not to mention no scripture was read he just briefly mentioned a couple things from the Bible and quoted them wrong haha. It’s ok to disagree with someone just represent their views correctly 🤦🏻‍♂️ 😂


God shines the knowledge of Christ in your heart. See2Cor4:6
You believe Him.


Calvinists love to use Romans 9 and pharaoh's hardened heart to spread their heresy. Is there a sermon disproving that?


Correct teaching on Free Grace and Calvinism & Arminianism, I have just one concern on added scripture regarding Paul's conversion....Your comments saying " You're fighting against me do you want to still fight against me you want to become a reprobate of the son of the devil like the rest of the Pharisees or do you want to become a child of God Paul said well I want to be a child of God he said good than go and I'll show you someone... (not how it is written) In this case God tells Paul want to do and of cause he agrees to do want God told him to do there is no indication he was given a choice to go one way or the other so maybe not the best example of free choice?


Sorry am I going crazy ? He quotes a scripture that he says is in revelation 22 but I can’t find it in revelation 22 ?


Let’s compare Gods salvation to a 80” TV. Amazing.
