Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin Review

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As a continuation in our series Who Were the Puritans?, in this video, I review John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion (1541 Edition). This is a fantastic book, and I hope that this review allowed that to be seen.

Who Were the Puritans? Series:

You can buy this book (it is more expensive than I was aware. My apologies for that) here:

Puritans and Calvinism by Peter Toon:

The Puritans: Their Origins and Successors by Martyn Lloyd-Jones:

I hope you all have a blessed day!

Soli Deo Gloria!

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Do you know how much of an abridgment this is relative to the McNeill 2-volume edition? I'm intrigued by this as a 1-volume systematic but I'm not sure how much is lost.

Totally agree with your sentiment about the volume of what these theologians were able to accomplish by God's grace, in such short lives. I aspire to be so set apart for the work of the Lord that I would be half as productive as these guys in what the Lord has called me to!


Wonderful review man, not gotten to Calvin yet since turning to Christ i have had a big Francis Turretin phase. And now i'm reading Stephen Charnock's beautiful Discourses on the Existence and Attributes of God that was recently republished in two nice volumes which if i'm not mistaken can be seen in your library. Hope to hear your thoughts on it one day!


Calvin would be proud in your use (misuse) of his ICR


Hey brother came across your channel recently and wanted to learn a little more about you if that’s ok. Are you attending seminary right now? And if so, which one? Thanks!


This was the first book outside the bible I've ever read . I never knew what I was getting my self into because I was ever unread person.


Thank you ! I have this book of the institutes of Calvin !


I'm going through the whole Institutes little by little. Currently on chapter 7. You can see from early on how he cracks the whip on the Catholic church even if he hasn't mentioned it by name yet.


Providential! I have been side eyeing my copy on the shelf, and thinking I should get back at it.

You're not kidding about his age. I'm humbled when I think of Edwards, Brainerd, Spurgeon --- so, so many were graciously gifted with piety at an early age.

As for it being a book you recommend all Christians to read - have you ever read William Law's Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life? 😳 If not, definitely add it to your list. I purchased a copy for our elders for Christmas. Law was said to have influenced Whitefield, and I can see why. I don't know if I've read a better work on personal holiness and practical religion. So good!


After reading this edition it's amazing to see how close Calvin and Luther were in their theology.


The first time I read Calvin's Institutes, his clarity and breadth of Biblical Knowledge really encouraged me to read his works.
The 1541 edition (Calvin's essential edition) of his Institutes of the Christian Religion is a great introduction and this is an excellent translation from the French by Robert White. While the 'Battles' edition is widely acknowledged as the fundamental one, this is more than adequate.
Banner of Truth also published "Knowing God and Ourselves" (reading Calvin's Institutes Devotionally) by David B Calhoun, which is a great help to reading the Institutes.
Calvin's motivation was to produce a guide to reading the Bible and also supply a theological companion to his commentaries.
You will receive great benefit from reading the Institutes, Sermons and Commentaries by John Calvin. He wrote with a pastors heart and a passion to draw the hearts of men and women to the Word of God. Equipping them to live godly lives and reach out to the lost with the gospel of grace and all to the glory of God.


I'm reading the unabridged edition currently


I love the puritans..and that's a great review


Is the Latin edition more accurate in general or is it more literal than the French edition?


Can you make a review for every chapter? XD


Hey bro maybe do some more study before making videos like this. We can't heap the Puritans into one theological system. Both Owen and Baxter were Puritans, but very different theologies, and various distinctions from Calvin. Also, a more precise influence on the Puritans in terms of a 'theology text book' was Turretin.


As a Lutheran with much interest in and sympathy with Calvin ("getting off his boat", however and sternly, when it comes to Calvin's denigration of the true and full meaning and efficacy and real presence in the Eucharist and some of that in Baptism), I've tried over the years to read the Institutes. For a non-Calvinist, it is expecting too much to read a translation of the fullest and latest editions that Calvin prepared. Fortunately, there is an English translation of the 1536 edition, which makes the Instututes more accessible to those who balk at the sheer lengths of the longer editions that Calvin produced. I would say to the average Lutheran or other non-Calfinist reader, to get the 1536 Institutes and not to get too bogged down in the footnotes. Calvin deserves to be read by ANY Christian, so make the effort, but don't torture yourself into neglecting him necessarily by confronting the more maasive editions (as translated into English) of The Institutes.


Accursed Calvin even worse than Luther. Both in Hell.
