Brian Greene - Is Teleportation Possible?

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Brian Greene the renowned American theoretical physicist talks about quantum teleportation, quantum entanglement and whether it's possible to teleport a human being.

Brian Greene is most famously known for his work on string theory. He also has become known to a wider audience through his books for the general public, The Elegant Universe, Icarus at the Edge of Time, The Fabric of the Cosmos, The Hidden Reality etc.

He explains the concept behind what Einstein famously called "spooky action at a distance". He also mentions how Einstein's work on the Photoelectric effect was fundamental in the formulation of quantum mechanics. Brian Greene also explains how quantum entanglement can be used for teleportation.

Many works of science fiction have enticed our imagination with human teleportation. But, does it have any basis in reality?

Teleportation is the hypothetical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them.

While teleportation of matter is currently outside the realm of modern science, in the quantum world, teleportation of information has already shown its use cases.

Quantum teleportation is a technique for transferring quantum information from a sender at one location to a receiver some distance away. While teleportation is commonly portrayed in science fiction as a means to transfer physical objects from one location to the next, quantum teleportation only transfers quantum information.

Quantum communication unlocks some of the unique properties of quantum mechanics to exchange information with ultimate security or link together quantum computers.”

According to IBM, the advent of quantum computing may progress the fields of medicine, logistics, financial services, artificial intelligence and cloud security.

And while teleportation of matter remains an intriguing enterprise in science fiction, we are more than grateful quantum teleportation of information is real, and holds a promising future for a 21st century technological society.

#teleportation #bgreene #science

"Renowned Physicist Brian Greene Draws Sold Out Crowd at College of DuPage 2018 8" by COD Newsroom is licensed under CC BY 2.0
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When Jules Verne wrote his novels, most people didn't believe that what he described could ever happen.
What we imagine can exist, maybe somewhat modified in the details, but the core of it can be invented.


So the original human gets killed off... Na, I'm good with a plane.


When you are hungover and tired and search up random shit.


Quantum teleportation is not the same as teleportation of a physical object. Having an effect is certainly spooky, but you don’t start with particular A and that particle disappears from location A and shows up in location B.


“An international team of researchers has published their paper demonstrating quantum teleportation between two Canary Islands. Last May, European researchers reported successfully teleporting photons over a distance of 143 km - a little over 88 miles- between two Canary Islands.” - Forbes


if particles are reacting in certain ways just because they are being looked at, we need to investigate what we are doing exactly to look at them.




Matter can be handled any way you want, just technology is needed


I'll tell you one thing... teleportation, or at least something like it, is the only way we will ever really go that far away/to another galaxy or even to the other side of this one.
It will never be practical enough to make sense to send some massive ship on a journey that will literally take many thousands, if not millions, of years just to get there
-and still be back here with no idea about it. I know it'll never happen in our lives, but that's the necessary (far) future.
So Goodluck, future scientists.


I think in my mind, that teleportation will be extremely painfull, because: while you're in the first site of the portal, u will not feel your hand on the other site on the portal.
So I may think the heartbeat also will go stop immediately. My thought is that teleportation always will be impossible. But if teleportation comes out in the future. It will for sure be a shock on me


Gonna be real hard to fit the iPhone 20 in my pocket at this pace…

Starting to question if it will be able to squeeze in the 10 lens camera on the back AND the cryofridge to keep the quantum chip it at absolute zero :/


What if we could "deconstruct" and "reconstruct" The atoms or molecules? For example: We have an apple, and we want it to go from point A to point B. So it deconstructs on the point A, and when it arrives at point B, It will reconstruct itself. I mean, combined with what the human has achieved today, we may have a small chance.


How do you separate the two entangled particles, and how do you move one to a different location?


I think what would end up on the other end would just be a copy. You would have to break the person down into particles, then re-assemble them. For example, if we "upload" ourselves into a computer. Sure --- it has their personality, it thinks like them, it acts like them, but is it _really_ them?


I personally think technology can help us overcome all barriers. The only impediment comes from our way of life, our current sistem. The solution is to change to the alternative sistem to monetary economy (trade), which is called 'Resource Based Economy' (RBE).


So it gets destroyed and remade. It becomes an exact replica but isn't the same. Only partially. That sounds kinda scary especially if people want to be able to teleport. It would be a whole new ball game.


Thank you for sharing this that was very, very interesting. I really enjoyed the topic.


You can effectively teleport information using radio waves. They travel at the speed of light so the sender and receiver have the same information at the exact same time at normal distances [here on Earth]. Information teleportation.


I pictured this to have a teleportation device instead, it may be possible if we do enough work, obviously humans will not evolve to have anything like that, it just doesn’t make sense to evolve with “super powers”
But if we invented a device that can teleport us to places we’d like to go it would be very beneficial, and I hope scientists look into it


Radio, or electromagnetism doesn't travel in what we would call 'space'. So much, that great physicists had to invent the word "Ether" to describe that weird medium where electromagnetism travels. That is why "the airwaves" is a misnomer. Light and radio doesn't travel thru air. Gravity, is another one of those "spooky-action-at-a-distance", the way Einstein would describe it.
