When is it OK to throw away my partner’s things?

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Exactly the video I need! He asked what I would want for my birthday, I said I don't need anything but I would be happy if he just threw away or his useless stuff out of sight that was stocked in my side of the closet. So he did.
Ask it as a birthday gift and wouldn't resist you.


I’ve been doing this asking first before donating. Our 10 yr old gets it about letting go of stuff better than my husband - OH Lord ~ give me strength! Really enjoying these chats and helpful tips :)


I like how humble you are and how willing you are to share some mistakes/regrets (or whatever you want to call them) that you have made in relationships. Thanks for sharing 🙏. PS. It’s fun (relaxing, motivating) to watch people declutter on YouTube, so if you ever want to show the items in your monthly donation box, that would be cool. But if not, no worries, just a suggestion. Cheers 🤟🏽


Love your living room conversation videos! You have completely changed my life, thank you so much for all the value you provide! 💜


I really love this series and look forward to it everyday. Awesome, thanks Joshua! 😊👍🏻👍🏻💖💫


I live in a small apartment. We have been here for nearly a year... It's a two bedroom apartment... He had taken over the whole other room... He has taken over most of the living room and half of the bedroom. We split the rent evenly... Infact, I pay all the other bills... I have been very patient.. I feel I deserve what I pay for... That means I should have some space in the living room, the bedroom, and the extra room.. I have had many discussions... I hardly batted an eye when he took up the entire second room. He took over the whole house without my permission... At this point, I no longer need permission... I've been far beyond patient.


I adore your living room/this series! 🖤


I was wondering where you were going to go with this... good story and good advice.


I’m 55 a mother of 5 grandma of five and a great grandma I have so many things, I have been minimizing for over a year I started the Marie Kondo way, my cousin passed away, now I’m Swedish death cleaning, I honestly thought I could never be a minimalist but maybe some day I will, it’s challenging, I’m home most the time with my 36 year old son who has autism so I use a lot of things to help me with his care, when do you get to that point when you know you discarded enough . I rarely go out, so my home is my gathering place, for family and was built for my sons needs, I’m stuck on what to keep and what to toss a lot . The 20 20 rule is helping but I really don’t want to spend any money replacing either .


Is that a corded phone with a corded handset?! Love this series.


It's a trick question! Never haha


I became a minimalist a few years ago and probably have 50 things to my name. My wife on the other hand and daughter are the opposite and buy buy buy and hoard hoard hoard and it drives me insane the way they just put let up unused gathering dust.


My boyfriend sees me get rid of so much stuff that when he can’t find one of his items his first question is “did you throw it away?” I never throw his things away. Don’t get me wrong, as a minimalist I fantasize about throwing all his stuff away, but feel that is so disrespectful. I just remind him that if he didn’t have so much stuff maybe it would be easier to find the item he was looking for.


Just love your background. Could you show your house around? 😀


Yo! I want to see Ryan do one of these!


I’d first like to say that I love these living room talks. Second I’d like to ask. How should I get rid of things room by room or item by item or group of items by group of items?


Hey, I am on a journey to minimalism, and there is one thing I am struggling with. How do I minimalize my bathroom in regards to over the counter medicines? I have allergy stuff, cold stuff, pain killers, anti itch creams etc etc. I end up using these at least a couple times a year, but I hate how cluttered it feels. At the same time I can't afford to re-buy these things which can be really pricey. Advice?


OH Oh! I would say NEVER unless you have permission. Lol


wait....you have a kid?!! That house does not LOOK like any children live there at all! Wow, one very disciplined kid...


How do you manage your content consumption vs creating content and the rest of your lifestyle? I notice you link to blog posts and have a Twitter account etc, do you have any tips for managing the amount of time spent online consuming content? :)
