Taiwan accuses China of ‘cognitive warfare’ with Penghu islands footage

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Taiwan accused China of using exaggerated tricks of “cognitive warfare” on Tuesday (Aug 16) after the Chinese military published footage of the strategically located Penghu islands where there is a major Taiwanese air base.

China has carried out military exercises around the island this month after a visit by US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was followed by five US lawmakers on Sunday and Monday.

(Video: PLA Eastern Theatre Command/Reuters)

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From Henry Kissinger formerly Secretary of State:
To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend, is fatal.
Ukraine is US friend. And Taiwan too..


Brandon: "Some of you May Die, But it's a Sacrifice I am Willing to Make" 😎


*China🇨🇳 have maritime disputes with Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia.*


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday reiterated support for the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 2758 of 1971 and one-China policy.

"That is the orientation that we have in everything we do, " he told reporters at a press conference while answering a question regarding U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to China's Taiwan region


The chinese big bully is nothing but a shameless crybaby.


japan will retake the kurils sakhalin and vladivostok south korea will take north korea. germany will take kaliningrad.


*This looks more like a Flop Gun than a Top Gun*


US: pelosi will visit Taiwan (baiting) 😏
Chn: you will pay the price if you visit (baiting)😏
US: "They took the bait". pelosi lands TW. 😂
Chn: "They took the bait." drills closer to TW, cancel talks...😝
US: "They took the bait." it provides a perfect excuse to move TSMC out from TW.😂😂😂
TW: Sacrifice by US and lost the most valuable property 😭😭😭
TSMC: "We will die in USA." 😭😭😭
Brandon: "Some of you May Die, But it's a Sacrifice I am Willing to Make" 😎


Penghu islands have already been emancipated.


The Chinese tantrums continue unabated....


A strong military can safeguard its interests ask USA. If USA can safeguard its interests without consequences then any country with the capability can and will follow in the footsteps of the US.


*Both China amd Taiwan must sit down urgently and resolve this tension and misunderstanding and stop blockading the Strait cos shipments need to pass through and we all demand a World Peace*


America is unable to solve a lot of problems in her own soil and do you know what they do? They teach Americans to learn of USA version of freedom and liberty and the people there fight endlessly in these isms afterward.

Meanwhile all these are happening America look elsewhere to search for better prospects. They see china and Taiwan are not on good terms and america went to fuel the flames between these two hoping to see a war to break out and then start to use warfare economy to break others and to sustain herself afterward.

The current situation is Taiwan is like a Chihuahua feeling brave with USA providing a false sense of bravado and support while china is feeling irritated by these two brats behaviour. Should china take the bait and fight with these quarrelsome and sinister groups the whole world have to live through the effects of a wartorn political climate and economy for years to come.


How are the USA paid bots the first to comment as soon as the video is released? Brandon's printing machine must be busy.


*Kinmen Matsu and Penghu all sound Japanese so are these islands originally belong to Japan ?*


1) In 1894, Japan invaded China and Korea, the Qing gov was defeated and signed the [Treaty of Shimonoseki] to cede Taiwan Island to Japan.
2) During the WW2, at the Cairo Conference held in 1943, China asked the transfer of Taiwan's sovereignty back to China after the war. This content was included in the [Cairo Declaration] and later reiterated in the [Potsdam Proclamation] that it should be implemented.
3) On 14 Aug 1945, the Emperor Showa of Japan issued the [End War Edict], Japan surrendered unconditionally and accepted the [Potsdam Proclamation]. The Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, Marshal MacArthur ordered the Japanese troops in Taiwan to surrender to KMT General Chiang Kai Shek. Taiwan re-entered the territory of the Republic Of China (ROC).
4) Soon after that China civil war broke out between KMT and CPC, the KMT was defeated and fled to Taiwan. However, due to US intervention, the CPC without a strong navy at that time has no ability to unify Taiwan. The CPC then established the People's Republic of China (PRC) on 1949. The civil war continues...
5) In 1971, UN Resolution No. 2758 ruled that the PRC had obtained the representation rights and all legal rights originally owned by the ROC in the UN. That means the PRC is China’s only legal gov under international law, and today the PRC also become China’s only legal gov recognized by 180 countries around the world, including the USA.
"The USA recognizes the Government of the PRC as the sole legal Government of China. Within this context, the people of the USA will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan."
Joint Cummunique on the Establishment of Diplomatic relations between the PRC and the USA (December 16 1978)
6) Therefore, according to international law, international reality, and the wishes of the 1.4 billion Chinese people, Taiwan should return to PRC and the PRC have every rights to protect it's sovereign integrity.


China wait for the US to make the wrong move.
