What Should Christians Do for Their Leaders | Presidential Election 2024 | Pastor Allen Nolan Sermon

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Pastor Allen Nolan addresses a controversial but straightforward topic in this video: how we should treat our nation's leaders? No matter where you live, the Bible clarifies what Christians are instructed to do for their leaders. Due to 2024 being a presidential election year in the United States, we found this sermon to be helpful for Christians who want to figure out what they can do to glorify God. This sermon on national leadership from Pastor Allen Nolan was originally recorded in 2020.
0:00 Pastor Allen Nolan
0:30 Pray For Your Nation
4:30 3 Promises
9:45 Turn From Wicked Ways
15:15 Don't Be Arrogant
21:00 Seek God's Will
25:00 Align Your Will With God's Will
30:00 Do You Trust In God?
34:30 When Things Change
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This video was originally recorded in 2020, but Biblical principles are always relevant. What was your takeaway?


Jesus open the eyes and hearts of all people to the Truth of God's Holy Word the Bible in Jesus name I pray Amen 🇮🇱 🙏


Can we pray that God will remove evil traitors from our government


“I don’t want to see religious bigotry in any form. It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it.” Billy Graham


Amen, Maranatha brothers and sisters may God count us worthy to escape these things coming on this world and to stand before the Son of Man ❤


From Québec Canada! I say thanks to you pastor Nolan. Thank you God for using him to bless us online.


Thank you for saying to vote for the President, as there are those who would say not to vote because they don’t like who is running. But of course you vote. That is your duty.


Thank you for releasing this message from 2020 to us now. I think it’s something y’all need to hear.❤️✝️🕊🙏🏼


Pray for our government and our leaders. For those who will not change, expose them, and allow their deeds to be public; for those who are in positions of power who are intent on harming the people, confusion.


Thank you Pastor Allen, that’s good teaching


God is not my co-pilot, Jesus is not my co-pilot!!!!
God is my PILOT JESUS is my Pilot!
I am not in control God is in control of my life!!! HALELUYAH !!!❤❤❤😊😊😊


Thank you Bro. Alan for this lesson...it's so powerful!! I'm listening to this after assassination attempt on Pres Trump's life. I'm sure alot of Americans are on thier faces are not letting this crisis go to waste! Amen!


Praise the Lord the best compilation of reasons to truly seek His will and how we need to humble ourselves and pray for His direction. Praying for all our leaders to be humble men and women seeking the face of the Lord.


I’ll pray for a nation but I can’t endorse evil leaders😩that will be GODS will to work this out HE knows their hearts🙏✝️


Being raised Southern Baptist I wasn’t taught any of this. I’m so thankful to God that He lead me to Cornerstone Fellowship. I’ve learned a lifetime of lessons that had I known just a little what I’ve learned from these sermon videos my Christian Life might have been different.

Praise my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that now I understand better how to pray, how to trust, have a greater faith and develop a lust (in a great way) for the Word of God and how to study it. I now think I understand what lies before us and because of that I can face each new day without stress. Because My faith is now in Jesus and the Holy Spirit is guiding my steps I can pray for the people who don’t have the comfort and assurance of Salvation through Jesus. I’ve never had a good prayer life even though I can’t remember ever asking for anything for myself, but now I’m hearing God speak back to me when I’m praying and/or in His Word.

Pastor Allen, you’re going to have a little bitty jewel on your crown once you stand before God in Heaven and receive your rewards that represents the Good Work you did in my life. Thank you.


Thank you for this one… you just taught me how and who to be praying for. Kansas City Mo.


I have a guy telling me it's wrong for Christians to even vote. He's not able to give me a chapter and verse. Not sure where he got that idea! Why would we NOT want to vote and pray for our government? It's our moral responsibility.


Sorry I have another comment, I want to Thank you for your teaching, I appreciate you so very much.🙏♥️💯


Glory to God
Pray for me and my family


Wonderful Word, pastor Nolan, very edifying! I have been being convicted of this very thing lately and you have helped me to understand!! Thank you so much!
