Should Christians Smoke Weed? | Pastor Reacts

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A take on Christians who smoke weed.

#spirituality #spiritual #pastor #christianity #marajuana #weed #drugs

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Just because I smoke weed doesn't mean I don't know Jesus. I use it for my back pain and go to Jesus first for everything. Thank you Lord.


I smoked weed for thirty years or more. I gave my life to Jesus and haven't smoked since. The desire just left me. Praise God!


I smoked weed for a long time. I told myself that it makes me feel better, that it helps me focus, that it takes away my pain. I would say, I can follow Jesus and still smoke. Over the years God has shown me the negative effects weed has on me. The laziness, the overeating, the forgetfulness. Those things were keeping me from being close to Him and kept me from being what He has planned for me. It's a process, but God is good


As a young man, high on marijuana, l prayed and offered my soul to Satan to play the guitar. I thought nothing happened, but soon noticed weird paranoid thoughts. I also played the guitar for hours when high. 15 years later after smoking dope daily l became a Christian. I had to be healed and delivered to break the dope addiction. 15 years later at an Alter call l went forward for prayer to share the gospel and in prayer it felt like a giant python was coming out my stomach. The pastors wife who was praying with us said " its coming out his stomach" then when it left an amazing anointing came upon me for several minutes until l couldn't take it any more and asked God to stop, l was sobbing with joy by now. Soon after at the age of 50 for the first time in my life l began to be able to write worship and praise songs and l am 66 now. God is amazing ❤❤❤


God said "All plants bearing seeds are for us" i smoke everyday to help my back and my epilepsy. I keep my Bible on my nightstand, go to church every sunday and have a strong relationship with Jesus. Amen


I’m not judging anyone for their drug use. But, the word of God says the following:

”Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.“
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬ ‭


I smoked weed for years and tried to stop on my own but I couldn't. Until one day I met Jesus at a little church and was delivered from all my drugs. Praise His Holy Name. What He done for me HE will and Can do for anyone who calls on Him. Never been the same since


🙌❤ I got saved about a month ago and thought I could still smoke once in a while and it would be fine… but I kept getting this feeling it was wrong. We know what’s wrong and right in our hearts. I quit smoking a couple of weeks ago and normally would have a really hard time quitting, but I prayed and prayed for God to deliver me from any addiction. I’ve had no desire to smoke since🙏🙌


I disagree with this completely, God works on everyone in his own timing . We don’t change over night . He changes our hearts and he convicts each person for different things at different times . That man probably does know Jesus, but Jesus hasn’t changed that part of him yet . God saved me from a severe meth addiction . He has been changing me and healing me .Transfomring my life Over the past 8 years . I smoke weed sometimes amd no one can try to convince me ever that I don’t know Jesus . If God doesn’t want me to smoke then he will convict me and cause me to want to stop . He convicts me big time when I slip up and have a cigarette or when I am talking bad about people or thinking bad thoughts about people . I don’t think anyone has the right or authority to claim that someone does or doesn’t know Jesus and that shouldn’t even be our focus . God can use anyone to reach someone .


As a previous weed head who loved smoking and did it every day and as a previous dealer, this is 100% truth. My spirit and my mind cleared up the moment I stopped smoking. Jesus is enough. The brain fog, the increased depression and anxiety that comes with it (also scientifically proven) all went away.. It was a hard thing to give up, but no regrets


What a missed opportunity to minister ( not shame) to these young men. Just because somebody gives their heart to Jesus and is saved doesn't mean they change overnight. Everyone's journey is different. These boys were looking for the right things maybe not in all the right places. If I remember my Bible, Jesus commands us to love one another as He has loved us, and that's how people will know that we are true disciples of Christ. I pray these boys found strong leadership in the church they were attending and they weren't discouraged to keep searching and learning about Jesus. God's grace is powerful and LOVE covers a multitude of sin. ❤️


I used to smoke like a chimney, all day weed and coffee. But the Holy Spirit has been widdling my habits down exponentially these last few years.


The Lord says it's not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out of a man.


I smoke since I was 13. My last day July 23, 2023 age of 34. I gave my life to Jesus


I trust the medicinal purposes of cannabis than the prescription drugs that are fed us. As someone who has been on antidepressants since I was 16 I battled my demons constantly because it didn't help, actually made my suicidal thoughts worse. At age 25 I stopped taking my antidepressants and just smoked weed and I honestly never felt better. I don't sleep for 12+ hours, I don't feel like a zombie when I'm awake and I now have energy. I thank God for this amazing plant, but moderation is key with everything.


If the church feels like it should tell people whether or not to smoke weed, it’s missing the point.


I used to smoke weed. But I think Jesus doesn't want me to do it. For several reasons. Thank you Jesus for giving me the strength to quit. I also haven't drank alcohol in over 10 years.


As soon as the pastor judged & said they don't know Jesus, he lost. Many pastors can't help but put themselves on a pedestal, which shows they've been compromised by pride.


I have been struggling with this issue since I was saved. I justified it for as many here in the comments. I stopped drinking and taking pain meds. My life improved.I was just smoking weed. I have fasted from it and went back. The effect when I restarted was intense. Last week I asked the Holy Spirit to give it to me straight. I then happened upon a saying by Plato of all people. It is not how much you have, but how little you need. It struck me that I'm in bondage to weed. It's about being chained to it. He breaks all chains. When you justify sin it becomes bondage with you as it's defender. Don't underestimate the Adversary. Work out your salvation with trembling brothers and sisters.
