The Best RESIN SLICER SETTINGS Explained for every printer! - All Key 3D Printer Settings Explained

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0:00 - Introduction: Getting Started with Resin Printing
0:04 - Essential Setup: Ensuring Successful Prints
0:17 - Fine-Tuning Your Printer for Perfect Results
0:38 - Key Assumptions for Advanced Printing
0:52 - Importance of Resin Temperature Consistency
1:18 - Sponsored by Uniformation GK2: A Look at Features
1:58 - Exploring Layer Height Settings
2:17 - Adjusting Layer Heights for Optimal Detail
2:53 - Understanding Bottom Exposure Time
3:03 - Adjusting Bottom Layer Count for Stability
3:50 - Transition Layers Explained: Managing Exposure Shifts
4:26 - Calibrating Wait Times for Better Prints
5:33 - Lift and Retract Speeds: Enhancing Print Quality
6:06 - Lift and Retract Distances: Fine-Tuning for Precision
7:56 - Final Tips: Maximizing Print Success
10:57 - Future Topics: Anti-Aliasing and Advanced Settings
11:15 - Conclusion: Recap and Thanks to Sponsors and Members
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One of the best explanations of all the printer settings for lift and retract.


Its all about the cones! Really fantastic video Ross. This is a really good reference for people who aren't quite beginners but still need to learn more! I love it.


Getting back into resin printing, and anxiously awaiting my Saturn 4 Ultra, this is a great refresher! Thanks for all your content.


Rest Time Before Lift: The expansion of resin is not stop immediately when uv light is turn off, this is photo chemical process with relative low time constant, so adding time to this parameters helps maintain expanse in x-y axis rethen than in z axis . Mainly influance in bottom layers where expose time is large.
We have the name for the expanse in x-y as 'elephant foot' .yet we don't have a name for the problem i have of squeezing the first layers after bottom layers and in this case the solution was changing this parameters to 1 sec. (Nova 3D Red Wax like resin / Saturn 3 Ultra)


wow ! after a year of printing minis I just finally understood what those lift/retract sppeds and distances are. THANKS A LOT, SIR


Even after all I went through in last few weeks, this still helps a ton! Definitely bookmarking this and rewatching it several times


This is fantastic Ross. I barely understood these settings before this video and has helped me dramatically improve my prints. Thanks for the heads up on "The cones of calibration" Its fantastic!


I just grabbed myself a Photon Mono 2 a couple days ago, BIG change over playing with my FDM printers. So luckily I'm at least starting from a foundation in other slicers like Cura. Looking forward to the lesson Mr.Hammer.


Wow...not the video I was expecting based off the title, but it is definitely the video I needed! I will be watching this one a few more times.


Mr. Hammer - Looking forward to this. New to Resin.


THANK YOU Ross, this is the first vid that explains the settings properly, you're a gods send bud 😀


Great video for newbies or just as a refresher! To reiterate to any newbies, your exposure times and lift speed/distance are likely the most important settings to get dialed in if you're having failures. Then look to your supports, then look to physical factors like room/resin temp, leveling, etc.

Also for your bottom and regular lift speeds, you can either have a low speed or high speed, but there's a "dead zone" where layers will peel awkwardly off the FEP. A higher speed obviously means faster prints, but if you go too fast (or too slow) the cured layer will stick to the FEP or only partially release. Mine is 120mm/s and I get perfect prints (Jupiter SE). But if I were to print something small and delicate, I might want to lower those speeds.

Can't wait for the AA video!


Great video, have been looking for an explanation of these setting in order to try and troubleshoot failures


Finally. Had to figure all this out by myself. Great content. Thank you.


Very helpful thanks, just upgraded my old original Mars Pro to the 4 Ultra so being able to refresh myself on these and all your other content has been awesome... love to see the next one on Anti Aliasing.


Great video. When I first started this was so confusing. You first video was a Greta help. I think this one will be a massive boon to everyone. It helped me release that I have finally understood the settings. 😂


got a mars 4 ultra and my god your videos have been a god send the entire channel is fenominal i have gone from knowing nothing to knowing theres a whole rabbit hole to go down but hey at least i am geeting succesful prints. tank you so much.


Nice, thanks for clarifying all these terms and per slicer. I am looking for good support settings mainly for 32mm miniatures and small busts


ty for this incredibly detailed guide <3


THANKS!!! - this info is really tough to get and there are not many great resources that explain it well.
