Investment Watches - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

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In this video, I will tackle the polarizing concept of investment watches. We'll take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to one of the biggest phenomena effecting the watch industry in 2022. What's your take on investing with watches? Please comment your thoughts down below.

0:00 - Intro & Organization
0:43 - Setting the Stage
2:35 - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
8:40 - My Take

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I almost bought a stainless AP 15400 for $90K, with an MSRP around $25K ... but instead I bought a VC Overseas 4500V gold form the boutique at MSRP $54.5K by just waiting a year ... well guess what, 2 years later, the Stainless RO went down by 60% and my VC went up by almost 70% and sells for $89-95K now ... and all I had to do was buy the watch I actually wanted, and not the over hyped "investment" watch.


One of the main reasons I use this channel as my guiding light to watches is the love you give all watches. You have macro shots of Orients and Pateks, Seikos and APs. You give them the same spotlight, and are honest about where each fit in a collection. Keep up the amazing work!


I am newer to watches, but have been so turned off because of the investment side of it. To each their own, but it's certainly not for me, and it makes me strongly dislike the "investment" watch brands.


True. I get my watches as a sentimental value. Got my first Swiss watch, Tissot when I graduated high school and I recently bought a Longines HydroConquest as an accomplishment getting my dream internship. More on the way as I climb up the ladder.


I personally love watches and am a huge fan of the art and craftsmanship. I believe that the reason people (including myself) care so much about appreciating value and making it an investment is because watches generally come with a pretty steep price tag and people like to think that they aren’t making a stupid financial decision when they buy a time piece that they like


Youtube needed someone like Teddy, who not only is passionate about watched, but also shares his insight and experience with others, great contents 👍🏼


This is why I watch your channel, you bring out all of the unique watches and brands that aren't mainstream. I love unique stuff.


What I like about you is that you are obviously extremely knowledgable and also that you explore brands that you are not selling yourself. Please keep doing this!


In my humble opinion, the biggest issue is that there are way too much money in the economy when every country is printing them to pay off their debt. When athletes are earning tens of millions every year or every fight. NFT are selling tens of million of dollars and Bitcoin used to be like twenty cents. These watches just become another form of speculative piece. Watches should be bought because you like then and worn to be enjoyed. But on the token it feels bloody good that it’s also appreciating in value


I’m really getting turned off at the minute by certain shouty YouTubers bragging about their travelling and private jets and watch boasting, the same ones who complain about Chrono prices not being real, yet go to their sites and lo and behold, they’re advertising those same watches for a premium. It’s good that people like Teddy still do informative content and not the crap they churn out. They know who they are…


I like the spring drive movement because of the technology. I could never afford one but I love it just the same.


Agree with everything you mentioned in this video. This is why the new generation of watch lovers love you. Well, I do! I love your outlook within this industry & the overall mentality you have when it comes to this engineering masterpieces we all appreciate & love! Great work Teddy! One of the best in the game!👍🏽 keep it up


I don't mind people buying them for investment or resale, as long as every watch enthusiast is able to walk in a boutique and purchase or order the watch within a reasonable timeframe.


I loved your POV- made me re think why I’ve hesitated on buying a watch I loved and can afford but didn’t because of the “will it go up in value”. Thank you


The quality of lighting, audio, rhythm and the animation of this vid is incredible! the content as well.


Because of the hype of certain brands in watches, I've been more drawn to brands like Nomos, Glasshutte, and Zenith since it seems like ppl that recognize those watches seem to really enjoy the craftsmanship in watches.


“You buy the watch because you enjoy it”, I think should be the focus. I love seeing the craftsmanship and creativity of some of the microbrands.


I'm in my 20's and I've always seen an expensive watch as something you buy and hold onto for many years, if not the rest of your life. I see them as something to hold onto not something to flip when the time is right.


People never seem to talk about the fact that even brands like Cartier have run into situations with so much overstock, unsold inventory that Richmont pulled back and destroyed 500 million euros worth of watches in 2018 to protect their selling price, rather than flood the market. Right now we're seeing a massive transfer of inventory from the AD to the Grey Market, and at some point, all those watches need to be sold. We'll see how long the prices rise, i wouldn't bet that this keeps going more than another year or two.


I just started collecting and am enjoying being introduced to all new brands and complications. I find it fascinating the large range of prices that exists for something so small that seats beautifully on your wrist. Since I was a young man until recently I held the belief that jewelry was pointless and boring because it had no real intrinsic value. Because of that I didn’t wear anything flashy because it showed off nothing but in my own opinion said “look at me” which I never needed.

With watches it’s very different. At each watch’s very core it has a true purpose to be a reliable device to keep its wearer on task. It’s a helpful companion that silently waits to be of service like a well polished butler with a heavy royal accent.

From there you can really start to appreciate all the subtle nuances that contribute to making one meticulously hand crafted beauty stand apart and shine on its own brilliantly and distinctly from the rest.

Within the intricacies of each piece there are more intricacies to marvel at and really what becomes the crown jewel of each watch is it’s very own signature way of delivering its unique mixture features and level of quality. I might say it’s a contest in quality like a competition of sorts but that seems too lifeless a description. It’s more like a beauty pageant or a parade showcasing an artisan’s quality in its most condensed and potent elegance considering splitting hairs is the scale by which we evaluate every moving and non moving part of its anatomy.

I feel like when I wear a good quality watch that has been born of careful attention to detail all the way from design to execution it reminds me that precision and exactitude and beauty can be attained for those focused and patient enough to put in the work. It’s as remarkable in its beauty as it is inspiring in its craftsmanship.

All of that to say, should one I own ever shoot up to an artificially inflated value I would sell it and see it as an opportunity purchase a few just as wonderful to expand my collection and my love of the art.
