What Should Catholics Make of Fr. James Martin SJ? w/ Trent Horn

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What Should Catholics Make of Fr. James Martin SJ? w/ Trent Horn

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I had fallen away from the Catholic Church after 6th grade and came back in the past few years. It can be hard for people to understand the reasons for the teachings on sexual sin, and I admit, I didn't fully understand them. So I did a deep dive and it all made sense. There has been so much harm to society from the sexual revolution. The works of Ryan Anderson and Jason Evert were both very helpful to me.


Here's a direct quote from James Martin: "I do hope in ten years you’ll be able to kiss your partner, or, you know, soon to be your husband. Why not?" I would hope those holding to orthodox and apostolic traditions of Christianity would call this man a dissenter based on that statement alone.


Could you also make a video about how Catholics in Germany and other places should respond when their bishops and priests spread doctrines and practices condemned by Rome?


To me Fr. James Martin is the prototype of a wolf in sheep clothing.


A few weeks ago a Jesuit who visits my university regularly said that homosexual acts are not sinful and we fell into an argument. I notice many Jesuits besides him and Fr James are really liberal, I don’t see this in other religious societies/orders. God be with us ✝️


Next question: What should catholics make of Pope Francis encouraging Fr James Martin?


The bigger question is what Church leadership should do with Mr Martin. He has a history of sowing confusion and seems to lack integrity. Church leadership is responsible for him continuing to do so in a priestly state with seeming immunity. This also sows confusion, much more so than Mr Martin himself.


Important video. Fr. Martin is a wolf in sheep's clothing.


I am normqlly with you when you defend the Pope, Michael, but don't you think that it was high time for some kind of disciplinary action against Fr. Martin. Didn't he openly defy the Fiducia when he presided over a shameful mock marriage ceremony ?


Every time I hear Martin’s name mentioned I get more and more depressed, and ashamed of my faith.


The reason Lot’s wife turned to a pillar of salt is because she looked back longingly. She wasn’t looking back and saying, “Dang. I am going to miss that lack of hospitality.”
A wide variety of sin was happening.


I can’t stand James Martin and wouldn’t waste a dime on his books, just trash! None of the James Martin type priest or those inclined that way should be in the priesthood at all!


If I can say something encouraging in all this. If you feel lost with the liberalism and devastation please read on! I am an ex-pat Brit now living in SE Asia. I have had it out with a now ex-friend who has gone Rad-trad and blocked me. Well, we are on totally different tracks now. It’s been like seeing Taylor Marshall shift all over again.

And one of those tracks is the difference between East and West. While I know from experience the UK is actively anti-Christian so much that if Christians are against it the British are for it... and I know how bad things are in the West, here...

...My local Parish is building a new church building to handle the numbers. Another HUGE church I attend has had to convert it's basement to handle numbers. The chapel at the local mall (yes, there is one) opened about 2018 I think, houses over 1, 000 people. They have to put extra seats out and it is still standing room only... for the ENGLISH Mass! Not the local language. The Church providing the Mass at the chapel has had to offer more Masses due to demand in the local Bahasa, plus English plus Chinese! Conversion rates here are though the roof! (And Masses, while not OTT Rad-trad obsessively 'reverent' are free from the abuses of the West. Nice choirs and no guitars and the churches are really nice - colorful, ornate, not office building but not grey, cold stone either.) That’s where I part with my now Rad-Trad ex-friend. He only sees devastation and blames it all on VII and the NO, of course.

But actually, and I am WITNESS to this, the new springtime of the Church expected by Vatican II is here! It is a weird time for the Church. The West which has always held the faith has lost it. The Church is under greater persecution than ever before in its history. And yet, we have the largest growth in Church membership WORLDWIDE than in history and the East where the faith came and was lost is largely restoring the Church.

In the West it is easy to lose hope. I know. I gave up in despair with the UK and left - though I had a calling out here. Long story. But once you factor in the Rest of the World, the 'Church Catholic' - there are green shoots everywhere outside the West. Keep on keeping on!


How has this priest not been excommunicated yet?


One thing about Fr. Martin, whatever you think of his politics he knows where the bread of life is and submits. Unlike too many on the right these days.


The motto of progressive “Christians” is “I love my sin. I want a Jesus who loves my sin, too.”


Sin is sin we need to not concentrate on one more than others Father Martin is one on the wrong side of sin and also hounding one sin over others is wrong too


Gentlemen. As much as I sympathize with your feelings towards these topics, I wonder if there is not a trend within the Church faithful to hyperfocus on these cultural and political issues that only serve to divide us from each other and in so doing move us further away from God. So much of our conversation and conversion today is dictated by the topics being discussed by the secular world. We are called to be separate from the world, to be sanctified. Paul tells us whatever is good and noble and just, if there be anything whatsoever, to focus our minds on those things. (Philippians 4:8) We are constantly asking "Is this a sin, is that a sin? Is this person sinful, is that person sinful?" The questions that we should be asking are "What can I do to please God? What does God want from me?" Remember in the Garden of Eden, that Adam and Eve in the beginning were entirely concerned with pleasing God. It wasn't until the Serpent distracted them with the forbidden fruit that they forgot their original calling and fell into confusion and sin. When it comes to sin, be simple like children, but when it comes to doing what is pleasing to God, be like adults. (1 Corinthians 14:20)


At first glance I read the title of this video as "of Fr. James Martin SJw" instead of "SJ? w/" but both fit!


Unfortunately this toeing the line approach is exactly why I can be critical of our Pope. I told my wife last night that these guys are really good at making sure they are not technically going against Church teachings.
