Non-Duality Is A Hoax

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Non-Duality or No dualism is a term used to describe the opposite of duality. There is nothing wrong with using this term but we must realize that it is only a term. The philosophy of non-duality is a silly hoax. What I mean is that it is used to describe the opposite of duality. The problem is as soon as the term non-duality is used, you have entered into duality. Duality is simply and beautifully two sides of the same coin. The problem we face isn't duality, it is our perception of it.






#guruofchill #awakening #nonduality #duality
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Non-duality isn’t a description of the opposite of duality. Everything is already non-dual; duality is only an appearance.


Real bullshit. Real nonduality does not make a distiction between duality and nonduality. Nonduality is just a pointer, but this guy is taking it too much weight on the idea of nonduality and so feels the need to teduce it to unity..


You’re definition of the term is incorrect.


As someone who is accidentally experiencing a state of non-duality, I appreciate how you used the word “hoax” to tweak the egos of non-duality thinkers and believers…good stuff :) I’ve always enjoyed the irony of the term non-duality, which inherently creates a dualistic perspective. I clicked on your video because I’m happy to challenge my own perspective/experience, and have to agree that the term “singularity” feels a lot more accurate. Then again, our use of language to try to convey this stuff will always be problematic ;)


The reason it's called non-duality is that it tries to avoid creating opposites. The opposite of duality is singularity and therefore singularity implies duality. Non-duality is actually describing singularity better than the word "singularity" is because it implies, not two. In fact, non-duality is such a perfect term because it removes both dual and singular at the same time, leaving no chance for opposites at all. But of course everything is up for interpretation :D


I love how much the mind can play games trying to comprehend non duality through thinking. Even this thought and these words are doing that. Non duality, singularity, whatever you want to call it, it's all essentially just a verbal placeholder for silence, a finger pointing at the moon. Love you all!


Duality is contained within non-duality, they are not opposites.


Non duality isn't a hoax, it's not NOT a hoax either.


Non duality appears to be a convenient excuse to ignore both morals and logic


The book of kybalion talks about hate vs love and light vs dark ect. According to this book you can't transmute fear into love, it can only be love vs hate and so on. In that sense you are right about the non duality thing. 👍


The problem is you think you get it. There's nothing to get.


You completely misunderstand Duality. What dualists are saying is that we named all these objects, we formed concepts, therefor a tree isn't a tree until humans conceptualise it as a tree, a bird doesn't see a tree, or a dog. The difference between you and me is that I don't believe humans are divine, we don't get to name everything, we don't get to force our concepts on every living thing like we are the divine chosen ones, look at the state the world is in because of humans and our self entitlement


With respect, I don't think you understand non duality and you lost me at "biblically seen as"


There's no one....Done blah blah blah....


While I get and agree with you up to a point, I feel the title you use - 'Non duality is a hoax', isn't fair to the many authentic and wise practitioners out there. Agreed, there's some dodgy teachers coming out of the woodwork, who just sit at the sign post and never visit the territory, and yes, if this teaching merely stay's as a philosophy, then teachers and followers might fall into the folly you allude too. However, that can be said of any Biblical, teachings, or teachings from any tradition really. 'Christ life' if the same as 'Zen life', 'Buddha, or Source life' etc. In this sense, "All Rome leads to roads" (to invert the metaphor).

Folly only happens, If we don't leave the 'word' behind and embody the realty of what it communicates. If we sit only at the descriptor - eg. non-duality as a rejection of the multiple expressions of life, or perhaps just have an intellectual understanding, then we sit uncomfortably with the observation that "the letter brings death, whereas the spirit brings life".

I have found, that, like a diamond there is only one 'God' but many facets, or expressions. The tree of life brings every singularity into the oneness of God, Aka - this non duality that people are currently waking up to. I think it's good news that folk are now realising the reality that, "I and the father are one".

We seem to agree on all this I think, but if I'm honest, I think you might be doing a disservice to those who feel drawn to non duality teachings and could perhaps, inadvertently, create a trapdoor that leads away from 'life', back into the worn out and problematic expressions within tangled christian teachings. FYI, I have a christian, biblical background, love the depth of its wisdom but recognise that these days, many folk cannot see past a plethora of dogmatism and 'blind' teachings. In essence, it has become a stumbling block, whereas non duality helps clear any some of these blocks. 

I welcome your thoughts and will of course take note, of where you think I might be going 'off piste!' .... Best, Pip


Non-duality means there is no separation between objective experiences, including thoughts, feelings, and sensations, and the reality that knows them. Non-duality is not a concept, but a fact, for you cannot have an object apart from the knowing element, call it whatever you like. It is only a pointer to the true life or reality within us. The pointers of non-duality tell us there is no separate self or person. There is no independent entity that has the power to exercise freewill. Not realising this to be the case, humanity lives in a conceptual realm based on imagination and not reality. Hence the confusion and problems suffered at the personal level that extends to the wider community and affect every society founded and structured on false premises.


I am ok with duality and I prefer it and in my opinion it is part of what gives meaning to life and part of how we enjoy things. We can't really enjoy a good's night sleep, until we have exhausted our body's system and needing to rest. Food is not as enjoyable unless we have had an absence of it for some time and are actually hungry and have an appetite. The hard times we go through allows us to be thankful for the times that are good. We need to have contrast in our world if not as nothing in our 3d world in a physical sense is permanent, everything eventually dies off and many things could seize to exist if we didn't fight with some kind of moral preservation for a species. This is why their are jails, why there are punishment for crimes. You could argue morals come from God (not religion) or from an evolutionary perspective.


Sufis say " multiplicity in unity, unity in multiplicity". There is only one mind in the universe, manifest in many forms.


I'm almost sure Guru of Chill has not experienced nonduality. If he did, he would not have said what he said and in the manner in which he said it. I also think that he seems to be enamored with his subjective conception of singularity as if he experienced a true spiritual awakening. Of the many people on you tube who experienced nonduality, they are not as enthralled about it as Guru of Chill is with singularity. The former consistently have an equanimity in their demeanor.


If you touch snow or ice it's cold, if you touch a fire its hot! Opposites exist. Just like hate and love! ✌🏼🧘🏻‍♂️🍵 👁 🌳👣
