Pre, Mid or Post Tribulation RAPTURE | Biblically defined | End Times Discussion

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The rapture and tribulation have always been a matter of debate for believers of all doctrines. However, how can we define these biblically? There are people who place the rapture before the tribulation while others do it during or even after this unprecedented event.

In this discussion, we will examine key bible passages which will help you understand the theological implications of prophecy while unveiling many aspects otherwise unknown to the average bible reader.

Join us in this discussion on the end times.


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I feel this is when the great falling away from the faith may happen, as so many expect to be out of here n not be persecuted. Non believers will use that to say He's not coming and the Bible is false. To push their false agenda n weaken believers faith. I've said in bible study group to be prepared for persecution but I was told to be quiet as it upset someone. I am mentally prepared for it but so many aren't.


I’ve been in a pre trib church all my life but this teaching actually makes sense. I was always confused with pre trib because there seems to be people going up at different times. Now I’m thinking this Satan’s tactic to cause people to be lazy about getting saved, Thinking oh, I can just get saved during the tribulation. God help us! Now I understand why pre-TRIB seems to be the most popular view. Satan don’t come to you with devil horns, and a pitchfork, he comes to you as an angel of light… he’s a trickster. Study to show thyself approved.


I totally 100% agree with you both. It is difficult to show Christians these things. My son and I study this topic thoroughly and we do not see the bible supporting any trib idea. Like Dr. Baruch states we should be led by the Holy Spirit. I ask him to clear my mind so I can learn His truth. I trust that God will bring his people to His truth soon. Maranatha!


I just want to say thanks a lot for all the wonderful teaching from love Israel. I have gone through quite a bit, and it has changed my views and understanding.


Thanks to Dr Baruch and Christian’s addressing all these points about the End Times and the Rapture! I listen many times to what is discussed. Playing it over and over and listening to what is said!


When Paul examine He do not observe to people So our observation was upon Apostle Paul, Very strong Dispensation TRUTH FROM TRUTH


Amen Brother Christian and Dr Baruch well explained, Thank you! I love you all God bless


Yes, many conflate the two words tribulation and wrath.


Thanks for bringing discussions on the end times…timely.
God have mercy on us through Jesus.


Yes personal study is imperative- may I add (as I read in the preface of ‘Prayers of the early church’) we are ‘deeply indebted to all those who have plowed the field before. They (you) have labored and we have entered into their labors’. Thank you. Maranatha


I love what you said about the King James and its authentic manuscripts! ❤️


Thank you for the clear
Teachings on the last days🐑 looking forward to your
Next teaching
Shalom and Gods Blessing
To you and yours


I love listening to all of your teachings over and over because I feel such comfort in your Words!I learn so much more ! Keep your repetition coming please! Peace comes with them!


Far and few between that I find others that understand what I understand after Praying, seeking, knocking, and studying. I appreciate your video. I would love to study more with yall. His peace be upon you. In Yahushua Jesus of Nazareth Name. Amen


Thank you as always Brethren of The One True G-d! May Peace and Grace be with you in Messiah Yeshua. "For The L-rd is good; His Mercy is everlasting, and His Truth endures to all generations" Psalm 100:5


Amen well explained!! God bless you all!


When the 2 witnesses are called up, that's the 1st resurrection or rapture of the dead in Christ 1st, then we who are alive and remain. It's not about knowing the day or the hour but the event


I never believed in pre-tribulation rapture because I felt we should be prepared to suffer as Chtistians for our faith, after all so much of the church has endured such great suffering already even leading to death, so why should we think we are immune & can escape it all? This is what my understanding of the pre-trib rapture was all about.


solid teaching from brother Baruch, i have to admit, only remain some other parts of Mozaik, like Paul Gospel, and dan 9, 27 Christ Covenant


I am a pretribber. I have had my share of persecution, plus I have already 'passed' the mark of the beast, so there is no need for me to be here, or any pretrib believer. The 70th week is the time of "Jacob's trouble" not the church's. The whole 'week' is also refered to as the Day of the Lord. Only a literal pretrib rapture will reveal (expose) the Man of sin in 2 Thessalonians 2:3
