NOVA Voyager DVR Drill Press - Best of the Best!

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As an expert in drilling, I have to say "WOW"!


Have been looking at getting this drill press myself. From other videos that I've seen the easiest way to set the depth without recalibrating it is to lower the bit with it off till it touches the material and then zero it out by pushing the zero button. I could be wrong, but from other videos, it seems pretty quick and simple to zero out. That way you don't have to recalibrate when switching back and forth between differant thickness of materials.


I just ordered a JET 17 incher and now you gotta show us


I have been wanting this drill since they announced it was coming out just over a year ago. If I ever need to replace my drill press that I own right now, I will be saving up for this bad boy for sure. I tend to have to change belts quite often to find the speed I need for the bit I'm using. Not that it is a huge deal, but It would be nice to keep the workflow going.


Sorry, but why do you try to guess the depth since the machine has a depth stop and also a set to 0 position? You have only to put the drill bit to the wood and set the depth to 0 (menu will let you do that) and also you can compensate for the tip of a drill bit (say for example a Forstner bit that has a spur on it)... nice video but maybe you should read on that manual again?!


That's the coolest drill press ever


So, my crazy Uncle Dan and Eric, when can I swing by and pick it up? I will do a demonstration video a week, for one year Seriously though, I watched a 60min live demo of this machine, and no lie, it was better then going to a Las Vegas Strip Club.


Reviewers mentioned a couple of times the unit comes with a 5-year warranty. Not exactly: 2-years on motor & electronics (the stuff likely to fail!) and 5-years on everything else. Note their are no laser marks & LED lights as on others DPs in its class. It would be nice if the table tilted to 90 and also front/back. Still, I am considering it ...


Hey. Excellent sweet video. I found 2 problems with this drill press. Problem 1: the work table only tilts -45/+45 left/right. It should also tilt forward/backwards. This would allow you to very quickly square the drill bit to the workpiece, which is locked in the drill press vice. Useful when drilling/tapping 2inch thick steel. Problem 2: runout. Should be zero.


I'm not a jealous person, but Fuckin' A I would give anything to have that in my workshop, ever since I seen it 6 months ago. 😭😭😭😭😭 #tiacrew your so lucky 🍀 to get to play with all these awesome new toys.


I love gadgets, but even I see this overly complex. I bought the WEN 4214 for around $200 or so. it has a transmission of some type so you can change the speed on the fly by pulling a lever. even has an rpm cause, light and cross laser.


Complicated maybe, but it would still be nice in my garage !!!


Wow... it's like they turned a group of MIT students loose to design a drill press. It proves the point that it is possible to over complicate just about anything. It is way way overkill and too slow to setup IMHO. All that sophistication and you still have to turn the handle by hand? There may be a niche market out there in a production machine shop but I suspect 99.9% of the time you are simply drilling a hole THRU the material and don't need all those depth calculations.  If I had $1500 to spend on a drill press I'd get a Mag Drill.


How does the depth sensor work? does it start sensing the depth after it senses a load or does it determine the depth from where the drill bit stands?


Very cool, but I'll stick with my regular bench drill press because - you know, it drills holes too. lol! If I had stupid money to spend, I would get one!


They have drilling holes down to a science. Lol. Pretty neat.


You do know a 2x4 is 1.5" thick, right? With the cutting angle of the twist drill combined with a 30 thousand error along with your depth stop set at 1.5"(your material thickness), of course you're going to go all the way through. You knew that right, you were just testing us


A missesd opportunity not having a reversible metal tapping feature utilizing torque feedback control.


seems a bit gimmicky, nice to change speeds with button. but I seriously question the manufacturer direct drive motor and 2hp at what rpm? as a real drill press uses belts so the motor stays at the correct rpm for torque. anyone hsve some info on the torque ratings? vs speed?


that is pretty awesome. where do I give you my address to send it to me?
