Finasteride and Gynaecomastia | The Hair Loss Show

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Welcome to The Hair Loss Show. On this episode we will be covering Finasteride and Gynaecomastia. Thank you for submitting your questions. Please remember to like and subscribe.

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Dr. Vikram Jayaprakash
Level 2, 148 Glenferrie Road,
Malvern, Vic 3144, Australia

Dr. Russell Knudsen

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Kevin maan, more plates more dates and hair loss show are the only authentic hairloss advice channels on YouTube.


I experienced COVID that lasted a good 12 days. At first, I believed I was ok until I began to lose more hair than normal. Following some research, I am realizing it’s from the strain my body had during that time period and also due to the shampoo that I was using. So I began doing yoga and meditation daily and changed my shampoo and conditioner to littleextrraa coooconion anti hair fall kit. And now I don't face any hairfall.
Thank you for this video! I feel so much more at peace.


I've had mild gyno since puberty. I've also been on fin for almost 1 year, it hasn't made it any worse. I do plan on having my glands removed though, I'm in really good shape besides having pointy puffy nips. I'm so tired of people assuming I've taken steroids at some point in my life, I've never taken anything.


Thank you for your video, as always. Helpful and informative. I am a researcher and clinical psychologist, so I am very mindful of nocebo/placebo issues and I am sure these play a role. I am absolutely shocked, however, by the very low rates of breast-related issues that hair specialists and clinicians seem to report, even more in your case given your long and extensive clinical experience.
I took 2 tablets of Finasteride (1mg each), and literally I mean just 2, the first one on the Thursday, the second one on the Saturday, as I wanted to take it 3 times a week. Sunday evening I started to experience severe breast pain, sensitivity and itchiness (one-sided). It's been 2 days now, and, while the pain is very slowly subsiding, I still have it, as well as the sensitivity and some very mild swelling. Just to be clear, the pain was so severe that I could not sleep, even after taking painkillers. I can't seem to see any lumps so far, but I am certainly not medically trained to detect them. I am finally seeing my GP tomorrow to get this checked. I am either the most sensitive man to Finasteride-induced Gynaecomastia in the world, or the prevalence rates of Gynaecomastia and/or breast-related issues in Finasteride users are massively underreported/undiagnosed.


before starting Propecia it's important to have your estrogen levels checked so they are not over the limit because Propecia increases your testosterone by 15 percent which then converts to your estrogen. if your estrogen levels are over 40 pg/ ml you're in the danger zone of getting a gyno. with this being said it's still possible to develop gyno if your estrogen levels are normal before starting the medication buts it's very rare all depends on how your body adapts to the medication, your diet and lifestyle also play a role. I just started my dose at 0.25 mg daily and i had my blood work done and all my hormones are in accurate levels


This video came in the right time. Started Fin 2 weeks ago 0.5mg 3x per week and the only side i got was this weird chest disconfort. My nipples arent sensitive nor hurt but sometimes i feel something in my chest, both left and right alternating times. Its not painful, its just something thats there.


How about taking a break every 3rd month? Like March, June, sept, Dec?


Thanks for the info guys! Would really love another Oral Minoxidil Q+A :)


Does anyone here experienced gynaecomastia after chemotherapy for testicular cancer? (I had been taking finasteride 1mg almost daily for 9 years without developing gynaecomastia) I find a lot of contradictory information on whether it disappears by itself or not. And if so, after how many months?
My endocrinologist thinks it's unlikely to disappear by itself at the age of 36.


Very unexpected, but it kinda works, thanks! Plus, if you do it along with what Baker Henistole explains, you can expect to have strong pecs within 4 weeks or less. The results are there, just try go’ogling him.


Please do a video on neurological issues after using the finastride


I was waiting for such a vid, , , , I need your answer..
I have had gyno since childhood, I also have reduced muscle mass and low testosterone. Can I use fin? Sexual health is not important for me, I just do NOT want to worsen my gyno


Dear Dr. Vikram Jayaprakash, could you please talk about DPA (Diffused Pattern Alopecia) and prospects for Hair Transplantation... thank you very much! Greetings from Hamburg (Germany).


I was using finasteride before ı recognized my boobs get bigger and puffy. I had an operation to rid of it. I dont know how many person facing this effect but this is my experience. I just want to warn you before use it. You should take mg very low.


If you don’t get side effects at the beginning of taking fin then are you safe?


There is a direct link between Aromatization and being overweight. Two freakin doctors should know this already.


How many months exactly would you say it would take for it to reverse?


Hi doctors, please do a new video about gynecomastia as side effect from finasteride, because i wanna start finasteride, but this specific side effect is pushing me away from even trying one finasteride pill, i wanna know how we can make sure if someone is safe from getting gynecomastia, before starting finasteride, is there any specific blood tests of semen, that we can take before starting ?


Can you answer for me:
1 What does dht do in the scalp?
2 Why are there receptors for it there?
3 What does blocking it there topically do negatively to my body?
4 Does it make dht flow more through my body?
5 is dht produced in the scalp or just end up there?


Been on 0.5mg/day dutasteride for almost 6 months and now my right nipple changed shape and is slightly bigger than the left one. Gonna stop taking the pills i guess
