How to Avoid Finasteride's Side Effects

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Finasteride for hair loss can cause side effects, such as erectile dysfunction or loss of sexual interest. Even though they only affect about 2% of the population, these are real possible side effects. Here, I explain 3 clinically proven techniques to avoid these side effects.

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical advisor. It is essential to consult with a qualified medical practitioner before making any healthcare decisions or seeking medical advice.
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Interestingly, hair loss YouTuber Matt Dominance concluded after stopping finasteride for a while, that it was responsible for his lower back pain.


tried fin at 7 mg per week for a month- hated it.. groggy, lethargic, low libido, blurry vision[ slightly] and brain fog .
ive researched and finally realized this mg intake is not required to obtain decent results, in lowering of dht levels.
ive backed off to 0.5 mg 3 times per week which suits me fine, considering I still have decent hair at 62, and im looking to maintain.
side effects have shrunk [ no pun intended] while still experiencing efficacy of the drug.
utilizing topical minoxidil daily also.
45 days in the therapy.. bit early to tell but its looking good
almost like watching paint dry or getting a degree... put your head down[ pun intended] apply and be consistent-- will get there one day


Dude why did you remove my comment which included 5 clinical studies proving you are leaving out MANY aspects of the negative impacts of finasteride?


Recently found this channel loved the content. I also am a victim of androgenetic alopecia . My doctor wants me to start applying the mixture of minoxidil and finasteride but I m afraid of phenomenon of tolerance .
And so wanted to know how long did minoxidil and finasteride worked for u before you developed a tolerance for it ?


2%? According to who? I can guarantee it is much higher than that. I've tried it twice, once orally and once topical. Both times I had the same sexual side effect, which was decreased semen/orgasm intensity. That of course leads to a decreased interest in sex. Thank God it went away both times after I stopped taking it. Not everyone is so lucky. Keep in mind these side effects might happen as you get a little older. It isn't a magic pill. Also, 90% of men have nowhere near the hair regrowth you've experienced from it.


Hey im almost 19 i have good hairline but my crown looks a bit thinning


Hi Al Gariddo
Thank you so much for this video, it helps me alot!
I dont feel any sexueal side effects from 1mg every other day, but now im thinking alot about if Will experience the depression side effects, do you have any experience with that?
And Can it maybe be the nocebo effect?

Im so glad that i found your channel, Big like and subscribe😊🙏


Before taking do the research of the mental side effects and the hormone issues I feel a lot of these people discount the mental aspect of these drugs do your research 🔬


The queston is : why less side effects if serum dht get same low like 1mg? Side effects are caused because of low % of serum dht ?


I agree with your methods! Most hair doctors only prescribe 1mg per day only if the person is showing extreme balding in their early twenties. I do have a question for you though. Let's say someone takes Finasteride 3x a week...Mon, Wed, and Fri. What happens on Sunday to the Finasteride in your system? Will you lose ground on that Sunday?


if your only doing Finasteride not so sure you skip a day no matter how small or a 1mg i tried that didn't work for me it leaves a 24 hour window open to lose hair


thanks for your good contents
can you say what hair product do you use for styling your hair?


what can potentially produce the sexual side effects is in fact the low DHT levels in serum.. so if with 0, 25mg u have almost the same reduction in serum DH as u have with 1mg.... it means the effectiveness in the hair will be similar with both doses.. but the sides too... The same mechanism that benefits your hair is exactly the same mechanism that can potentially give u sides. The only thing it makes sense to mitigate sides is the 0, 05 mg dose, that has a lower decrease in dht level, decreasing at the same time the risk of sides but too the improvement in hair.


Thank you for your videos, i always have a question on my mind, why pharm companies till now didin't create finasteride low dose pill for people who want to start or just take low dose, for example 0.25mg / 0.5mg, because as the chart shows (serum DHT reduction) i can that people's DHT levels and hairloss in deffrenet, so some people have 70%dht level, so when they take 1mg is fine for them, but some people only have less dht level let's say 50%, so when they take 1mg, they are going to block all of their DHT levels. so i think, a little bit of dht is fine to have in your body, because we need it. so, from that, taking the right finaseride dose can prevent side effects


Hey I’m from India ..recently loved watching you videos and channel ..have a doubt …do you wash you hair daily? If yes ..then you just use shampoo to wash daily or just plain water ?


Hey Al Garrido, if you have enough budget or money, do you think or planning in considering hair transplant treatment or any hairloss treatment before taking any minoxidil and finasteride or any lifetime hairloss treatment?


thank you very much. how much after applying the topical finasteride can i wash it? didnt find this information


I get the low libido sides taking 1mg every day. I just switched to topical im sure this will help!


Do I need to get a prescription from a doctor to buy finasteride in Spain?


Does Finasteride prevent nocturnal ejaculation?
