How Do You Keep Living After The Death Of Two Children?

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"We sense God has called us to now share our unbelievable story of pain and suffering to pass on the comfort and love we’ve experienced, to comfort all those who our suffering..."
The Longs had moved from their beloved England. A blessed marriage, three precious children - their pride and joy, a beautiful home in an affluent Chicago suburb and earning a very large salary as an ex pat international banker. They were on the ‘top of the mountain.’ Then, the unimaginable began to happen. At the end of 2005, they came face to face with evil. Alex (17), their precious youngest son and a very talented athlete, was attacked through cyber-bullying and witchcraft. Choosing the wrong company, he ended up taking a drug and, becoming delusional, he committed suicide.

In 2014, Rebecca (32) the family’s beautiful eldest and only daughter, also a champion runner, drowned in a tragic accident in the frigid waters of Lake Michigan, while out training. During that same eight year period, two of Gerard’s three siblings died and one of Jeannie’s nephews. With her heart broken, Jeannie was consumed with ending her own life. Shortly after asking God to take her home, her intestines double knotted, due to the overwhelming grief, and she had to have life-threatening surgery. Struggling to reconcile how a loving God could allow such evil to come upon them, Jeannie lost her faith for a season.

While suffering intense grief himself, Gerard’s faith was tested to the limit as their marriage headed for a break-down. Gerard’s loving devotion to Jeannie helped to bring her back from the brink of death. To God be the glory, their marriage triumphed!
Gerard and Jeannie are now sharing the things God has shown them while on their journey through the valley of Baca (weeping). Their story includes teachings on suffering, God’s unfailing love, grace and calling, eternity, the triumph of marriage, the bride of Christ, a divine encounter and the love and prayers of family and friends.

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My heart goes out to this family. I lost my 27 year old son Jacob on 11/20/22 to an overdose. I don't wish this pain on anyone. My faith in God is the only reason I'm still alive.


Lost one of my twin girl 2 months ago at 22 months old. I miss her so much everyday. I never would've imagined this would be my life. I had so much faith she would live because of how well she was doing every single day. She had heart defects but you would never know by just looking at her cause in the outside she was still as if a child without heart defects. She still had energy, she played hard, she sung, dance an jump all day, she was so smart an advanced so in my mind God is healing her she is thriving everyday until the doctors are even happy with everything. Then one morning she just woke up crying an then seconds later collapsed an my life changed forever. She was the youngest of all the kids an a minute after her twin sister but she acted as if she been here an she was just so goofy and silly and always had me laughing an she boss everyone around in the house. One day I will see her again. I just have to try my best to keep pushing now. God please help all of us. Give us the strength


I just lost my only son at 13yrs old to hospital negligence on 12/08/21, and I don’t know how to live on. This grief and yearning for him every second is unbearable. Once I’m up I’m crying because my heart hurts so much and my soul is crying out to his. I would cry throughout the day until nightfall then I would cry myself to sleep. I have a love and hate relationship with God at the moment- One moment I’m cursing at him for taking him away and where was he when we prayed so hard? The next I’m pleading with him to take me away from this pain and unite me with my son, then I’m asking him to just show me my son is with him safe and happy. Everyday gets harder and darker. Im just existing. Thank you for sharing your story I can’t imagine losing two children. I hope that I’ll reach where you guys are one day.


Four years ago, my dad died. 18 months ago my beloved sister died unexpectedly. 6 months later my mom passed away. A month later, my other sister passed away from cancer. A month later, my brother in law committed suicide. I feel like my heart is Broken beyond repair. Now, I just try to breath without fainting. I’m sorry about the loss of your beloved children. I share my own story to let you know I understand. I’m glad you guys are doing better. I’m not there yet. I’m not sure I ever will be. I just feel left’s almost the feeling of being abandoned. One day at a time, I guess...again, I’m sorry for your loss.


I lost my 11 years old doughter by suicide nearly 2 month ago. On the second day after her death I startet slaping my face and screaming I was a bad mother then my husband holded my hands and we started to pray with tears to God for help. After a few minutes I stood up and felt i dont want to be here at home I want to go to my christan church. They all 60 people waited for us. I saw them in tears, huging us with love. We sat together and I felt something like love, peace and light in the same time. Since then I'm my God child, putting all I have to him, praying for peace and help to carry this pain. People are asking am I ok, but I just say God is carrying me, I live in a miracle of his love. My marriage is healing, non of my kids are traumatize: her death was at home in her room. I found God's grace, he embraced me and still leading me.


“The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came upon me”. I lost my son in a car accident when he was 21, nearly 16 years ago. The morning of his death I happened to read Psalm 116, “precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints”. Later in the day I asked a friend to read the chapter out loud and I said this is where I’m at, the cords of death have entangled me, the anguish of the grave has come upon me. We also had two other family members die around that time, all within 8 months. It took about 5 years to get past the shocking, all encompassing grief. Of course we were better and better each day but it takes a long time for“my child died” to not be your first thought.


My 24 year old son died on 8th of May 2020. 26 days ago. I am not sure I will be able to cope with it. Have two more children. I don't have hope and motivation anymore. Just breathe for my remaining children.
Bs. As. Argentina


I lost my little brother long ago and it still breaks my heart... I'm so sorry for your loss 😢


I found your story to give me hope for myself. I too have lost two boys, 1st one born Robert was 3 yrs old (6/24/1981) killed in a car wreck I was in. Recently my youngest son Stacey 35 yrs old 7/30/2020 died from a severe asthma attach, was on life support for 9 days. I have one more son that keeps himself distant from me. I feels as though I have lost three sons. I have that unbearable pain in my heart. My baby boy I have wrapped my life around, he has been fighting with asthma all his life. I have been divorce since my two living boys were 5 & 7 yrs old. I still unmarried. Your story has helped me. Not many people have lost two children, and it's a total different thing to deal with. Thank you for sharing your life.


I know that ppain.I buried my 17 years old son 2 days ago after fighting leukemia for almost 1year. It is almost impossibile to move on. Bless you all.


I've lost two children. My son Lucas (32 yrs, 5/22/20) and my son Jacob (20 yrs, 10/16/12). I need to see them both someday when I take my last breath on earth. I need to know that will happen. I have been struggling with faith since the loss of my second, which was my oldest. Both had very kind hearts and were loved by so many. I was assured that they had both spoken about God and prayed days or months before their untimely deaths. That gave me some comfort. They were raised with faith. It hurts as much as the day it happened, but I live by thinking of their strength they showed when they were called. Also by thinking of the loved we have for each other. That never ending, Mother/Son love. I hope that we can all be reunited with our lost children someday.


Thank you, as I try to understand why my 21 year old son Conner Budge died in a tragic car accident while driving back to campus in Malibu CA, this gives me comfort. I am a Christian and my son accepted Jesus when he was very young, but had some questions. I have had some god signs that he is in heaven, and this gives me comfort, but the pain is so hard. So as I heard this story and read the stories below, it does give me comfort, I just want to send love and light to all families... Blessings


I too have lost two children, one to suicide at 30 and yhe other accidental. I am glad you found something to hang on to.


I saw this and wondered how other people coped with the same grief my wife and I have endured. Our only daughter on her 24th birthday in 2011 was involved in head-on collision. she was on life support for 3 days, but brain dead. They only kept her alive really to harvest her organs, which I can understand, but those few days were horrible, then saying good-bye. Only a few years later in 2016, our younger son (of 2) was diagnosed with a grade 3/4 brain tumor. he passed away only 2 years just after his 28th birthday. My wife and have managed to press on, but feel for our remaining son. His best friend recently committed suicide, so now our small family have to stay strong for each other.


I also have lost two of my children, both my sons. Rocky passed at 4yo in 1987, Isaac recently passed at 25 on 12/06/21. Isaac never met his big brother. But now I believe they are glued to the hip in Heaven. I am in deep grief right now. I put my trust in God to get me through it without becoming bitter. He has once already, I know he will again!


My son committed suicide 4/26/2019… I will never be okay…I never lost my faith but I couldn’t hear or feel God… I appreciate you sharing your faith … I want Ryan’s life —and death— to count for something… all my broken places long for Jesus….


Theses comments are heartbreaking. So many people have lost a child. I can't imagine trying to go on. Praying for all in those shoes right now 🙏♥️


I lost both my sons in May and June of 2022. It hurts so bad I don't think I'll ever get over it. To top it off my mother passed in July the same year. I don't put my pain and burdens on others about how I feel. They do not rknow how depressed I am. These last 8 months has been the most terrible of my life. I just pray to God to be with them in my dreams. I know they're in a spiritual world now. It's still so unbearable.


Grief is extremely hard to deal with. At the beginning, you feel absolutely lost and broken. You will then think about how you could have changed the past. Finally you will start to accept the fact you did everything you could. You start to slowly get back into life without them. Nothing in the world will be the same without them. But you'll see life in a new light and you'll do things that would have made them proud. You now know they are watching over you. No matter who you believe in, you will see them again.
When you do, you will never again have to go through the pain of losing them. Forever they will stay with you. Even now, while you are here and they are gone. They are here. Loving you, being proud of you, protecting you.

Edit: Coming back to this now hits so different. On May 19 I unfortunately lost my grandpa. He was in my life since day one and now, life is just so different without him. I still have that small hope that he will come back home. But I know it's not going to happen. I miss you so much papa


My 47-year old son passed 26 Oct 2022. He suffered an unrecoverable heart attack, passed without a sound, without struggle. That sudden death heart issue that is in my family that cannot be tested for and one doesn't get up from. He did not smoke, did not use alcohol/drugs, worked for himself was in prime shape was soon to be married to a women he and our family adored.
I believe that was his destiny, that each person has an allotted time. I never thought that before but I am giving that deep consideration. Don't know if that is Biblical just mulling that around.
