'What is the Best Beginner Weapon?' - Monster Hunter Rise - Guide For Beginners

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Monster hunter Beginners Guide, FOR newbies BY a newbie in newbie friendly ways!
Which is the best weapon in Monster Hunter rise? What's the best beginner weapon? What's the best weapon for newbies? Best weapon for beginners? ANY variation of that question... ANSWERED ONCE AND FOR ALL ;)

0:00 Intro
0:53 General Wapon Basics
4:09 Meaningful Weapon Choices
4:55 Sword and Shield
5:58 Dual Blades
7:15 Hunting Horn
8:43 Light bowgun & Bow
9:58 The others...
11:08 Long Sword
11:44 Great Sword
12:20 Gunlance
12:55 Switch Axe
13:36 Charge Blade
13:58 Incect Glaive
14:39 The Rest
15:17 The last word
15:46 My decision
16:20 Outtro

#MHRise #MonsterHunter #MonsterHunterRise
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Another plus point to remember about the Sword & Shield is that it's the only weapon choice where you can use potions, etc without having to first sheathe your weapons.


This video is fantastic, and anyone reading this remember, every weapon is equally useful and all have pros and cons.


I appreciate the willingness to help get newcomers into MH by trying to really simplify all these mechanics that have been built up for years.


First monster hunter title, started with switch axe
Proud to say my first cart was a hub quest tigrex
Im at 50 hours and i dont plan on stopping


Well the only reason I wouldn't recommend range early on because you will burn threw zenny for ammo and coatings


This is some great advise, but as a GS main, I have to mention it: please sheath the weapon when moving. There's even a silkbind move centered on sheathing. This single thing will change this weapon from the clumsiest things on earth into the show stopper it truly is.


For new potential gunsexuals, I actually tend to recommend heavy bowgun. Early game ammo management can be really difficult, so having access to wyvernheart as a source of free ammo is very helpful. It also is just badass.


When I first started the Monster Hunter series back in 3 Ultimate I had tried sword and shield and didn't like that. After that I immediately switched to Great Sword as a complete noob and fell in love with it, and have mained it ever since. Now after putting as much time into it as I have started to try out charge blade which is highly technical to use, but highly rewarding. My advice to anyone who is newer to the series is just go ahead and try out every weapon even if it may seem daunting. While there are weapons that are easier for newer people to get used to you may actually find that one of the more "advanced" weapons actually resonates with you better and you get the hang of it really quick. I also advise that you try to play with multiple weapon types. My one regret is that I got too into great sword and didn't branch out sooner (used it from 3 Ultimate all the way through Icebourne) as even fighting the same monster with different weapons can feel wildly different.


Hunting a monster can be such a drastically different experience depending on your weapon. If your usual choice is giving you trouble against a certain monster, there's nothing wrong with switching to another weapon. You may find stuff to like about it that you didn't see before. Don't be afraid to experiment.


This is my first true venture into this series and I made my choice of light bowgun. I'm loving it, I tried generations but it always left me feeling meh this has been fun


As a MH Veteran since the PSP Great video! Very educational for new players and very refreshing for veterans like me. I personally like the vanilla weps and main in the SNS and Bow since the beginning and I can honestly say this is spot on. MH Rise has also tweaked the weapons as well with adding in the silk bugs mechanics so I personally cant wait to combine combos and aerial combos on top of what I already love so much as well! Happy Hunting!


A point about the long sword: it has 3 counters. Zr+a mid combo, zr+b then zr, or ZL+A


i wouldn't use bow guns in the beginning as the ammo upkeep can be expensive
personally ive always loved the hammer cuz once your used to it you can stay model, do big damage and create lots of openings with stuns on top of that the weapon can ignore Armor hits with its charge attacks and it just feels good to play for me ever since my Freedom unite days even if i didn't truly main it till world.
Note: i know you probably already did this because when i was looking at the charge blade gameplay i saw you weren't charging the files as you need to lock them into your shield i suggest looking at arrekks gaming tutorial on the weapon


Great job for explaining this in a simple manner! Thanks to you ill try the hunting horn!


I personally wouldn't suggest the Gunner weapons for absolute newbies due to how much more damage you take, critical distance, Bow's stamina management being crucial to survival and speed in hunting, and the differences between the bowgun's different ammo types and Bow's different shot patterns and shot levels (different types have different critical distances) - You get punished very, very hard for flubbing stamina management on Bow and the way it is shaping up to play in Rise is looking to lean back into max-charge sniping weakpoints and hammering them with Power Shot and Irregular Volley.


Imo the best weapons for a beginners are LS, SnS, LBG, and Lance. The LS counters are really good “get-out-of-jail-free” cards for noobs with good damage. SnS has a really simple moveset that doesn’t take long to learn but enough depth for mastery. LBG is a really mobile pewpew so you won’t have to worry too much about getting hit while you learn the monsters’ movesets. And finally Lance is a really simple moveset with an even more simple playstyle, block poke poke poke block again poke poke poke.


I honestly believe that Dual Blade is not a good beginner weapon namingly, it gives you a bad habit of playing too risky the fact that it has a longer combo can sometimes leaves you with less stamina to dodge leaving you in a much more vulnerable state. Hammer on the other hand is easier for newer players IMO since you can charge up and do a hit and run. Gives you better positioning and you can aim where to hit the monster while having decent mobility and time to dodge when a monster attack is coming.


Think I might go Dual Blades, that’s what I main in PSO2. Now if I’m in a party, I might go hunting horn or the bow IDK we’ll see once the game comes out, I haven’t tried the demo yet though, might download it tonight


Blunty: "Pointy or blunt."
SnS: "I'm Blunty!"


Hammer. Hammer is by far the best beginner weapon. Easy combos, no gauge management, no phials, and its fast enough to allow you to dodge while also training you to take pot shots on head, and attack during openings. It is the easiest weapon to get "accidental/unintentional" knockouts on a monster allowing you to practice going all out when a monster is stunned/down. Second to none for mounting with spin to win, and ledge hoping. SNS is way more complicated and doesnt have as much knock down power for a beginner. New players i feel can get discouraged by seeing those tiny numbers from the faster weapons while also not knowing move patterns yet. Hammer gives them medium to big numbers, allows them to accidentally knock down monsters through experimental play, and its fast moving, and has aerial/mounting silk bind moves that are simple and easy.
