The IMPORTANCE of Keeping Wisdom Teeth 🦷

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The music you choose confirms you are just talking gibberish


That bro-sience with messiah complex is crazy.


how would you fucking lower jaw be shorter
if you remove your wisdom tooth you dont cut 1 cm out of your jawbone😭


So you are saying us with horizontal wisdom teeth implications 😂😂 leave it so that and tooth decay come destroys other healthy teeth 😂😂


Can confirm my face looks more recessed now than before I had my wisdom teeth removed and braces.


I only pulled mine out yesterday because i dont have enough space in my mouth, my wisdom teeth started ripping my gum and caused infections and their roots started growing underneath the gum and didn't grow straight, they got stuck in place and the longer roots caused swelling, so don't remove your wisdoms for nothing, but if they're causing infections, cavaties, pain or cant grow properly due to having a small mouth then you should pull them out, so take them out if they're causing problems, your jaw won't sink because your jaw is already in place, it will sink if you pull your tooth out for nothing, but if they cause problems, take them out and your jaw will be fine


My boy, what foundation. They literally grow later in one's life 😂😂


bro studied from McDonald's, fyi the impacted wisdom teeth causes so many complications and infection in the gum and bone, better remove it, I just feel better after removing my impacted wisdom tooth


Thank you so much. I was just at the dentist office and I’m 66 years old and pretty good shape and I have a wisdom tooth. Can you believe that at 66 and they told me that I need my wisdom tooth out! And I stand the risk of nerve damage in my face, absolutely not. Thank you for these videos. and you know it’s all about the money. Scary world 😢out here now.


Seeing these incels believe this is insane 😂


Not true your jaw is formed by the time you get them taken out. If you’re concerned wait until you’re 18. People take for granted that in most cases those wisdom teeth will cause you pain and suffering down the road, and will end up having to get pulled anyways.


Removing wisdom teeth generally does not change the jaw structure or close airways over time. Here's a detailed explanation:

### Impact on Jaw Structure:
- **Bone and Alignment**: The removal of wisdom teeth, especially if they are impacted or causing problems, does not significantly alter the overall structure of the jaw. The surrounding bone may remodel slightly where the tooth was removed, but this does not affect the jaw's shape or function.
- **Orthodontic Considerations**: Some people believe that wisdom teeth cause crowding of other teeth, but most orthodontists agree that the removal of wisdom teeth does not significantly affect the alignment of the front teeth or the overall dental arch.

### Impact on Airways:
- **Airway Size**: The removal of wisdom teeth does not directly affect the size or function of the airways. The airways are influenced more by the structure and position of the jaw, tongue, soft palate, and other soft tissues rather than the presence or absence of wisdom teeth.
- **Sleep Apnea and Breathing**: There is no evidence to suggest that removing wisdom teeth leads to sleep apnea or other breathing problems. Sleep apnea and similar conditions are usually related to factors like obesity, anatomy of the airway, and certain neurological conditions.

### Healing and Recovery:
- **Post-Operative Changes**: After the removal of wisdom teeth, there might be temporary swelling, discomfort, and minor changes in the way your mouth feels as it heals. However, these changes are typically short-term and resolve as the area heals.
- **Bone Healing**: Over time, the bone where the wisdom teeth were removed heals and fills in. This natural healing process does not alter the jaw structure in a way that would affect airways or overall facial structure.

In summary, while removing wisdom teeth is a common procedure to prevent or address dental issues, it does not lead to significant changes in jaw structure or airway function over time.


The teeth roots stimulate the bone regenneration in your jaw. If teeth are gone, then the bone degrades and you have bone loss. That is why old people with dentures need to get new dentures every few years because they don't have teeth roots to stimulate their jaw bone so the density of the bone decreases and it gets thinner so the dentures don't fit anymore. The roots of the teeth stimulate the bone density in your jaw when you chew the same way weight lifting stimulates your bone density in your legs, arms and back, it is a similar principle.


Lmao facial esthetics? Or straight up dying?
Guys why am I sweating so hard this is tough..


I have to get mine removed they’re destroying my teeth, keep getting infected and I’ve been in constant pain for the last few weeks


Recessed ? Not how that works just because you move your third molars this would not cause your jaw bone to go back as it’s not supported by the wisdom teeth in the first place ?!


Get those out at 16, I kept my wisdom tooth and then got crowding and then my jaw became asymmetric


Never had them develop. So much for your theory.


we gotta keep our wisdom teeth to keep looksmaxxing


he is totally right i removed my four wisdom teeth and now i looked aged it is mine life's biggest mistake if anyone suffer from wisdom tooth pain wait for while it will be fine its own don't make the same mistake as me rest as you wish. if anyone has found a solution please let me know
