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More on WISDOM TEETH!! This is a video for not only the patient, but the provider as well!! We have talked about removing wisdom teeth in previous videos, but what about the decision to KEEP wisdom teeth! In this video, we explore 3 solid reasons why you should consider leaving those wisdom teeth alone!!

Conflict of Interest: The presenter of this video certifies that they have no proprietary, financial, or other personal interest of any nature or kind in any product, service, and/or company that is presented in this video.

Disclaimer: The information contained herein should NOT be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed dental provider. The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered dental advice. If you have a dental concern, emergency or are experiencing pain, you should see a dental provider in your area as soon as possible. This video may not cover all possible drug interactions or all FDA warnings or alerts. Although we attempt to be thorough, accurate and up-to-date, no guarantee is made to that effect. This is an introductory and unofficial material. Use this information at your own risk. No professional relationship is being created by you watching this video.

#wisdomteeth #wisdomtoothsurgery #dentalsurgery
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This guy is the 1 out of 10 dentists. We must protect him at all costs


finally a dentist who actually considers both the benefits AND risks of wisdom teeth removal, most dentists i know would just say "oh! we need to remove your wisdom teeth now even though theres nothing necessarily wrong with them! now give us 10 grand so we can do it!"


Kept my wisdom teeth for 7 years when they starting showing at age 20, it was hurting super bad and I was irritated all the time. Removing them was the best decision ever.


I have all my wisdom teeth, I’m 27.
My bottom right wisdom tooth had an operculum, which got infected due to food and debris being trapped under gum flap.
The pain was so intense, my throat started to swell up, I couldn’t open my mouth or eat.
I had no choice but to go to dentist.
I had no idea I had to clean under the flap every so often.
The dentist was trying to get me to remove all four of them, I told him no, all my other wisdom teeth are just fine.
I felt as if was trying to sell something to me and convince me to get them all removed.
Now I use an electric brush and syringe to clean around the wisdom teeth and I gargle warn salt water.
Fortunately the pain is gone.
For anyone that has wisdom teeth, please make sure to clean around them.
It’s worth not getting an infection and going through restless nights of pain.


I’m an oral surgeon. This info is overall high quality


My wisdom tooth placed perfectly. Yeah, it’s annoying when it grows. Here am I, with both of my wisdom tooth at age 34 lives happily ever after.


The dentist who removed one of my wisdom teeth said, “ooops, ” while he was in my mouth, not encouraging. He had pulled the tooth part out but not the roots. He had to dig in my gums for half an hour to get those roots out. He said, “everything here looks like bloody tissue. I cannot see the difference between root and gum flesh.”


A letter to my orthodontist .

Regarding the wisdom tooth, I just want to say that I decided to remove it since I saw there is not so much space and that its not coming out fully and it sometimes gives me issues. But I already regret it very much.
It was very painful 8 hours after the operation. I have the tooth in a bag. It was the biggest and healthiest teeth I had in my mouth. No cavities, no holes, very big and strong. Such a teeth could have been a gift for the older me to last the next 50 years, while older teeth sometimes do not hold as I age.

It was so vey stupid to remove it. But consulting with many orthodontists and dentists, I was never given a better opinion, rather than to remove it.
I think this is very wrong.
That tooth was 80% out... now that I know how big it was, and I remember how you can shave off 0.1-0.5 mm one sided with this metal paper... Any dentist could have made more space for it in the front and then pulled it into the mouth to allow the gums to close behind it. Maybe it would have taken a year or two since it's a big molar. But I assume it would have been possible... And saving a tooth like that should be one of the top priorities of the ortodontic community...
I can not believe how the dental medicine community takes care to save each tooth in the mouth from root and cavity - but they are so eager to remove a fully grown, brand new, molar tooth! It is completely absurd. It's time for dentist community to wake up. Claims like "it's hard to brush the tooth in the back" to justify a tooth removal should not be heard in today's medicine... It's simply not correct, and one do not "shoot a dog just because he doesn't always clean after him". Also, in my case saying that "that tooth had no contra tooth above it" is not really correct. That tooth was partially helping the upper moller - it can be seen in the invisalign simulation. If moved more into the mouth, it would have been perfect. Now that it is gone.. the upper molar doesn't have a full contra from below. So this whole arguments routine that I heard from many, just sounds more like a repeating mantra for every patient rather than a real truth for a specific case.

I am in no way trying to put any blame on you. I am the stupid one of not thinking about 0.5mm removal beforehand. But all dental doctors are failing their patients, if they do not raise this option.
I hope that if you see a case like mine in the future you would allow yourself to think about such an option to save the tooth. Yes it may be more work. Yes it may not have a documented common procedure. But it is all about saving teeth in the end.
It is true that clients are ignorant and don't know anything out of all the science that dentists were taught and experienced. But you can't always be right on anything. Doctors are wrong too, sometimes. Tonsils were removed for millions of people not long ago. And it was completely unnecessary. Millions of operations on children were done, just because doctors were too lazy to go against the flow and examine the facts more closely.
Tell me that the dental community isn't too eager to remove wisdom teeth just because this is what the book says.
Tell me that the money incentive of pulling out teeth is never a factor in the decision.
I want to believe that.
But the evidence - they say something different.


Watching this immediately after getting my both wisdom teeth removed 😂


I am 70 and had one removed a few days ago. I had a cavity and apparently the Dr. said it was hard to fill. It was a little difficult to remove and I am taking some Tylenol and Advil. It is not too painful and I don't need to take a lot of medication. I have a followup in a few days.


My dad almost died from getting his wisdom teeth removed in his 40s lol. Literally had to get taken to the hospital in a helicopter. What a crazy thing to almost kill you


I wish this guy lived in my area I would definitely make him my dentist. In a time when we can't trust the medical people at all it's nice to hear someone in the field speak with wisdom no pun intended


LMAO I thought this was going to be about why you should keep your wisdom teeth AFTER getting them removed... (which is what I did and turned them into jewelry hehe)


I removed my right side both upper and down wisdom teeths....but I lost my taste and sensation on right side of my tongue....which is very scary doctor didn't told me the consequences of wisdom teeth removal


I’m 26 and the last of my wisdom tooth is almost fully grown. It was painful when they were growing out but nothing to the point where I felt the need to have them extracted out.


Thank you. You gave me confidence to push back against my rather rude dentist who was trying to convince me to remove my wisdom teeth. I will find other dentists and get their eval. Dont stick a doc or dentist who is just rude and demeaning. You deserve better.


I am not removing mine..Its called Wisdom tooth for a reason


I have all my wisdom teeth.
It used to be painful and I got frequent infections but once development finished- NOTHING. No Pain. No infections. Nothing.


Last week I had all 4 Wisdom teeth removed at 28 years old . All of them came grew in just fine by the time I turned 22, none impacted just started to experience some sensitivity in my bottom left wisdom and decided to have all of them removed once I learned having only 2 removed would not be beneficial in the long run so I got it over with in one swing! Had it done with local Anesthesia and was awake the entire time, the procedure didn’t hurt just felt pressure and didn’t take long and I did not have to get stitches. I was really nervous but after the 2nd wisdom tooth was removed I calmed down. The top wisdom teeth were a lot easier to come than the bottom for sure. Pain didn’t bother me until about day 3-5 and only gets better from there! Pain and all only thing I regret is not doing it sooner Healing is going great❤️


I had the top two removed (at different times) because they each hurt. I'm waaay too old to have the lower ones done. They are at an angle but don't hurt. This dentist was more informative than the ones I've been to!
