Photoshop Elements vs Photoshop CC : Compare and Review Side by Side Tutorial

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Photoshop vs Photoshop Elements. I show you the differences between Photoshop Elements vs Photoshop CC with an emphasis on why you would want to use one or the other, or both.. What are the differences and similarities between Photoshop Elements and Adobe Photoshop CC? Comparison between Photoshop Elements vs Photoshop CC with an emphasis on why you would want to use one or the other, or even both.

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You are the best at providing important education in short efficient videos.🎉 Thanks George!


I really appreciate that you take the time to make videos like this, which for someone like me helps me determine which program is going to be best for me


If you're skilled enough, you can make amazing things on Elements.


Great Video, thank you for all the time you spend making all the separate vids


I'm having great fun with all your videos in elements and sticking to it. Thanks for giving the comparisons with these programs, George, which has answered questions for me. Like others here, I enjoy watching your videos on both of them for the learning experience, and at some point may decide to explore Photoshop CC more thoroughly. It's fantastic that you're covering all the angles with these, a great learning experience. And fun!!!


After watching this video a second time, I'm wanting to get the Photoshop CC. And, pretty sure that you have a course for that like you do in Elements. Your course for Elements 15 gave me a huge understanding along with all the projects. Your comparing and contrasting of both are clear and concise. Being more creative is what helped me in deciding to use both. Plus, your projects and videos are all right here to use. They have helped immensely in gaining an understanding. Thanks again, George!!!


So much to learn!! Thanks for the videos!! I want to learn everything! And Im liking both, But i have to take baby steps im starting from zero. So im gonna start with Elements 2021 and when i have enough knowledge ill get the Photoshop subscription! Looking forward to watch more of your videos I already subscribed and saved to watch more soon!


Extremely good comparison, thanks. Another major plus, for me, with PSE is the Organizer - a brilliant facility for smoothing your DFW (Digital Work Flow); I don't think PS CC has anything comparable. Additionally there are a number of PSE Plug-ins around that unlock many of the features George showed us in CC. The most comprehensive, I've found, is Elements+ which is very modestly priced but incredibly powerful.


Thanks for this comparison and the who & when someone would want which version


Your videos are amazing I like this one a lot, I have used Photoshop Elements since version 5 and I have 13 on my computer and I never plan to upgrade, because as I started using Photoshop I noticed way to many features missing from Photoshop Elements, I guess you can say I outgrew it. I do a lot of Photo editing, digital scrapbooking, designing, and compositing, and noticed that PS Elements adjustment layers are lacking, the shadows does not work the same, they are more adjustable in Photoshop, PS Elements can't record actions, no pen tool, and digital painting is limited, and no patch tool for photo repair. I also noticed when I use to print in RGB which in most programs are for the Web my pictures are dark, so I use CMYK, and raw images in Lightroom which I still use 4, and Photoshop is wonderful, because they have an additional Curves selection for your photos, that's not available in PSE. PS Elements started out great, but the more I learned it became limiting to me, plus I noticed every year they upgrade Elements there are no additional substantial features from Photoshop that were added, so I just went to Photoshop, which I still use my older copy for now, and Affinity Designer to make my Digital Scrapbook papers.


why cant they just make Photoshop a one time payment option but it doesn't update or it is the 2016 version


I have Photoshop elements 7 and I think its really good, I'm just not super good at using it yet


Can you also save multiple pages as pdf or portfolio pdf in elements like in CC?


What if I am just wanting to have editing tools much like there is in paint? I am wanting mostly how to play around with graphics images like in comic book and change colors and combine different images. I was wanting to do such things with paint but working with the jpeg causes the images to loose much quality.


Question. I want to buy photoshop elements exclusively for you tube thumbnails. Would elements 2019 cut it for that?


Thank you for the comparison, George. I have never worked with Photoshop, therefore, am limited by what I see in videos. This really offered bare bones look at some of the differences. I still like to watch photoshop videos because I always learn something new or deeper in regards to language or theory involving post production. Now I have a moment to ask the really dumb question I have waited forever to ask, are you ready? In both Elements and Premiere Elements, they share an organizational interface called, the organizer. From what I can gather, the version of this in Photoshop and Lightroom is something called Adobe Bridge. Is this correct thinking? Is Bridge a free download? Is it any good? Is it as good as the organizer? I watch Scott Kelby sometimes and he seems to always be fighting with Bridge to do what he wants it to do. Is it not such a great thing??? Enlighten me with your thoughts, please.

Thank you for all you do!



Do you use premiere elements? would you recommend it for YouTube (alittle on the intermediate/advance level)?


Another great video, I am more then happy with elements and plan on staying withit and lear i g as much as I can with your help.I did not see anythung that would make me want to pay a monthly fee for photoshop


There are some PS Elements plugins available that greatly extend Elements and add a good amount of PS CC functionality. One that comes to mind is Elements XXL.
