Triple Play: 3 New Quatrefoil Quilts with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star (Video Tutorial)

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Triple Play is a favorite tradition here at Missouri Star. Once a month, Jenny, Misty, and Natalie each demonstrate their own, unique spin on a favorite block, technique, or template. In this episode, the talented Doan ladies show off three fabulous new Quatrefoil quilts.

Jenny's Four-Patch Quatrefoil is a sea of 4-patches made with layer cakes. Her fabric is Pura Vida Batiks 10" Squares by Shayla Wolf for Anthology Fabrics.

Misty's Quatrefoil Shimmer mimics stained glass with bold contrast and a lovely secondary block. Her fabric is Arcadia by Pippa Shaw for Figo Fabrics.

Natalie's Blooming Stars quilt is as pretty as a garden, with fancy petaled quatrefoils throughout. Her fabric is Rose Lemonade Ten Squares by Wishwell for Robert Kaufman.

Get the supplies needed to make these projects by clicking the link below:

Missouri Star Quilt Co. provides free quick and easy sewing, quilting, and craft tutorials because we love to create. We offer these free online quilting classes to teach and inspire everyone—even the beginner. Precut fabric is used in most of our projects, and we have lots of tips and tricks to make quilting fast and simple.

Learn to sew with Jenny Doan as she teaches quilting tutorials from the heart. She’s the smiling face of Missouri Star Quilt Company! Stitching together simplified quilts full of love and laughter, Jenny makes quilting friendlier than ever before. With over half a million YouTube subscribers and more than 150 million views to date, she has sparked enthusiasm for quilting across the globe.

Missouri Star Quilt Company provides totally FREE quick and easy quilting, sewing, and craft tutorials every single week because we love to help you create! Follow along with these fun online classes to learn more about quilt design and quilting techniques. It’s an inspiration for everyone—from beginners to advanced quilters. To make quilting easier than ever before, precut fabrics are used as the building blocks of most projects. These quilt fabrics like layer cakes, charm packs, and jelly rolls make textile patchwork as easy as pie! Plus, we offer quilt patterns and quilting supplies along with gorgeous quilt material to simplify your experience. We hope you enjoy our quilting tutorials. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a single one!

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Рекомендации по теме

Natalie I almost always prefer your take on these triple plays! But it’s amazing to see the three takes on a block. I think you have a genius within you to bring out such creativity and am begging, can you please do more on the channel? I’d love to see you as frequently as we see Misty! Your biggest fan, Carly from the UK 🇬🇧


I am really appreciative of the contrasting diamonds in Misty's quilt


Missy, your quilt would be a GREAT REWARD QUILT for a Student who has been a Patrol for their School Friends (the orange and black fabric reminded me of of the SchoolPatrol Flag they use.



I love them all but Misty’s is my jam.


I made the quatrafoil quilt for a wedding gift. I like these variations too. Just wish Natalie picked a darker block for demonstration for us with older eyes to see it better.


Natalie wins best quilt of the day. The quilt is so pretty. I also like Jenny's and Misty's too. Happy Spring to you in Hamilton.


Love how you three support each other!


You three gals just tickle my heart!!!
Each one of you bring different ideas to the table. Each of you have a beautiful character. Misty you are very tender and positive. Natalie you are so sweet and always thinking ahead. JENNY you are fast thinking and always meaning well!!
I watch you three and miss one of the most beautiful people in the world... my dear mother n law. We always shared sewing ideas. Mom was amazing making dresses for the grand daughters and creating whole bedroom suits. She always inspired me. We had different sewing techniques and was opened to learn from each other.
Jenny my mind thinks like you and I find you so easy to follow. Thank you for the years of experience and ideas.💗


You all are so talented. Natalie! Wow!


The best people are listening to show so far so go


Hi Jenny,
Just wanted to say I am on a 700.00 a month disability pension and make extra money quilting. I have wanted an Oslo iron for years. After two years of savingni finally got one, I cannot tell you how happy something as simple as the missouri star branded Oslo iron makes me.( I also like e the Quattro quilt)


Jenny, such a small change that makes a huge difference from the original. I love your quilt. I haven't watched the complete video yet so I will probably be adding more comments.


My gosh Missy just love your design. Very very clever with the orange pop


Natalie, On your sample is so light I could barely see the contrasting fabric. I Loved the fabric your used for the quilt. Great job!


I need to clean my house but I saw that there's a new triple play. I have my priorities. The house can


I love the 3 ladies, 🇺🇸
Please people don't be so rude
From Australia 🇦🇺


Love all three quilts and love Nat's new hairdo!


I really love seeing Natalie's quilt because it shows how it looks with the matching squares. It might be interesting to see a triple play where you all used the same pattern but contrasted fabric. I also appreciated the suggestion of how to design when you only have one print in a layer cake. Sometimes I am drawn to a pattern. Sometimes I learn techniques. Sometimes I am inspired by the colors and fabrics. I always enjoy watching women support and encourage each other. Thank you


Hello ladies. Thy are so beautiful. I love them all.thanks for sharing ❤💕


All 3 quilts are beautiful. I couldn't pick a fav, so I will just have to make one of each. Triple the fun.
