My Favorite Budgeting App - A Tutorial (1 of 3)
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I’ve been compulsively keeping a budget since I was in college. My parents made it a mission to spend as little money as possible when i was growing up, so I guess some of that rubbed off on me. I'm also someone who loves systems, tracking things, and data -- so budgeting is a natural fit for me.
I use Mint for budgeting. I don’t use it to pay bills, I don’t use it to keep track of my investments, and I don’t use it to track or pay down debt. I only use it for monthly and annual budgeting. If you are looking for information on any of those other functions, you are not going to find it here. For me, here what Mint does in a nutshell. It:
* Takes all of the transactions from your checking and savings accounts and all of your credit cards and creates read only connections with each of these accounts. It then
* pulls in and consolidates all of your transactions in a single place
* allows you to categorize each transaction with the proper budget category
* allows you to create a budget
* does budget reporting by month or by a custom time interval
* allows you to export all of your transactions so that you can manipulate them outside of mint in a spreadsheet