Universal Render Pipeline in Unity 2019 – Overview & Tutorial

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In Unity 2019, we introduced a few changes to the Lightweight Render Pipeline, including a name change! It is now called the Universal Render Pipeline - but what exactly is it? How do you use the URP? Well let's check it out!

The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a prebuilt Scriptable Render Pipeline, made by Unity. The technology offers graphics that are scalable to mobile platforms, and you can also use it for higher-end consoles and PCs. You’re able to achieve quick rendering at a high quality without needing compute shader technology. URP uses simplified, physically based Lighting and Materials.

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I am actually just getting started with my first game. It's like the most intense boss battle ever.. not the game itself, just my experience of learning Unity.
With that said, the reward is enormous once things things fall into place. I'm working on creating some sort of smash 'em up featuring cute rabbits. Would be interested if there are any communities out there to help out and even to help with things like keeping motivation up etc. All tips are highly appreciated!


You missed the bit where it's not compatible with the LWRP post-processing stack, but the replacement doesn't support custom effects. I'm stuck with 2019.2 until URP is finished, and I don't mean "out of preview" or "production-ready". I mean actually feature complete, and not just some hasty marketing ploy to try and mask the awful fragmentation that's happening with Unity's technology stack.


Familiar faces all around me! Thanks for watching everybody, hope you enjoy! =)


Great video. I love how 4:33 post-processing is added, there is a lot of tweaking of different parameters and at the end 5:14 scene looks exactly like it did before adding the post-processing :D


I came across this video because I was just about to start a project for a 2D RPG and saw URP as an option - after seeing this overview (and another video regarding the lighting in URP), this sounds like something that would really make a huge impact! 😁


HUGE HELP for a Unity nub like me. I was watching videos on setting up LWRP, and then getting pink shaders. It really hampered my tutorial progress. Once I came across a link to this video was the answer. Thank you so much Unity team!


Switching from built-in to URP required some extra steps for me. the Lighting tab needed a lot of tweaks as the scene was way too dark and some of the materials and textures didn't convert, mainly probuilder stuff, so I guess if you don't use that, you'll be fine. Also, as mentioned below, no Lens flares?! (but I hear that's planned)


This is excellent! Rendering for mobile devices! Now I would like to have an easy way to reduce ressources (materials, sounds, unused assets ... ) for mobile devices.


I am using URP for my game... Thank you Unity for making such an amazing tool for us.


Universal RP sounds good, if Unity is really heading to that as their main RP (ShaderGraph, yay).


Would love to use URP, but I need a deferred render mode. Our project relies on a lot of independent light sources.


Love Unity. Addicted to game developing because of your Engine.❤️


For new projects in unity the option for 2d Universal Render Pipeline would be nice.
Using orth camera, 2d Renderer, 2d shaders as default and doing what ever else selecting a 2d project normally does.


Great work on the URP so far. Will be checking it out for VR to see how it goes. Our last test with LWRP didn't go smoothly with issues with rendering only for one eye. Crossing our fingers for a better experience. Keep up the good work.


You can't imagine how poorly this was documented by Unity. Your insight was a lifesaver and helped me to salvage a game I have worked for a long time on. Losing all my lighting data from Enlighten was crushing.


I used it for a project that has a lot of 360 videos. I chose this because it's supposed to be less resource intensive than the Standard Pipeline, but it turns out that it didn't really make a difference because biggest resource hog was playing the 360 videos. Those videos had eight times more pixels than 1080P video, so we were only able to play it on machines with dedicated graphics cards and integrated graphics cards that are capable of decoding 60-fps 4K. Even then, those integrated graphics cards had to use a 75% reduced resolution version of the videos.


URP doesn't support lens flare please fix that because image effects are so slow on mobile devices


We weren’t earlier in the week but we decided then that the benefits were just too great to ignore, your video has just confirmed we made the right decision. Thanks, would love to know even more... 😄


damn that close up sam looking delicious


Developers when try to update projects to 2019.3.1:
Shet here we go again.
